Show Tenth Ward M. M L I. A. A To Present Play Mrs Urs Mrs bumpstead Leigh a comedy comedy- drama dram ranta In three thre acts ts will b be presented d dby by ty the th Mutual Improvement Association Association tion of ot the Tenth ward on Tuesday and Wednesday evening e March 25 ill illand 5 and 26 26 at 8 S o clock o'cloCk In the Tenth ward amus amusement ment hall hail Fourth South th I and add Eighth lIghth East streets The hG Th play liy Mrs Mrs B Bumpstead m st ad- ad Leigh Is a w well U known production and has gained great favor with all play lovers be because ause of ot its I intense tense and delightful entertainment Members M of ot the cast are Nina Viola Sheriff Anthony Anthony An- An thony Rawson elder son of ot Justin Raws Rawson n. n M M. Elroy n flush Bush sh Kitson Dan Davies Justin Rawson V WAllace llaC W W. I Dansie Geo Geoffry ry Rawson his yo younger nger son son Hyrum rum R Mi Miss s Rawson his sister ster Marguerite Mrs Stephen LeavItt Myrtle l Morph Morgan Mrs Bumpstead Leigh d Leigh Zora Le Mrs g lf Vf i MB Do Salie Geneve Reiser e e Violet De DeSalle DeSalle Salle Florence c I Haag Mr I Stephen t it Paul M H. r. r Baxter Peter l SWallow Shallow I low Ernest R R. Hansen The play Is Under the direct ct supervision of Robert Marshall Marsh |