Show fames celery compound Is as superior to the ordinary springe medicine as the diamond Is better than cheap glass when women become invalids bornea children friends all must buffer with an impaired nervous system pura blood ia impossible health i impossible why not be well all over the country whose strength and vitality hava been brought down during the winter months are now paines celery compound their physician order it or bs cause they nave learned from other equally trustworthy sourhea its unfailing power of building op the strength re invigorating the nerves blood and making people well pained celery compound continues week after week and year attar year to cure the moat difficult cases of nervous weakness and to renew the health of countless ailine desponding women s s paints celery compound compon nd ia relied on with implicit confidence oy thousands of diligent wage earners who ap their strength at thin aaaron bat when labor ia ed or done under braat beital nd bod alv atrain as ia usually tha eab with the work women are called to dd the heath ol 01 the nerves aronld be care fally and abe small be of cervona calenes wa lEnes iroy madia tely checked b the usa of Faines celery compound the smallest as well aa the largest cities are full of brava women who might lead dependant 1 layes but prefer to work they keep well and equal to their duties by prompt reco araa to this genuine nerve regulator and blood kaineg celery compound whenever they feel ann down and in baneer of berdona ill neb this great aaring remedy today enables men and women to leeap beadily at work with strong well fed nerves and health y richly nourish ed blood and every woman it he is run down in poor health fretful or weak it her blood is in peor condition her berrea every such head alisa edith R meek civet maas p ia giva abiva by celery compound bays miss run down from ft long beacon 0 ard woric and bravel kotrina that I 1 have evan had auch s speedy and laitine effect ax I 1 am now all or my frienda to take it for that tired condition from an over bared system th arft is nothing to equal take rams celery compound compo ond now well |