Show CHURCH AND StATE In an ndltorlal tins week the Dcscret News reviews as follow tho Church and State problem na It uppoan In u Vermont town Accordlnif tea Nee England paper HIP pastor of a Congregational church at Hartford Vermont It 1 required not only to preach tho uospol of thin Bible aI ho understands it pa Sunday bur also to practice tile temporal gospel according to the McKinley bill on week day The Intent Incumbent of the pulpit aforesaid understood to luivo given excellent fatlsfuctlor iu all Ills Sabbatn day exhortations and homilies he curried no politics Into his discourses Iud UlUionph ho took the office In answer to an advortlsoi mont cnlllntr for A pastor who was young mauled and a Republican he managed to please all who eat at Ins fcpt lnoluriinir Democrats Populism and AP As It has gradually leaKed J Jut however through Inquiries instituted in-stituted by a woolen manufacturer of tOo town that the preacher voted furS fur-S Clcvulund In 1892 The result is that large motion refuse to contribute to ins salary and others who license limo pf hypocrisy or falsehood have quitted his iheepfod until he shall be relu red r-ed from He charge There to lie no bberctun or compulsion employed tr MI effect his retirement huthls congrcga tlo has dwindled perdcntlbly In num bVr Xftnrt he U In a fair way of being jalarVeli out 1 Wn re far to the incident not aD much to IIhoY that the phrase church Iltld state f urntehcs a text for politick f1 ilIlICUSl101I in nuffly places beside Utah as to surest uKjt IL mtii who lr i hired to preach cannot l ry well complain com-plain If compelled to prenc I trhat his mailers pay him for ohtf who divines for money 19 undershsipd to waite his theology and his oratory c ceptalile to bin employer Unless 0 great Influence and reputation ho dare not for he cannot afford to say unpopular un-popular things to thorn or In any way excite their displeasure Ileneo the subserviency of thc modern pulpit ex pept In rarecases bunco the bar rennefs the lack of vigor and spirit ho sound and tlnkln Inatrad of the lib and force of ajcallcd Christianity as P cached In the teoturlun world td lay Yet the Incident as narrated ll1J 1 unpleasant Its llliheraltty While thn Vermont deacons have a right to demand candor and truth ns to the qualifications of any hired man they choose to advertise for did runy think themselves deceived by the l 1atcit one employed it scums unduly severe to I begin punuhlng him now for a vote cu thtec years nits and 1whtSli In all hl1mllll 15113 hl1VO lung s1nr rr l1tJntedor |