Show DAILY AKiL oan 0 GRAHAM Manager affa number ia 27 mention jl n enla colann 80 conta par line each insertion advertisements Advertise menta and chaiees bubl ha sont to office not later 10 A m to ineat on same dat city and county Jot tings consultation free we respectfully invite all persons re sailing treatment to call and see ua we are here satisfaction opticians at provo hoase I 1 street awarded highest honors fair MOST PERFECT MAD A pure grape cream of tartar fro lom ammonia alum or any other 10 years standard STAND ARp j the evolution of i medicinal agents is gradually relegating the old time herbs pilla draughts and extracts to the rear and into general use the pleasant and effective liquid laxative syrup of figa to get the true remedy ese that it is manufactured by the california fig syrup co only for eale by all leading druggists the a S goat reports show royal baking powder superior to all others the worlds fair tests showed no baltins so pure or so great in loav balag power es the koya dr prices cream worlds fair highest award the most effective skin Purifying and beautifying soap in the world the purest sweetest and most refreshing for toilet bath and nursery for pimples blackheads red rough oily skin and baby blemishes for red rough hands with shapeless nails and painful finger ends for irritations of the scalp with Dry Thin and falling hair it is wonderful sale greater than the combined sales of all other skin soaps sold price CORP bole prope boston all about the bun scalp and hair free ACHING SIDES AND BACK hip kidney and uterine pains and relieved in on by the fluster aba firt and only pain killing for charity ereth long 1 mr laura C phoenix milwaukee als of a some and knowing the good dr miles has done ano my wish to help others overcomes my dislike for the publicity this letter may give me in nov and dec 1893 the had the 19 and I 1 was one of the first resuming duty too coon with the care of so many alck X did not regain my health and in a month Z became 0 o debilitated and nervous from sleeplessness and the drafts made on my vitality that it was a question it I 1 could go on A dear alend advised me to try ar sites JC ervine I 1 took 2 bottles and am happy to say I 1 am tn better health than ever I 1 still continue its occasional use aa a fowl aa my work la very trying A letter addressed to milwaukee als will reach me june LAURA 0 PHOENIX dr miles Is sold on a positive guarantee Eua rantee that the first bottle will benefit bottles for 5 or id on receipt of arico heal co elkhart Elk aart ind dr miles restores health FINEST IS TOWN ladies call and see our beautiful display of PATTERN HATS JUST IN and our elegant stock 01 MILLINERY GOODS latest fashions and most reasonable prices MISS ELEA 4 blocks north of farat nat bank S 0 hite leghorns Leg horns bamona knapp strain eggs for sale hard times price only 50 cents a setting all orders for agga egga and birds chipped promptly address W mner provo city lumber co box CALL AT mra W E FOE youa millinery bals bonnell Bon nels etc latest and newest styles to bo had in the for the lowest prices west center at bet F and G original nd only cennane are laja trillia lil alc for 1 ilia i brand la cited and odd boim paled lia blaa ribbon loo other dangerous 1 I 1 jf in tor tah V fa it mall vain iu our saturday IN ce Our taj genuine lac 9 72 in wide worth 75 acts now 78 in wide worth 90 acts now and two hundred remnants Eem nants of ranging in price from 1 oc up to 5 dont forget our s f JS i rt B LL ison alff bobbi IBM 1 i dea J Lh Ut it 3 waists worth tor 2 1 just a special Figure for today sl 0 junes latino ja sk 3 iq tx drugs paints oils and wall paper JL argest i tock donth sonth of salt lake city at 80 DRUG 0 raint s CO liao of liquors anti Bottled beer bamily trade solicited H S PYKE SEME MEAT MARKET keeps constantly on band bat CALVES AND DRESSED HOGS free delivery to any part of the city centre st provo third door east of cosmopolitan S rop ro p ar GR the y MI bev y york ym f J 4 ta ests vS ts having purchased the L oli T raf alt T ife on v aier t a 4 ui octra i 01 ay iy wy isow TS 1 4 te will continue to sell at il al 1 is of get your choice mw r 5 wy fotion i furni MH WK aph 1 e cw V V soi ia ip b ifft KLO VO sr ebay t bi s a jea A atac B assip 3 CLEVELA NO f t diw ASya ife e ji a J t S t i s i ii Wy 1 i aa ts y |