Show GEN WILIIAM WILI IAM of the calvn ion arany is sixty six of age and is as active and vigorous as many men of thirty JAMES R COCKE a oston physician is perhaps the only aan iu the country who blind from infancy took up the i andy of ine dicine and excelled in its practice brysett HILL is a poor man according to the bew york herald aside from his albany residence which st twenty echt thousand dillar he is probably worth ten thousand dollars sin at fifty one is portrayed as a short necked thickset thick set beetle man with curly ahik hair mustache aid side he is somewhat stilted in manner and lias been composing for thirty live years MIL chamberlain is a most das and untiring speaker not infrequently he writes every line of a speech occupying perhaps four or tire columns of a newspaper the next morning ue then learns it oaf by heart word for word bullard Cul lard khov this liniment is ditl prent in composition from any other on tbt market it ie a sait discovery which results in its being the most penetrating ever known there are white imitations which may be recommended because they pay the seller a greater beware of these and demand ballards snow liniment it positively cures rheumatism Neura ligia sprains bruises wounds cuta sciatic and inflammatory rheumatism burns scalds sore feet contracted muscle stiff joints old sores fain in ack barb wire cute sore chest or throat and in especially beneficial in paralysis sold by smoot arne co S |