Show holiday sermon A week of holidays is upon us this season of the year is u nally a happy one aside from the religions sentiment that halos it there is alaj a sweet recollection of joyous child-hood with the children it is a time of balancing accounts they want their better nature remembered that santa clans may reward them their naughty deeds they donld like to have forgotten aboy aro of course forgotten santa claus is the personi-ffiication of kindness and forgiveness he doaa not hold ought against any innocent nature and ho gladly remember all children this year he may not bo able to do so and it beems to us that santa gials loses many of his charms when neighbors are necessarily missed in his fatherly rounds it should bo the aim of charity loving people to make the hearts 0o1l oil little this pay season of the year there should bo no empty stockings no tiny heartaches from the bpaannggaa of poverty children should be al-lowed to feel euch miseries in life at their tender age poverty may be battled with later in life but it should not ba allowed to humiliate children we believe there ie charity enough among the people to see that this holiday sea-son is a happy one in all households in utah from ono end of the terr-itory to the other providence has smiled on the people and given them bounteous harvests the yield is BO large that need want there has been enough sugar produced to nil all baby stocking with candy and enough warm woolen manufac-tured at home to give each boy a warm jacket the coal combine has |