Show DURRANIS ALIBI SMASHED His Chair was Occupied by Another Student San Francisco Oct 5Tho prosecution prosecu-tion In the Dutianl case Is said to have in Its possession evidence that vvill finally shatter the last remnant of tho alibi which Dnrrants attoincys havo attempted to prove W H Dorr a student stu-dent In the Cooper Medical college sat alongside Durrant at the lectures When examined with the other mem herB ot Durranis clans Dorr testified that he did not know whether Durrant was present at the afternoon lecture on April 3rd or not DOors father who Is a prominent physician Informed the police however that In his own home and to the mcmbciH of his own family young Dorr stated that on time afternoon after-noon of April 3rd Durranis neat was occupied by a student named 13 Barry Ho added that the Student who that afternoon nnswetedto Durranis name occupied one ofme rear teats In the classroom Tb communication made In his own fafniiy was not accompanied nlY by any Injunction of secrecy I was not untUall the students including Dorr lud on the witness stand denied knoviedgc of the Impoitant fact of DuviswtH piiSince or absence that tnW who hud hearth tho story con uded to communicate with the DIs It Is that rkl Attorney I II presumed Don In common with other of Dur antn fellow students deslied ua far Itudcnts u lan1l relow former C I ar possible to Protect their laHsmate and so avoided answering clall1nntte Kitlnent questions by lospondlng I I don t know II Is now considered lecaiieu 10 certain that Dorm will ue recalcu he ntand and icqulied to tell all tho truth concerning the events In the col loge classroom on the fatal afternoon ot April 3rd BARNES tENirS IT District Attorney Barnes ayBthera Atorno is no truth In the published Btatement that student Doir ot thfc medicalcol lege heard another student juriwnr for at roll call on present or purrant rol CI AprIl 3rd |