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Show The LOCAL BREVITIES. r - Wj.vdl.'JEX City Cctwil Meetlnj. ' dto The regular meeting of the City I n. J. Moitenscn lias opened a store The R. G. By. Is selling tickets to SPANISH FORK. UTAH. DEALERS IN Council waa held Tuesday evening. on the bench. Us carries a line of Mantl and return for one dollar. L were rson.aud Thera j present Mayor stove repairs. ' Councillors Argyle, . Smith, Bankr, j Mgr. Spanish Folk Republicans awistfd Bowen and Hanses. . Spanish Fork Democrats swelled llie Manuf cetnrers of the beet broom cn the market.1 attendance at the Luke Shore meeting gently at the Springville rally, TuesFeilcns were received fiom John line I day evening. Wednesday night. Beading and lomi notice Are cent per Rozkhlll end J. G. Jeneen, asking for a All kinds Season. Produpe handled each Insertion. Display advertising rates made General John Q. Cannon reduction of the rate of liquor licenses. I Adjutant known upon application. - - UTAH. The Populist candidate for gov ' 'he state of SPANISH FORK will be l'eis tomorrow to inspect troop trade, they ?lalm, does pot Subscription rates, K per year. Mr. ernor. will d'srnss his Lawrence, rats. warrant llreuse the U. 1st Car. present N. B, rates. high G. Legal and Job printing at lowest living A petition from John Roekhlll asking next C C. Richards, of Salt Lake, will patty principals at the partition for a retail liquor license for tha term I Wednesday evening. of three mouths was received and the rt i YVh'TIbPi! p luncioMiwan aaaressat the Deuucratis 1 license granteJ. meeting In the pavi lion tonight. A couple of photographers are In A prtltltn from Mrs. P. II. Marsh for I A marriage license has been taued town this week simp I DEALERS taking views of the slleeoFovo establish a millinery re-- 1 was term "months three for to lbs Andrew if or this 41, Crump, aged city, business bouses and objects of interest The Union Pacific Syste: jetted, as no license may, by ordinance, ajid Elizabeth Laot, aged 85, of generally about town. be tanrd for less than six months. ' CAB UNI. I THROUGH TBl Payson. the finance committee on I Co-othe of 1883 the Ths'tlectlon Judges for tbs Spanish city recorder, jnstlee The p store has an ad. in this reports Local Tim Card In effeet Aug. 18, SHINGLES,; U0ULDING3, ETC. ehief of police, marshal, Fork precfoi't are as fullovjfs: John issue of Tin Hebai.d. Webopesuon of the peaee, and wrre received eextuu ponndksepcr Bound North South Bound Jones,!).. John Moore, D.Vnd Geo.A. to he able to present the and aeoepted. A report of tha comSPANISH FuRK UTAH. Arrive STATION'S bouse !n mittee on streets, alleys and irrigation meats of erery Leave Hicks, It, 4:35pm Salt Lake CltjT Sr. 16am was also received and accepted, W. E. Lawson has been transferred Spanish Fcrk. 4:06pm F7:41am Randy A bill or Peter Rlgtrnp In tha sum of 6:6Upm Lebi Junction S:16am I I:t0rm from this plane to Fairfield by ill $11.80 for printing was allowed, aud one American Fork S:Ham was error week last S:1Spm Union Pacific. Mr. ThiIIebald in on Pleasant Grova S:S2am committee the from public grounds I Graigen, of Provo, 2:90pm Provo 8:66am for $8.24 was aleo I Miss Anule Gardner in end that property t:SSum city dating this station. Fork gets Spanish S:l4am S:17nm a! lowed and appropilstlons for bath PSvann 9:S2am Another RepuDHcan rally will take risited at From lust Sunday evening. made. l:Mpn 10:66am Nrphl 1!:4Rmp Alisa Gardner was the guest of her 11:16am Oilier appropriations were mede, as :lace at the partition next Friday 18:6nnm 11 36am Leave f friend at Uta Gmesbeck, 6prlognlA For chief of police, $U5 50: for B.Ztaip follows: Oaala S:06pm evening. Some of lho Ttah county 6:SHam 7:10pm marshal, $40; for contingent fond, $25. 6:16am candidates will hold forth. 12X1 iiSK 7:60pm 4:00am was neur'.y depopulated Tbs nsnsl appropriations fur cffiesrs'l This Frisco 9:40pm were also made. DanielW. Jcrtes gave a lecture at last Satcity' uidar and Sunday, the citizens fees Motion was made that the committee I Trains south of Jusb run daily except Sunday the puviUion Tnesday svening.alscnb-in- g to to families Salt and Chicago ttclr flocking nn jndlclsry drew np an amendment to Thioush Pullman Palace Sleeper fiis plan for the opening of a part Without change. Improved Tour rt Sleepers. railroads The in Lake numbera. the ordinance in regard tot Ulcers' re' large coyheg. of the Uintah reservation to settlement Free reelinipg chair ears. Rlegantday Dining car seivtae. ports, lustiueting those rffieers who now and rates to not cut have the The only line operatingrasranx pieces, unn o all by a eoluny of whites. A great deal or : nwoaxssx ad report at the f nd of the yesrtome WOIHTS ASX. interest Is manifested und Mr. Jones yet succ'eded in pitching them op. I their reports quarterly. Carried. CALL AT D R. BUHLBY, Gen. Agent Passenger Dept. will get a large number of signers to A:j3irnid. XU Main St., Salt Inks City. City Ticket Once, under-Tiers an the is way cxchsnge Fork. j hli petition in our city. W. E. LAWSON, Agent, Spaniak Did Yen Read It! stands tne Lew game law: Book R. H. H. Clabk. Allen John the Taylor, W. Mibb, Oliver 1 The Capital City Commercial college I E. ELLBRT ABDBMOB, son of Ur. and Mrs. Alfred Taylor died agents may be killed from August tq JOBB W. DOAMB, October 1; spring poeli from March id has s card in tMs paper offering Initrue-tioWednesday noon, from thseflect utan , Ehbdbick R. COPDSRT. free to a number of persons, Did Receivers from January t attack of scsrlet fever. The little July: scandal upngera read It? you 31 w r rrttfAZ. Gen. Pan and Ticket Agent. to December Inclusive: umbrella e! DICKINSON. Gen- - M6r , Omaha, Nebraska fellow had been ill for abontsix weeks. borrowers from February 1 to May I The fiepubUcu J&ally. Their many friends will deeply eym. od from August 1 to November 1 pathize with Llit afflicted parents. The Republican candidates could carry Open season all the year round ou lire with them very comfortably ell awsy insuisnce agents and follows who borThe Tight the enl Inspiration they received hope row their neighbor'd Papers. " Special round trip rates to Dallas via here last Tuesday afternoon. Spanish the Union Pacific. For the Corbett- - Fitz-- 1 vinunons Fight, Oct 81st. 1885, the rate Ever and anon and more especial- fork Republicans, than he .to the manipulations of John C. Graham, as a party will be 812.50 tor the round trip. Suiting we see notices of articles fu date Oct ;C and 27. Tickets to carry ly ever are very nearly turn t this fall. The transit limit of tour days in each direction sale, lost, strayed or stolen w ltten nut eaodldatea felt the lack of the cuetomary I with final and posted up In places moieor less Spanish Fork enthusiasm aud it seamed limit of November i)tli, lfcUj. conspicuous and ornamental. Bring to dampen their ardor somewhat. ' Pullman Slw.jcr and TlufTc t to the A Democratic correspondent PURELY PERSONAL. by em to this office, have 'em printed and Trains. Curs uu all Through J with the Salt Lake Herald sends tne following Wm. D. Hughes is in Salt Lake to- thereby make lho editor feel that life account of tbs affair to that sheet, and Timo Table Xu. 21, In f fleet Uaifh 61, IN CapitaL city Is worth living. It's a part of our It is submitted for what ltu worth; Easf Unuiui. day. MtutTim College' Weal lloUlld ' "The Republican travelling troupe cf "1 anil Pus to business such fur Mixed things print Our El. t. 11 H Gio. Robertson is In Scofield this T Adotrliit Cotttgt and singers held S. E. j, in consideration of 5 cents per lino. campaign speakers la- - dj a 9:65 mil 5:5lu week. will We rive course of 2n'eloek new thorough at l!orth stour pavilion 3:65 pm Direction In double and siugle entry ; Are yc-i-i wise? Then a word to you Is am 6:4Upio yesterday. H. M. Well, James Chip-ma- n, and commercial Arllh - bi dance A :! will 1: 15 am 6:63 inn Sprumvlllo be In NuLtall's and given sufficient. A. Hatch. Jr., F. J. Cannon metle by mail, tm M ekucs, to a limn- - ja H:j . mu 3:aipiu S:6uam 6:4S pm SpnnlHhli'urK 8:06am hall ed of number 2:Seiu Salem perwoua Tills counts W at C. E. Allen were the speaker. Tha first 6:66 am 6:56pm tonight. luy sou will be completed In 40 leuona, No r.liupin and the CIS am S:iAum Kureka named three spoke, gentlemen IJ:45 Ernest Scovil. of Springville. 'was pm charm for diploma. Address M niiiiioiU 6:: am Isnt it about time the Republican singers rendered firs selections all In ,y, i i.Xi urn S:m pm am 12; A) pm rs 11:25bui bCXipiu Silver City 8:15 POMMERCIAL visiting In our city. Wednesday. dram corps organized again? A men. thirty-fiv- e minutes. They were followed CAPITAL ; Lollsqr , F, x. W adleioh. Uen. Iaas. auu Ticket Agent, Frank said In an inter by Cannon and Allen. of bar that Frank organization of Davis Davren, the . Uen. Mar. County D. bills more p. Drawer bad vetoel a b. view with the cdit.ir stated that be Grover Cleveland Topeka, Kan. ' V H. II. Hancock, Tiafllo Mgr., Balt Lwtecity r. hoik, Agent, bpaniah Fork. Nurseries, was lingering In town Mon had (fraudulent peuaion bills) than all other as as with he them long Demottayrd day. presidents pat together; said the Edward C Adams, representing could but had now retired. "After a cratic platform waa an insult to the " he, "they got so they people; its tendency wee to stir np the Bradiireets agency., was in town while, to the wanted to play tuues, and so I had to old party strife in Utah; referred yesterday. old ehsstnnt story of ballot box stuffing gAUCEL COKNABY, em. I can drum with the best In Sanpete; Bald that protection and tbe C.F. Warren, travelling Freight quit of them, hut Its this anew fang'ed restoration of silver ran iogether; so onr Public, Auditor of the A-- , T. & 8. F, By, was notion of having tunes that queers only hops was in hie party. town la on business Monday. 'Ur. Allen she scored et Pmldent MONEY LOKNDED ON me." We are in a posili .in to sy pith lze Cleveland for his financial policy; the We and once left a church burden of City) wKhtnelad. Meets Mapleton bending would rest upon onr . Inrsitlgsts- for that reasun. The leader toTd shoulders and those of onr children. choir AGENT ? TIBS LONDON, Ihe more fully people Investigate Mr. us that if we weren't INSURANCE gumg to follow He strangely disagreed with the Repnb Jones tax and a was tiriff llean that for COMPACT, a proposition theory getting colony the air of the piece we uei dnt sing SPANISH tort. the foreigner paid It. If true the bnrden Office xt planted on the Uintah reservation the liny rticre. We, of course, then rcJuncj, one Bk. oast of Co-o- p got wouldn't amount to mnoh. more confidence they bars in the plan. mad and uit. 'The TIuir all through was tnm. Sp aolsli Fork, Utah, Opposition comes from those who do Thry walisl helf i n honr for tho people not make themselves fully acquainted rn gather tfttar the lime appointed, md The CudMatei. with the effort. Mr. Joues will belli tiled there were about half the number Spanish Fork until Sandsy morning, In another column may be seen the assembled that is usual on such oceis SUITS when hs will more on. Ho has Already --THEpictured countenances of a few of the Ions. The reception r f the d ist i ugulshed orsr 150 signers in Utah County alone. candidates this fall. They were not gc nilemen was as clammy and cold as a THAT blanket la January. Yet after secured et great expe; t , etc., bat are wetCannon & Rio Build Uu Recorder ba Impeached! tried to awak. n Inspiration all SUIT some political prophecies, Last Tuesday erening the City Connell there became they are there. We are by mak-nelection of any one and saying that Utah county aud even Railwaj. r. Made by disco ssed tha high license question a not advocating the In Yoa them. cf pay yonr money, "six up' Spanish Fork wonld go Repntl!c.ui WIL JOHNSON. little, ind daring the progress of the November." man and take yonr eholce. It Is Scenic Line of tho World. dlscaeston the point was mads that If your for ns to remark that we are needtai the license fee was reduced the saloonb t keeper would be enabled to sell a better personally scqnlntcd with none of the The only lina running two through fast move in a sphere too BANK quality of goodri STATEMENT that of a straggling Bat, would her asked a councillor. ?;entlsmeo.they Trains daily to Who Is supposed to test the quality of country newspaperman for that, even at the goods In tehalf of the ConuellT im election time when all men are affabl . LEADTILLE, ASPEN, PUEBLO, HebrM. Wells, judging from Liv pie Report of the condition of the quired Councillor Argj le, COLORADO SPRINGS end DENVER . The Mushal said oos. tore, must bs an amooaln eoss, and His Honor, Mayor Larson, said Joe looks very gjod natured. CharenejE Allan has an ley, peculiar look which ws Train No. 2 leaves Ogdeu 7:03 a. nb.; Jeneen, often seen in men we do not like, Salt P bare Lake 8:03 a. m.t arrive at PnebliK Utah, cried Fork, "I Recorder pretest Spinlsh City . Go 1 , . 8:18 a. in , Colorado 8prlngs.7:5l s. mi , John T. Caine Is the bewhlkered Eng Hughes. Thats a part of my duties." v 1883 the elose of At 28, business, ! 8ept. The Connell then beeame curious In lishman of tha novelist, an looks like Dsnvir 100 a. m. Train No. 4 leaves Ogden. regard to the quality of the goods re- man of good character and fair ability, p. jr.t RESOURCES. M. Mickelsonj Mfgr. Salt Luke 7:41 p. m., arrive at Pneblo tailed by Mi sare. Roekhlll end Jensen, B. H. Roberts we would suppose to be BsJ7 p. m., Colorado Springs and called upon the Recorder tor a re- sharp, able man one imsglnM the true (29,164.68 Loans sad Discounts p. m American. . Furniture sod Fixtures i.nr.u Denver port of his wet tests". p. m. M. STULL, Is our This of 27.00 no the Mr. Hughes bad estimate Connections mads at Paeblo, Colorado men, ac Overdraft report to make. 432.90 Springs and Denver with all lines east. Heeonfeksed with a blush that ho had cording to the pictures glren In another Expanses mads no such test and therefore was un-b- le column, end we eabmlt It for whet It Due from Utah Banks 9,wi.er Elegant Day Coaches, Chair Cars and Is worth. to give any information. 1,197.41 Pullman Sleepsrs on all trains. Take Cash ou baud tbe D & R G aud bars a comfortable trip Been neglecting your duties, eh?" Two doors eonth cf Borkhill Hotel. e,5l0.10 end enjoy the finest icenery oivthe said Mayor Larson in a serere tone but NEIGHBORHOOD NOTES. UTAH. SPANISH FORK, with a campaign smile In eaen eye. LIABILITIES. "Well r ah Shortest lino to Cripple Creek, Col said tha now A marriage license has been Issued to rado's Greatest Gold Camp. confuted Recorder. (26,000.00 Capital A. Jaeoh of 43, Amerl CHEER, Pliilllppe. aged t,2S1.23 Undivided profit! Upon due consideration, howerer, and and Martha A.Balllngrr. aged A. 8. HUGHES 8. K. HOOPER with regard for the fact that Hr. Hughes can Fork, 10AIA.47 Demand Deposit Plea-ian- t of Grove. G.P. 4b T. A. MONEY LOANED TraffloMgr. waa to dlpenae Democratic principles at 28, 6.71X40 Time Deposits Mr. Charlie Groesheck came down Culcrado. .. Denver, DX UPROTXD FARMS AT BKA80XABLB LakaSnoie nn the erening. Im- from Clear (11,510.10 Sunday where he peachment proceeding! were postponed has been Creek last BATES. B. F. KEVINS, General Agent, working on a tie eonlraet for of Utah I indefinitely. Territory H' BPANI6H FORK, UTAH. Salt Lake City, Utah. tha R. G. W. He has corns boms to atCounty of Utah. tend to some assessment work ou some I, Oeo. O. Gilbert, eaahler of tho axjve H.M. CUSHING, T.P. A. lie hss in Cottonwood canon. named hank, do solemnly swear that the above Salt LakeCity, Utah. WANTED At once, 30 more subscrip- properties Mr. Groesheck reports me sale of the statement la true to the best of my knowledge tions to This Her alp. Donee Arphaitnm property 21 miles seat Gxo. O. Cilsxbt, Cashier. and belief. Of Clear Creak to the American Aphalt Subscribed and sworn to before ms this 3th Co. for $25,000, S 18,000 of which Is is of October, 1366. day next balance paid Monday, the . . William Cnixa, days. Sixty per cent of this 1 SEA L 1 Notary Public. Groeshecka property. SplDgrllls Mv commission expires March 1S.1IN6. v pendent. Mrs. D. H. Christianson end J, L. Fli THE- YOUREATSJMIUSSJ leysongoton the R. 0. W. train Tuw-da- y VTm. T. James. COPYRIGHTS. morning to see acme friends away, CAN I Ok.'.tlM A PATENT f IWk when tbe train polled out hforothby rorap hoMrt oylntoo, wrlts t could get off ana' carried them downito 4b t'O.,audja bad Marly Ortj rwV DEALER IN ILdlE-a-- T MIJ3 bosInsM. Onaiou patent upbisnetlatbs Benjamin switch, a distance of Uans strict! 7 coptldsotUI. A ot tm all Atccts Mr. Ghristlsnson four miles. funaeUaa eoncwnUuc Patsiu and bow to ab tela them sent frsaTAlso a estalons et machm down at the depot end afier the trbln leal and idantlfie books sant Iros. LEAVE ORDERS AT TUB DO YACK HOl'SE. Patante taken tbrooxh Mam X Col noM had polled out began to inquire for ni . uettealntbe Mclaatlae AncrlraMii Always has JPWiI wife, aud after a diligent search failed , brought widely belora tbe public wttW iM euL to RKEF, VEAL, MUTTON, to find her. It was hinted that she i g t tbe inventor. Thu aptcndM paper sued acokiT. e'reiuitly Utuatmred, baa by fvto sr Mr. Flnlaysou lud eloped, and the pi FORK, SAUSAGES, rtreiilariou of any aeuntlM work in 3i 03 a Hatiiplc euptea sent free. wip'd. superintendent of schrols felt boj ifci And ell kinds of YeyeUblee UmMiiic hfitluiLaioomiy.lCMayaan SlncW what non plnsad. The two returned, c canto. Ttvery nambrn comotos bow. .AllammaulK'Tixmy car a wm be JS Main Street, yy Ufal plxtra, In eaiure, and pbotoftapfas of new R. A. 8teku.no, Frof. ntOlKRLY ATTKiUED TW. bowsver, lu due time, afier a we fv cnabUnc bulUaretaabcar tha pouna, with tramp aud explained tbs cause cf U ir UTAH, SPANISH FORK, SPANISH i FORK, hb&ence.-Paj- toa M oods, lauagtr. Globe. UTAH, FLASHES. I SOISTS, LUMBER, LATH, SASH, DOORS, ETC. i. P. Felt. I in its of Farm . KjULUAlJ 1 I ' FOR JOB PRINTING ni J Ove-year-- The HERaLD Corbs't-Fitssimm- au FREE Course Mali I k:m book-keepi- . 8:4-u- i iu ' S. B. WILSON t Beown 's Hack lane ;b! Boston Cheap Trains. Notary Improved Farms. Store 3 3 3 4 h h h b h b j I FOB s HONUMENTS Bank of Spanish Fork . to 65 63 J. Kttorney at Law, esx-tine- f0. n-- xt Add 1 1 -- HACK LINE. Ads trains. .IEeoIjEs abit To Veterinary Surgeon, These panl Pages, Hi4,k FRESH BREAD ig-I- pies, cakes: Ti |