Article Title |
Jottings |
Type |
article |
Date |
1894-12-22 |
Paper |
Provo Daily Enquirer |
Language |
eng |
City |
Provo |
County |
Utah |
Page |
4 |
Creator |
Andrews, J. C.; Giles, Henry E. (Henry Evans), b. 1859 |
Contributors |
Independent (Springville, Utah); Richfield advocate |
OCR Text |
Show ROAD supervisors reports at skelton CO B GRANT simona of is visiting brovo trovo today TOYS and dolls dolls and toys in endless variety at T G Webber fl t CHRISTMAS candy at the best in town at the provo city bakery ane young people in Spring villo are preparing for a grand holiday festival ettle city hall aney intend embodying in it a banquet ball and entertainment in the way of songs and recitations FINEST line of perfumes fancy scapa brushes etc ever in provo at S moot drue co t feathers further reduced to per pound at gates furniture coa fe Barn dress ed windows are attraction NOVELTIES in dress trimmings pearl and dimps gimps at T G web bers A few baby carriages still left which we will sell at cost gates furniture company HAVE you seen those beautiful xmas presents at the excelsior MOST of the academy students have provo until the ath of january to spend the holidays at home BALL dresses ball dresses the latest shades and weaves at FINEST line of cream candies in the city at carl Oater lohs centra street between H and 1 SILKS from ac upwards in beautiful amades at T cr gebbers webbers Web bers THE stucco work at martins bank done by artist button is attracting attention A fine job is being dona the elegant gold watch and other presents that are to be given away by osterloh aba confectioner at his place of business january let 1895 room suits at 1600 at the gates furniture co TUB new york cash store ia fitted up with a tremendous dig stock of goods and business there ia immense WHAT are bros co introduce intro duc ing eo much furniture for this makes their third car in the last four weeks the fact is from lahi on the north to st george on the south people are continually ordering goods from the old reliable house sae their stock ALL kinds of produce wanted in ex chadee for woolen goods WOOLEN MILLS CO co are making three to five years farm loans 10 percent call on or write them at provo SANTA claua visited the pupils of the public schools at the parker school house last evening there were a christmas tree and and recitations FAMILY trade solicited goods delivered promptly dy the popular grocers bombard AT 0 D glaziers you can find a complete line of bucks stoves ia the line of heaters parlor stoves etc EARLIEST fruit and vegetables at boshard opposite post office THERE will bo a full rehearsal of chorba and orchestra tomorrow afternoon at the close ol 01 the meeting H E giles KINDLING WOOD for sale at provo city lumber co delivered to adv part of the city telephone 31 or P 0 box SILK from up warda at S jones A co s old stand t to rent on 0 street apply to evan corner G and ath street i is nothing special on the program at provo for christmas day there will be the usual dinner and dances in the evening JOHN M adne was in provo today he davs there was consternation among the democratic wh n the third precinct salt lake bal ot boxes were opened the man who stuffed the box have put those fifty ballots in beveral boxes I 1 ut he evidently blundered and put them all in one JUDGE said to an EE reporter today that he believed bali eved it Bible for such mistakes as developed by the recount to occur but never th elees he eaid the occurrence ia unfortunate for which ever tray the coulta decide the democratic party will he injured the mistake of course falls OD the party THE yellow quarantine flag at the residence of john G graham has been removed it was taken down today gilea gave one of lia popular childrens parties this afternoon it J the jolly little general agent of the provo waa in the county on last thursday and fridae and made ua a call richfield advocate THEY are determined to have prove the centre of the mii ic trad s in the naw state and bros co have been selected to them in a favi avs there will bd unloaded an entire car ot chicago cof age organs ic this city at prices and terms that all can afford to pay do you travel are yon a shipper the rand M nally railway cuitti and hand book conkins con ains all pertinent information aak your newa dealer t MR F dward aieleen Ni eleen a roid mith who haa recently arri veil fr im N arway and located in provo has a shop neat door west of store and can be belied on for good and efficient work in repining and replat ing kald and silverware ir you have a faw to spare it will you to cail and see that ful stock of chinaware silverware and crockery buet by boylor bros Co Provo this house is alao had h ad Quarters jor watches clocks and bewen iv SUNDAY services at the baptist church sunday school 10 am talk to the children 11 a m preaching service p m rho last found J C andrews pastor church sunday services cervices vices sunday school 10 a m christmas aarmon 11 a m junior league meeting 3 pm epworth league mee tinz evening berdice subject gambling at a funeral on christmas eve the Mapleton ians intend hadine a joyful tima great preparation a ars being made for a mammoth christmas tree at the meet ing house no one ia to be left out all children parents and everybody will be remembered with berne ciet from the tree an entertainment ct christmas recitations and pretty exercises suitable Bui table to the happy season will ba enjoyed independent AT the conal church tomorrow at 11 a m there will be a christmas sermon subject the babe of bethlehem 0 endeavor p m at pm there will be giyen the first in a adriea of lectures upon heroes of freedom wicklif the morning star of the reformation on monday night at p m the sunday school will hold their christmas festival with christmas tree everybody welcome S pastor some oay somewhere will make a better piano than the emerson up to this year of grace 1894 nobody has done so the emerson piano makes no false creten preten pea claims no intangible merit the things everybody wants in a piano are an artistic case a fall rich tone action and a guarana iee of durability to these features the emerson adds that of reasonable price sold for cash payments or rented by broe 0 o provo independent makes the following murmur vya have heard nothing from the salt lake phony orchestra ns yet in regard to paving thair printers bills they went off like the man who was behind in his hotel bill in the still wee hours of the night we will know who to work for baxt time it wag the aade in provo it pays to patronize patronise patr onise home ma any oae who has children will rejoice with LB mulford of plainfield N J his little boy biye years of age was sick with croup for two daya and lightn he tried various remedies recommended by friends end neighbors he bays 1 I thought sure I 1 would lose him I 1 had seen chamberlains coign remedy advertised and thought I 1 tn it as a last hope and am happy tj eay that alter two cosea be until morning I 1 pave it to him next day and a cure was effected I 1 seep this remedy in the now and as eoon ai anny of j my children show signs of croup I 1 gian it to them and anat is the last ot it 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by smoot drug co t THE beautiful little holiday souvenir issued by graham fe barnes of TUB job department has reached us it has a concise and very interesting historical sketch of utah county givah its resources resource a manufactures etc and ia an official directory of tha beever 1 cities cuts of leading men of the nation appear on the several pages and artistic of the leading utah county business establishments |
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