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Show JUST A FEW FORD TON TRUCKS LEFT Alkire-Smith recently received another an-other shipment of the Ford one-ton tru?'k3 that have ha J such a big run in local territory. They have a few left and wish those who want a Ford delivery deliv-ery v.asron to call at once. The first come will he the first to pet a car, according ac-cording to iales Manager "Hap'-' Goodwin. Good-win. Usuallv when a few Fords reach the Alkire-Smith show rooms there is a grand rash for them and thev are soon closed out; the fact that the' companv hns on luind several one-ton delivery wm;ins is not ijeneriillv known or the'vj would Imvo lieeu gone 'lout; ni;o, uivord-tUK uivord-tUK to the et fervescent "Hap." Other shipments of l-'ord curs, including includ-ing the roadster and the touring model, are now on the wnv, mid the eomi anv still 1ms a few of them on luind to otier the 1-Vrd entliusiitsts. |