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Show Strenpth, comes from well-digested and thoroughly assimilated food. Ilood's Sarsaparilla tones the digestive organs, and thus builds up the strength. If you are getting "run down," begin taking Hood 's- at once. It gives nerve, mental and digestive strength. (Adv.) I BUICK8 ARE HEME ' 1 1 f la'i'i it-' " ii? ! I . ; p jf 'v " M J The first of the many carloads of Buicks that have been j fl shipped to us from the factory recently have arrived. pf i For the first time in months we can make immediate deliv- l u ery on the popular iM p Model E-35, 4-cyIinder, 5-passenger Baick M The price is $955.27, Salt Lake, including war tax, $ pi and also extra tire and tube and and set of chains. fj fl Lots of other Buicks this model and all others are on j'j jM the way. SH I RAHDilLL-DODD AUTO CO.Lm I 83 W.4TM SOUTH ST WASATCH 4560 It The ConquerorsW H ff&AIL The Conquerers of The Road' WMfW$ ll ' l :fHf Haa the tires that triumphed in ,V ',.. U f iCi the bitterest struggle ever staged j liJv $'$$S Ifflxf '8 vM k U ' between roads and tires, a con- Cli --- l.V'''' V Mi! ''"piir.-'i-'t t'V' A Si S flict of 4,178,744 tire miles. Hail " fXlh St 'UU 1$ 13 Goodrich Tested Tires. , f- fr'. ittfii&lj K il Hear the story of a good fight well won. . V" '. 'C -tf. IS One year ago Goodrich, challenging the '. 'u'"1;, v-x-"t v Vi'P t 4' roads of America to a test of strength, sent . .MiniA';:".-:'-7: Vr, 3 H"p J! 5;ijV!' forth six Test Car Fleets to battle America's M&P jf f -I'.fM j-J roads in every region of the country. CV'H v .aj 1 !i v!,y;;-' j El f3,V. t-.r.y- ... '" I ;c'W' ."S k -f 11 1711 Ofl'ffiiaifM 'WSmWM ir f Is y O y,Bllblria. P ' mem (mkKyf m ''.SPS F P11 W.iVM'gS j TEi & EBmmlnkh mpm s 'i The roads did their worst. East, west, SILVERTOWN CORDS, and BLACK fS jjl . north and south, as the Test Car Fleets SAFETY TREADS, proved themselves 6S j! whirled from state to state, the teeth of masters of the road. The spiral-wrapped, 5 I the road gnawed at Goodrich Tires. cable-cord tire body, and tho tough, i But the tires conquered with phenom- close -clutch, cross -barred black safety i j enal mileage that doubled Goodrich's tread defied the rough going. J k pride. From that test covering millions of Under light and heavy cars they proved 'A ( . miles, the Test Car Fleets came back with themselves not for one car or one driver, $ "e,W staJndr!rd' the TESTED of or one road, but all cars, all drivers, ll g Goodrich Tested Tires. all roads. ,S 5; Tested Tires mean certainty of service, whCreY,u s Thia Sip. j ; .. proved service, and that Reap the benefits of this GoodncnTir,.. stocked . I: (0 means a lot to a tire user, nation-wide victory of till ti-ll f&& &ii It means long life in a tire, Goodrich Tires, the sure W3 : h ji and' dependability on the mileage and dependability p.) f A (Torn'"53 ! road, for no hidden weak- of a proven tire service, by Xk? ji; H Liberty . Jj ness could conceal itself in demanding tires that won W5.?&i:3 ?5- ll "W. s. s." ii that year long test of the title, "America's Tested N !S '5 ll on,.i. rt i Goodrich's Test Car Fleets. Tires." Buyir,D,GooiricfcDeiie li fcii ft?' '"l" ooodrtc i Lotshd Ererrwhcr n , n etranen and II K feLjdi THE B- F- GOODRICH RUBBER COMPANY f. fi Salt Lake Ui.y Brauon : M llAth South St., Salt Lake City, Utah I: THE CITV OF GOODRICH AKRON, OHIO. I WE ARE EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTORS FOR t Goodpicli Truck1 Tires A Complete Stock of Safety Treads and Silvertowns on Hand at All Tkne3. : UNITED VULCANIZING CO. 22& |