Show awarded highest honors worlds fair MOST MADE A pure grape cream of tartar powder free from ammonia alum or any other adulterant 40 YEARS THE STANDARD dr prices cream baking powder awarded gold medal midwinter fair sn the U S goat reports show royal baking powder superior to all others A sure cure for pile itching are dy moisture like perspiration causing intense itching when warm thle form as well as blind or protruding yield at onca to dr pil remedy which acta directly on parta affected absorbs tamora allais itching and effects a permanent cure 50 acts oz mail circulars free dr bosanko philadelphia pa hold by 6 macleo Ma ileo the worlds fair tests showed no baking powder so pure or so great la leav balag power as the royal burlington jault burn clerical for 1895 applications for half fare clerical permits fur aronld be mada to the j not later than december 1894 W F mcfillan AN general agent room 11 over no W second south at asfalt lake city utah the important experiences of others ara interesting 1 the following Is no exception I bad been troubled with leai t disease 25 years much of that time very seriously for ave years I 1 was treated by ona physician continuously I 1 was la business but obliged to retire on account of my health A physician told my friends that I 1 could not lf 0 a month my feet and lamba were badly swollen and I 1 was indeed in a serious condition when a gentleman directed my attention to dr miles now heart cure and said that his sister who had been with heart disease had been cured by the remedy and was acala a strong healthy woman I 1 purchased of tho heart cure and in less than an hour after tauni the firt dobe I 1 could feel a decided improvement in the circulation of my blood when I 1 had taken three doses J could move my ankles something I 1 had not done tor month sand my limbs had been swollen EO long that they clemed almo it before I 1 lidd taken one bottle of tha new heart cure the swelling had all pone down ond o nd I 1 was so much better that I 1 did my own work on my recommendation six others are taking athla valuable remedy mrs morgan W harrlyn fat chicago III dr miles new heart cure a discovery of an eminent specialist in heart disease Is sold by all druggists on a positive guarante eor sen by the r miles medical co elkhart ind 01 receipt of price 1 per bottle six bottles for 5 express prepaid pre paid it la positively tree 41 op latea or drugs sold by all now we are ready for you our HOLIDAY GOODS adeall on exhibition IN MANY NEW LINES and all kinds and varieties VASES CHOICE BRIC A BRAC CELLULOID ORNAMENTS and abany handsome articles just M you W as te and plenty of toys foj the little ones s s m s ES S m ANSIS JONES AM A 0 prop to provo milledg co aad dealers in BRANDS OF FLOUR aio FEED wheat received on deposit custom grinding a specialty cash paid for wheat mill opposite union pacific dc p t D it BEEKE FREE DELIVERY AND CORN SHELLER THE SENATE MEAT MARKET keeps constantly on hind M paris N ap aadi ki FAT CALVES AND HOGS WANTED free delivery to any part of the city eutre sl bruy third door east of cosmopolitan JL l aros in appreciation of the valuable and liberal of our many customers in alie past we will give to every person purchasing fiefe one ticket free with every purchase of 0 ONE TICKET FREE WITH EVERY PURCHASE OF for the following elegant prizes 1 f P one ladys fine 14 carat solid gold fill d VATCH and CHAIN n ill i l warranted 20 years full jeweled aig l movement beautiful SOLID GOLD ar warranted ranted solid gold g old choice of finest pair of shoes in the stock ath choice of finest DRESS PATTERN md trimmings in store prizes to be given away at the STORE on ait ai 11 a m and to be conducted by selecta by alie public the following your careful attention HOLIDAY we are making SALE this the ul 0 io fair ier any this coulty DRY GOODS SHOES BLANKETS LADIES CLOAKS LADIES GENTS AND CHILDRENS UNDERWEAR ETC ETC at 1 y IE ashi w S VB r i la JS JL SJ REMEMBER our store is the place to buy your relative friend and sweetheart a useful I 1 and at the same time an inexpensive present for CHRISTMAS and NEW YEARS THE NEW Y UTAH T cr AT A aati JH a y y it will pay you to buy clothing for nv sr ja ai lg i |