Show FL SImS f The R G Ey Is celling tickets tn ManU and roturn fur one dollar Spanish Foilr Republicans assisted J jentlyatlho Sprlngvlllo rally Tuca day evonlnj A M Tho Populist candidate for nov urnor Mr Lnwroncc will dsrnss his party nrlnilpalca nt thn pnvllllon noxt VcdnnsdHy evening It A couple of phntoxrnphcni are In town this week taking views of the business houses and ubjccts of interest generally about town > I < Tho Coop store linn an ad in this Issue of THE IlrniAii We hupc won to he nblo to iiroRtiib tile unnouncr manta of every business house In Spanish Fcrk THE HERALD was in error lust week InInline that Miss Annie Gardner visited at Provo last Sunday evening Miss I Gardner ww the truest of her friend Mhs Groosbrck at Sprlugvillo r k This citY waR nearly depopulated last Sat uiduv and Sunday the citizens and their families flnCkhiK to Salt Luke In lurge numbers ilii rallroflds I cut the rotes to plercs and havu not yet succcded In pitching them up j t < Jl Hero is the way m cxolnnge understands under-stands tlio LOW flame law Houk ngpiitH may be killed from August 1 tc Ootiber Ij spring ones from March ui t July scandal uwul ers from Juuiary 1 to December Inclusive umbrelhij i bnrroweis from Ftbruury 1 to May > mid from August to November Open season all the year round on life insuianee agcns and foIuws fllm borrow bor-row their ncljhbnrrt iapors II < Eer and anonand more cpeclnl ly ever we see notices of artlclcs fur sale lost strayed or stclun w Itten out and posted up In places more or less h Uu uL conspicuous and ornnmutnal Drill em to tliIB ofllce have elll printed and thereby make the editor feel that lite Is worth living Itsa part of our bushier to print such things for nub In consideration of 5 cents per lIno Are you wise Then a word to you Is lufllcicnt II < < Isnt it about time the Republican dram corps organized again A men bor of organization in an Interview Inter-view with the cditir staled that he han stayed with them as lone us he could but had now retired After awhile a-while sue he they ROD so they wanted to play tuucs and su I had to quitcm I can drum with the best of them but Its this new fanned notion of having tunes that queers met We are in a position tonypitlnzc with tile hid Wn once left I a church choir for that reason The leader tom us that If we werent going to follow the air of the piece we nctdnt sing 1 day Tlfpro We of course then got mad and 411 It |