Show RECOGNITION OF CUBA Concerted Action by American Republics Re-publics Proposed New York Oct 7A special to the Herald from Washington says There Is discussion In political circles here over the possibility that all the American Ameri-can republics may In the future act Jointly In the recognition of the belligerency bel-ligerency of the Cuban Insurgents PanAmerican representatives here have been anxiously waiting to see what Secretary Olney will do and tho suggestion has been Informally made to the department that It would be a good plan for the United States and all the South and Central American countries to act in concert either as to the recognition of the Insurgents or as to the independence of Cuba whenever when-ever the proper time arrives I has already been reported that Mexico and Venezuela have declined to grant belligerent rights I this be the case the representatives of the lespoc tlve countries In this city have not been advised of It I Is admitted by those concerned however that the Insurgents musi make greater headway before It will be entirely safe for the United States or any other republic to recognize them The proposition for Joint acton Is based upon the possibility of Insnrgen victory In engagements which are likely like-ly soon to occur |