Show MARSHALS BALE f pursuant to an execution to ma directed liy the court of the flat district in and forthe territory of utah A dball expose at sale at toe front door ol 01 the county court bou aein the ally or broto county of utah and jon ine lulb addy at april 1895 at 12 in the following described raal to alt the same being in utah county Commencing 13 ai chalus north and catalna south 89 leg bast of the oath west quartet ot Beci ion beven 7 even ff anth 0 range three 3 east salt lake south 29 dag eai al 3 13 thence north ta beff 1 dag east thence donth 89 vies east 8 10 fet to place with all tae as the ro perty ar aba cooperative s at tha suit ot 0 arac E dreda and Comp anyn terms of sale cash thal br thomas fowier depauly dated mareli 4 |