Show cobber THE presidency KEKE provo for a num rf aa ber of shakers there was bat ft adall audience at the opining of the quarterly conference at grovu in is forenoon the first presidency of the church and apostles snow laman and oan aon were in attendance ami the birb council and ot the several wards ft ore well represented eldera john and uge counselors to president smoot were present president cannon took chargo of the services the congregation sane 0 god we raise to thee etc apostle lorenzo banow offered the opening prayer the choir sang glorious Glori oua ahinga of the are spoken etc SLUES DAVID jotin first he regretted ree retted the adall attendance at the opening moeling ms eling he felt itwara a cold reception for the farat Preal dency he reported report od briefly the condition of the fitzke the tithing was two dollars more last year than the year before fast iora were larger and a less amount had been the chach lor the support the stake lency nad annne the tabt year visited all the wards of the and I 1 say it to the shame ot provo eaid that other attended their ward conferences better than pro TO la closing be again bis re greta at the adall audience present As president woodruff had said there is no war or pestilence on and the hoode ought to hare been filled corroborated the report of elder john as to of the ho apoka hell of the bishops and laaser hood the people were trying to do their duty but there is room for improvement pro the relief societies th mutual improvement associations and the sunday schools are in a healthy condition it was noticeable that the young people did not attend ward meet inas as they should home mis lion aries have been doing a good work F said he bad ached if there had been a war or a and ws informed there was neither he then con fessel that he was surprised that in a city of the size of provo there should not be a larger attendance he ballod LYA the talk thi audience is auch an improvement pro I 1 have kaaen used to seeing here at tho opan edg of confer ence that am a little astonished at tho surprise gur prise of the dency ho then elated had before advocated conferences be removed from provo find ba again stated in the senca of the farat presidency that they ought to be held in bomert the other large wards of the stake if conference had been held aa lebi american fork springville Spring ville spanish fork or there would have been a thousand people present prove is perfectly of filling the house because it was saturday was no excuse he believed it was a good thine for conferences 0 o eo to the people it the people could not go to conference then he boid of how few people compared with the body of the church could attend general confer ancas the same was with regard to the stake con ference and many scarcely ever eee an apostle in sanpete San pete millard kace and other states con ferencek feren cea are held ati different settlements throughout the stake he advocated iha same in this he wondered why the of the yonas academy were not present it seemed to aim they should be so educated bat they would never miss tiso opportunity of bf carine an anaut pUt here were the first presidency also present why are the not present if we had I 1 their company here today the audience would be a large one this is a wonderful stake continued i with a population of he was corrected and said it was 2000 there to be man in all the wards who are forging ahead and are notice able not only to their but noticeable afar but when we come to lockover loo kover the maids for bishops presidents of quorums or presidents of th stake there is a wonderful lack ot such men there ought to be of prominent men in this stake it pays most to leivo the lord the profits and emoluments of politics do not baat long thare is nothing eternal about a political office but in the service of the lord mens rewards are eternal there should therefore be more ambition in serving the lord than in political pre ferments and when days are set apart for conferences all business as much ae possible should be suspended and the people chuld attend to their religious duties when there is any thing in the church needing attention tha drop everything else and attend when there Is a stake president to be selected the first presidency and the are agitated they canvass the mater carefully and pray for it said he and elder bad prayed over the matter all should be just ai interested te inclosing apostle lyman paid he hoped the people would be charita bla toward him for bis remarks he had talked that way before and be felt it a duty to censure not tha people present but those absent I 1 pray abe lord that god may bless na and inspire president woodruff as to be president of great stake CANNON was the next speaker he said he saw a general apathy amone the people in leeard to attending and other if the lord were to bring some disaster or apon ua we would remember our religious duties it adema that when we arc prosperous we forest to remember the lord A few years ago it was common tor latter day saints to go to the authorities for addice in business matters many men had been preserved from di saeter by heeding such advice it debould be practiced now and saints in the wards ought to consult with their bishop in financial matters the peo ole abound be in a position at all times to receive advise from the authorities in all roettera roat tera pertaining to choir welfare speaker cited an example where a aa elder abroad had baen prompted by the spirit to place over a branch a individual The elder had his attention oa an ambitious mem ber abo had crowded to tha front this latter member was solaced to preside over tha branch trouble followed and the police closed the meetings after that the quiet man wai appointed and tha branch grew and prospered let ba governed bj the spirit of wisdom in all oar actions and seek to lay up treasures in CANNON was next called upon to address the audience eor a few while listening to the words of reproof and exhortation speakers mind went back to the early days when tie had first realized i the importance of th work of god there was A ajeet feeling ot love cama over him and he said be felt exceedingly happy that feeling baa continued wita him and made his life a very haliy one ha would not know how to live now without that pleasant fueling the only way to retain this heavenly leeling ia to attend iaea mingle with the sainta and do the duties required of members oi the church it seems to me eaid the speaker that we should all feel impressed impre saed with that upon us as saints I 1 try to impress upon lay children that it is batter to die than not to live the lives of saints I 1 hope you have cot impression from what bro abram paid that you should alone rely on the authorities but on the brint of god as well in all the affairs of life elder john aabert those present to spread the news that we have a conference with the first presidency in attendance the choir sang anthem benediction by president joseph F smith |