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Show DEMOCRATS TO LIMIT CAMPAIGN EXPENSES The authorization of a committee looking to the. establishment of a nonpartisan non-partisan judiciary and one also to work for an agreement for limiting the campaign expenditures were the principal prin-cipal results of the meeting Friday i night of the Democratic state com- I miitee. I Democrats from all over the state took the stand that in view of the unprecedented outlay or money by the government to carry on a successful war against the enemy, it was fitting and proper that election expenses should be curtailed to the minimum. : It ts expected that the committees which were authorized to be appointed to look to a nonpartisan judiciary and the curtailment of campaign expenses will be named within a short time. Greetings from Senator William H. King were received by Chairman W. E. Wallace, saying the highest degree 1 of patriotism and willingness to make supreme sacrifices for the country were needed, and bespeaking the "clear .vision" and the "unprecedented devo- tion " of the president. I Telegrams were also received from Congressmen James II. Mav and Milton H. Welling, conveying their regards to the committee and urging support of the president. |