Show r r America Must Depend on Veteran Talent to Hold Track Track- and Field Laurels MURCHISON AND AD ANDRAY ADRAY RAY TO BEAR BIG LOAD Princeton and Holy Cross Present Ambitious Stars for Olympiad NEW YORK March 25 B By A A. P P.- P. America r must s sd d depend l largely on veteran veteran vet vet- fler ei d eran r talent to o retain a her track a and andfield andfield I field laurels in the Olympic games at Paris performances of ot the 24 1923 in indoor indoor indoor in- in door season indicate The outstanding stars of the season Loren Murchison national sprint champion and Jole Joie Ray flayS middle dIstance distance distance dis dIs- tance star star both were members of ot the tha 1920 OlympIc squad Ray flay won his first national mile championship in 1915 and Murchison his first national dash title In 1918 yet et they showed their heels to all comers In nearly all r of their starts Murchisons Murchison's keenest rival appears to tobe be Louis Clarke Johns Hopkins who set A new indoor yard mark Chester Bowman Syracuse flier filer and Boots Boots' Lever Le former Penns Pennsylvania l anla crack and Charley Chancy Paddock PROMISES TO BATTLE RAY Ray found his closest opposition in Lloyd Hahn Boston S A A. A A A. who three times 1 led Joe Jole to the tape ap and Schuyler c I ler Enck of ot Penn State Intercollegiate Indoor champion but the 2 year old old ear Chicagoan is still regarded as the kingpin The startling comeback of Abel who vho defeated some of the best of ot the younger stars in winning two middle distance championship races emphasized without detracting from Kiviat's showing a a. lack of exceptional exception exception- al new material Kiviat won the mile championship thirteen years eats ears ago and was a star in the 1912 Olympic I HOLY CROSS HAS STARS i Outstanding among he newcomers were TIerney and two Holy 1101 Cross youths The former set a n. new worlds world's yard vard record while Mulvihill Mulvihill I hill defeated a a. veteran campaigner Jake Driscoll to capture the national I yard jard ard championship Another col college coi- coi lege star George Marsters of Georgetown Georgetown George George- cOI 1 town new national yard 1000 titleholder titleholder title- title I holder flashed to the front while a fine crop of high hurdlers has raised i American chances of a sweeping triumph tri tn- tri tri- I In topping timber-topping at ParIs Pans I In t the l field l events i s the most P promIsing prom prom- ising of the tho younger stars ss s were Dean oer Brownell of ot Illinois who vho pore pole vaulted over thirteen feet to a new worlds world's record and Ralph Hills Hilts Princeton giant who won the tha national o shot put t V l title Veterans e such as Horace Osborne Os- Os borne borna and Dick Landon dominated the high Jumpers while Pat McDonald McDon McDon- ald aid who started winning Olympic championships In 1912 proved himself still among ong the best weight men |