Show I 1 S V M LAWYERS IS 14 and 15 Union Block provo CITY UTAH mm ATTORN bya AT law ban building PROVO UTAH SAMUEL A KING ATTORNEY IT luy rooms 5 and 7 bank building PRO VO UTAH J W H AT LA W booma 11 and 12 corn and savings bank building PROVO CITY UTAH JOHN AT LAW excelsior block up et aira PROVO CITY UTAH J F HOYES M D physician and surgeon excelsior block over pyne A mairena Ma ibena drue store PROVO UTA H E attorney at law room 9 bank building PROVO UTAH D D HOUTZ AT lair booms 4 and 6 bed smoot block UTAH S K KING lawyer office ia martin bank alde PROVO UTAH W B SEARLE CIVIL ENGINEER irrigation and vater power prans special city surveyor of prove deputy TJ S mineral office at court mouse UTAH adorney AT law collection agency offida bank building PAYSON CITY UTAH ROBERT attorney AT luy rooms 4 and 6 reed smoot block PROVO CITY UTAH R G architect and superintendent corner M and ath 81 PROVO office hours 9 to 12 a m 2 to 4 p m A me cur fain MD adso office palace biece residence 2 blocks baet bank corner no 45 office no 28 PROVO UTAH T T DAVIES ARCHITECT office at M between 7 and PROVO CITY urah SAM landscape sign painter OTAH V and jtb PATENTS asi t erwis awk i art a patell in tho 11 b air the kourts proc attly aa 1 pr buted apon or in biake c reeni nation and ari alsa aj ol 01 across fran am arit ani octo fany in personal chiri have au porOT ta facil lUf tor u aai Dra capr arr 0 at olio Cf to ni arf in otc etc nott cst yem 0 o tuh J R LITTELL V ithol and attorney in patent causes WM hington D 0 opposite IT 8 potent J D JONES attorney at law in thurman office bank building PROVO CITY UTAH DR W gallman gates block provo cily utah rainless dentistry a specialty by abu celebrated Odou method no GIB ehtier or chloroform Es adapted to persona buffering troja bicart or lung trouble all warranted S H ALLEN B U W ollice at brick houett 1 blace eat ot lu bernacle PROVO CITY UTAH F H SIMMONS and surgeon office B block rooms 1 2 and 0 t K tt L knowlden k jones general hire and life INSURANCE P 0 BOX 11 PROVO FF REED dentist SH TO all modern instruments instrument a for th practice of operative ano prosthetic DENTISTRY artificial CROWNS AND BRIDGE WORK A lykam work room block provo B 58 combines every element of aa beauty and purity it is j I 1 tying soothing healing health J ful and harmless and when j I 1 rightly used is invisible A most r delicate and desirable protection to the face in this climate insist upon hamiag it IS abr and PROVO CITY UTAH capital reed smoot prest D T clark preat john jones jaag A bean roger farrer E R Eldr eilee L shilla SH illg J R general babbin business transacted 5 per cent interest on savings depos ts compounded four times a year AND ALL KINDS OB MUSICAL INSTRUCTS AND fiU GHiNES tuning and repairing Je pairing done on the shortest notice leave orders at taylor bros furniture store ANDREW SWARD THE tir tows EIGHT PAGES TUESDAY AND FRIDAY sisreen PAGES EVERY WEEK belond alt comparison the basest bi sest heit he it and news and family journal in america partok ONE DOLLAR A YEAR will be sent FIFTEEN FOR ONE DOLLAR to any reader of this paper not bew a subscriber to ina THIS BLANK MUST BE to secure benefit of this extraordinary ordinary offer ha ani it io worth three months free fill in your name lull II 11 all poet office and diate and mail with ONE DOLLAR al suii aft bodt otyce or money onier or letter DIRECT TO CO st louis mo hample copcea of will be sent fre on application order to GLOBE blunting flUN TING CO st louia mo herewith find 1 00 for which rand to given below THE GLOBE twice every week for FIFTEEN aa ner your special offer to readers of published at troyo city butali hame of subscriber hobt office state ba sure to use this blank it is worth three months frae subscription as pioneer newspaper of central and southern utah IN ITS NTY SECOND YEAR only daily paper south of salt lake containing the telegraphic news of the world vigorous aggressive and fearless our semiweekly semi weekly edition circulation throughout all the counties comp aag cje first judicial district than all other peris combined the y is the oran of attali republicanism protection and the ei of home industries for terms of b see top of first column on second page pure safe prompt sure pleasing speedy porous is all this and more too the best external remedy known for every form of ache or pain resulting from colds coughs sprains strains rheumatism or neuralgia never be with any but ALL COCKS be not by misrepresentations Allcock 3 corn shields All cocks bunion shields have no equal as a relief and cure for corns and bunions brandreth s pills relieve indigestion indie estion bowel liver and kidney trouble absolutely pure meat market re iu Boeh opposite poet foica choicest meals ia send in your orders delivery prompt conr old patrons are invited to renew acquaintance best of treatment guaranteed mm BEDS mgr SAYINGS BANK main st salt lake city open saturday evenings from 7 to 8 5 pei cent interest paid on deposits of or more and compounded four byear TITLE TRUST CO capital f full paid J E DOOLY president W S mc Oa KNicK vice president A L THOMAS secretary and cashier zions savings bank and trust company sail lake iiii allah NEW SERVICE TAKE 1 l G H ily evanine train leaville Lea vilie provo 8 50 p m connecting daily with burlington ROUTE train no 2 at denver lor omaha kansas jita st L uie and through pullman sleepers Slee pera free reclining chair cars Dining Cars A la carte secure lickers lick ets at RG wey office R F nealen W F mcmillan trat pass abt general room 11 over no 10 VV bouth st salt lake city utah IF YOU AKE GOING JL 0 CITY ST LOUIS or any point east find to enjoy a daylight ride through the grandest scenery of tha rocky moun pure to aarfor a ticket that reads via ane H 9 W n fl un ji ko Ti cirome rome layovers Lay overs close connections in and positively the quickest route B to the great rivers and atlantic seaboard and thoroughly modern equipment and reclining chair cars iu which the beatt are free to holders of regular train tickets call on or address S V OER RAff commercial freight abt room 21 block salt lake OR U general st louis mo california bakery has j ast opened up next door to department part ment we solicit a continuance ti nuance of the patronage of our old and new friends fresh bread pies and cakes every morning LAWRENCE JOHNSON A ft y al 3 5 reas J practical blacksmith fegans and buggies repaired Ke paired horse shoeing etc etc H H anop I 1 street one block north of depot CITY UTAH oaN AMSK mm ORDERS SOLICITED PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES satisfaction guaranteed first door east of coop co op store estimates and designs furnished upon application T UTAH AND society SOC IETi WILL SELL YOUR FRUITS BERRIES vegetables POTATOES HONEY FISH GAME STOCK HORSES HAY AND GRAIN it will pay yon to call at their office streets Pro on aej of the c fabers facers for any information desired ko middlemen to take a large profit if we sell for yon P II 11 boyer evan arida provo beof lake view D M smith pleasant grove john miller spanish fork george D aneil fork W H belaey Springy ille pres thos leonard vice prea F J covert secy J E booth freaa y A KILO PHYS ONE PILL FOR A DOSE mox nent oath awn arti dy notary no iAry tai cleao supply fal loca lo ca w they c ra bs isi efa iad i lr co af ca ST 31 cai li neluie rip nor a aces uces a do tc co int roi of merits r ill joau sr rl free cr fait tx for 25 cna io aed ca 7 sold hv iv e AL S att sf arr ayt 6 tl sil cure for otence OM a hord a ws fai la missions y s 0 mem ac W g maae a vigor oua aa itce 6 1 fiam 5 00 go gif ar afon j i ci 6 ii Ail fress tta EU abt t 3 2 io 10 i 1 u basalt nA SAlt MO rrok i rings lamp nut castle gate lamp 4 75 aitla gatet nut pleasant Plea ant valley aa 1050 ner ton extra 17 cliot effii T amie mcben s drug qt iii oes LOOK OFT FOR big stock of holiday goods eles cinti tic illy adjusted to all II 11 1 rrt IOTO IO TO manufacturers ol 01 and dealers in titre filhiol PT abo A quality guaranteed Cuaran teed coss sigid r bozsa caza J W HOOVER IF YOU WANT information ABOUT ADDRESS A OK TO TRIE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY JOHN wedderburn managing attorney 0 box washington D C honorably discharged soldiers and sailors who served ninety over in the late war are entitled if now partially or wholly disabled for ordinary manual labor whether disability was caused by service or not and regardless of their pecuniary circumstances such soldiers and sailor sare entitled if not remarried death was anc to army service or not if now dependent upon their owa labor for support widows not dependent upon their own labor are entitled if the soldiers death wag due to service CHII are entitled if under sixteen years in almost all cases where there was no widow or she has since died or remarried PARENTS are entitled if soldier child provided soldier died in or from of service and they are now dependent depend tnt upon their own labor for support it makes no difference whether soldier served or died in late war or in regular army or navy soldiers of the late war pensioned under one law may apply for under oth laws losing any rights thousands of soldiers drawing from 2 to 10 per month under the old law are entitled to higher rates under new law not only on account of disabilities for which now pensioned but also for others whether due to service or not soldiers and sailors disabled in line of duty in regular army or navy ain cathe war arc alo entitled whether discharged for disability or not survivors and their widows odthe black hawk creek cherokee and or florida indian wars of to 1813 are entitled under a recent act mexican war soldiers and their widows il sixty two years of age or aisa blea cr dependent old claims completed and settlement obtained whether pension has been granted later laws or not rejected claims reopened and settlement secured if rejection improper or illegal certificates of service and discharge obtained for soldiers and sailors ot the late war who have lost their original papers send for laws and information no charge for advice no fee unless addris Add THE PRESS COMPANY JOHN wedderburn managing attorney PO box washington D |