Show I Walter Leverenz Wants Retirement I STOCKTON r. Cal Ma March ch 25 I Business Manager Fred G. G Rivera Rivers of i the por Portland Coast dst it league baseball I team m announced n yesterday that t Wright an Oakland recruit southpaw r pitcher and Tinning a young joung right right- handed twirler from fron San Diego had hadI been released I Walter Leverenz holdout pitcher has asked that he be placed on the voluntary i i retired tl d da list l nb b but Rivers In in- in that no a action n will be ert taken by the Portland club Plans for tor active preparation to celebrate cele- cele brato brate opening da day dav here of the 1924 baseball season are being made In Portland The season leasOn in Portland opens April 22 with the Salt Lake team as visitors The meeting meeting- is to name a special subcommittee of twenty-five twenty persons to take charge of the opening days day's pro program m. m Owner John Sullivan of th the th Waterbury Waterbury Water- Water bury Shortstop t club lg Frank announced CI th the purchase from e t the of Portland Ore club last night Hunnefield played with Montreal last r season hitting for |