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Show Federated Women s Clubs Make Plans iFor Annual Art Tea April 28th Spring and the Art Tea are synonimous in the ; Minds of most Federated Club Women of Springville-r,A Springville-r,A this season is no different. When the first buds begin to open, plans get underway for this annual event which is a highlight on the social calendar of the city and a "major art function. func-tion. The tea this year will be conducted con-ducted on Saturday, April 28, at the Art Gallery from 3 p.m., to 6 p.m., and invitations have gone out to all federated clubwomen of the state to attend. Also special invitations have been sent to the wives of leading state and city officials as well as other special guests. The theme of the Art Tea this year is Spring Fantasy and decorations, dec-orations, refreshments and other details of the event will be carried out in keeping with a general spring theme. Mrs. Frank Crandall of the Jeune Mere club is gen. chairman of the Tea. Mrs. Ethel Christopher-son, Christopher-son, Pari Passu: Club, is invitation chairman, being assisted by Mrs. Philda Finley of the Mothers Study club. In charge of refreshments is Mrs. Wilford Clyde of the Alpha Beta club and she will be assisted by Mrs. Dave Reynolds, Jeune Mere club; Mrs. Earl Cook, Home Culture; Mrs. A. E. Jacobsen, Ladies Lad-ies Literary Club, Mrs. Anna Ost-lund, Ost-lund, Pari Passu Club; Mrs. Hat-tie Hat-tie Williams, Mothers Study; Mrs. Laura Alleman, Aureole Club and Mrs. Dave Thomas, Cultural Arts club. Mrs. Madge Thorn of the Ladies Lad-ies Literary Club is in charge of decorations and her assistants include, in-clude, Mrs. J. M. Sumsion, Mothers Moth-ers Study Club; Mrs. Sterling Price, Alpha Beta club;' Mrs. Catherine D. Wills, Home Culture club; Mrs. Marie Whiting, Jeune Mere club; Mrs. Florence Roylance, Pari Passu club; Mrs. George Bird, Cultural' Arts club; Mrs. A. C. Chader, Aureole club; Mrs. Ronald Thorpe of the Home Culture Cul-ture club is directing publicity. The program committee is composed com-posed of Mrs. Beulah. Whiting of Mothers Study club, assisted by Mrs. H. M. Weight of the Alpha Beta club; Mrs. Elmina Madsen, Jeune Mere club; Mrs. Mary Ann Lawrence, Cultural Arts club. Mrs. Blaine Clyde of the Cultural Cul-tural Arts club is chairman of the tables and dishes committe and will be assisted by Mrs. Esther Johnson of the Aureole club; Mrs. Veryl Thompson, Provo, of the Pari Passu club; Mrs. Naomi Na-omi Thorn, Jeune Mere club; Mrs. W. R. Eddington, Home Culture club and Mrs. Theora Peterson, Cultural Arts. Club ladies to assist Chairman Amy Klauck with the reception and Mrs. Mary Friel, serving chairman, chair-man, are yet to be appointed. |