Show A nation Watch iii the nation is concerned in the attempted steal of the utah constitutional convention the large lapors m the eastern cities are devoting da voting columns tc utah commissions recount he impression is given that the utah commission Commis gion is foreign to the territory and a machine of attiq administration it was undoubtedly retained for some specific purpose when the republican legislature anted it abolished it seems to have been a part of the program to retain the commission and now it is serving democracy in a purely democratic style ane nation is watching the contest cont pst because of the important position that utah all at once occupies in the politics of the nation matters political have BO shaped themselves that the two senators from the new sante will hold the balance of power in the snata both national parties are therefore directly concerned in the contest furthermore the constitutional convention has the of dipti nt ing tha state under ihna the first legislature is elected which must frame the elorion el ocion laws and under those laws avill be held the presidential election in utah 10 1896 which devur controls the cou contention has therefore a tid in presidential out the cha gp in eastern papera th administration machine as ali moia sion 11 called is receiving 1111 ructions direct from grover cleveland and tha democratic national nati ocal committee how true thit charge ady be vre cannot fifty but it ic a probable thing the national democracy is much interested in the utah question as thi national m bath national p may yet have a hand in abo contest but on utah people dp voves tha the biou tha nation will watch to bee how thy meet the issue if they are submissive the shackles of political clavery may now be forged that will bind them for perhaps a generation and humiliate them before the nation if they act with the vim and resolution of free men no southern election methods will over carse utah we audgo by the temper of the people that they will act as free men should utah never will submit to unjust election conna |