Show j w H AT LAW blooma 11 and 12 corn and bank PRO VO CITY UTAH bank UTAH W tt S hight LAWYERS booma 1311 1 and 15 union block PROVO CITY UTAH SAMUEL A king AT LAW rooms 5 and 7 bank building PROVO UTAH THOMAS JOHN AT LAW excelsior block up stairs et airs PROVO CITY UTAH E E attorney at law room 9 bank building PROVO UTAH D D HOUTZ attorney AT LAW booms 4 and 5 aeed amot block UTAH S attorney at law soom 1 2 3 aad 4 martina bank blak GITY UTAH J E boholst AT LAW 23 N J street provo city adorney AT collection agency office bank UTAH ROBERT ANDERSON attorney AT LAW rooms 4 and 6 beed smoot block UTAH SAM JEP landscape sign painter UTAH corar F and ith street R G architect and superintendent corner M and ath st PROVO W B SEARLE CIVIL ENGINEER irrigation and water power piana spenial city surveyor of provi deputy U S mindrel office at court house PROVO CITY UTAH office honra 9 to 12 a m 2 to 4 p m A mccurtain M 0 AND SURGEON office palace blocs residence 2 blocks east bank corner telephone no 45 office no 28 UTAH physician aal Sarge fl E excelsior block over pyne draft store PROVO UTAH PATENTS nasu ana JC avade ank estered and kotlier patent cua in the busat and before the coart promptly apon reci plot uti wr hibb of ie make examination if 9 as to ana tree ore iare with ny directly acroix from pat kt in a hare luperi x la for prompt for coee rigorous ol 01 for pa tent aad tor to al to xay care in me possible time reea Inton naMoa arii wh J E LITTELL 4 stool and attorney in patent DO U 8 patent ac attorney at baw room 9 bank building UTAH J D JONES attorney at law tn tharman office bank building CITY UTAH JACOB EVANS attorney at law with mr first Na tiona bank building iry UTAH 8 H ALLEN physician B U W t y olace at beai aleace smoot brick louic 1 bock b ock baat of tabernacle PROVO UTAH fire and life insurance J continental of new york norwich union of london northern of aunton Lun ton british american of toronto national life of vermont life of des office at swasey martins bank provo city utah R 8 B L knowlden jones general fire and life INSURANCE AGENTS P 0 BOX 11 PROVO UTAH i F F REED dentist save all modem for the practice of operative ana DENTISTRY artificial CROWNS AND BRIDGE WORE A SPECIALTY feyall work room excelsior block provo dr W S hordaway idaway Ho jr DENTIST rooms formerly by dr J N opposite post office J st satisfaction Satia faction guaranteed CITY UTAH best is cheapest every one admits t hj s theoretically and yet many continue to use inferior articles because they think they save a few cents ASi cocks porous plaster is the ideal remedy for lame back sciatica pleurisy rheumatism pneumonia and similar complaints be K lire anil acet the D not be deceit ed by All cocks corn shields All cocks bunion shields have no equal as a relief and cure for corn and bunions Brand reths pills by purifying the blood assist nature they are purely vegetable delivered to anscar any car of the city aock springs lump castlegate Cast leGate lump pleasant valley lamp winter quarters lump bock springs nat nat anthracite 1100 YARD PHONE 17 mm agents THE PEOPLES blacksmith general and wagon repairing doncon the shortest notice HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY first class work at living prices J street 1 blocks north ast 1st national city DAVID MELDRUM balto prompt roslet ay iy ours for ios seminal emissions Set Distrust loss of ac attl make y ov a STRONG alaor ous tsan pries fjor S boitt 00 directions malm with each box address alluri baw maeci CB at LOUIS tao AT jaw krvar pioneer newspaper of central and southern utah i S J IN ITS TWENTY SECOND i only daily paper south of salt hatco containing the of the world S 1 N lazrous la orous and fearless 1 I IF r laly lJ a ly y f S a f v i W our semiweekly semi weekly edition has a larger circulation throughout all the counties comprising the than all other corob ined dl the is the oran protection and V Y t 3 mt S S ai V at ti t 1 fc t bee top of kirbt rf 0 t ta wy i 3 4 DONT STOP T when abby ivas rick we cave her castoria when she iraa a child she cariad for cantoria Car toria when elie miss aho clung to cantoria Cat toria bhea ahe had ehe that lame back can be surest watt dr mue only money to lioan on improved farm and city property pro term five years with privilege of part payment of any amount before maturity thia money ia loaned on mort esRe only granting to borrower the lawful redemption in ccase of foreclosure low rate oi interest oell on or write george A at county recorders office provo city utah da AH cell dr buea nerve plasters Pi asters for sale A 16 boree horizontal engana and UD boiler almost new can be purchased together or separately cheap bv applying to P 0 box prova city dr miles pain ellla cure cheap A barsale Bars aln I 1 ave a lot of rustic lumber seasoned which I 1 will bell cheaper thai it can be bought for le anywhere else GASOLINE laface view one mile north of d w 8 ty DR J H 2 BLOOD PURIFIER AN ANTIDOTE FOE exhaustion spirits stomach and dyspepsia pleasant to the taste and a favorite tonic with the ladles price 1 THE DR J H MCLEAN MED CO ST LOUIS al DIUK co FANCY furnishes food for refined tastes anil those who delight in artistic stationery can rind all they desire in our stock weve made a study of abt specialties and unique ideas in our line the result is a collection that challenges study an fitted up with our specialties in inkstands ink stands pens writing papers envelopes etc ia a sight to see and a sight worth having too it cost much more to have it than it does to have something not worth seeing give your eyes something to feed on ve agree to honor all such drafts promptly handsomely and completely ams pms M and mm co corbett Henric lisen dealers and manufacturers of the california patent oil gas generating a v these stoves are absolutely bate cheap and odelless od erless and cost one cent an hour for two burners will fit any stove on and for ecale at the provo lo operative institution provo utah PROVO commercial and savings CITY UTAH capital DIRECTORS aeed smoot prest D T dark vice breet john jones james A bean roger farrer E R eldredge L 8 hills J K general banking transacted W K IH I 1 j aas 7 AS dealers m all lands of SHINGLES LATH HAIR blass PAINT SOILS 1 i i i sag 16 so an FENCE ALSO OF seii BOORS and ORiA CORNICE PORCH STAIR WORK UMBER YARD comer ath and J st MILL corner ard 3rd and H st telephone no 32 THE silver ajtay 1895 ar thoroughly well built of iron and arb durable and reliable have metal valves and seats with outside packed PLUNDERS th efen be tightened in a and renewed in a few euln ut tn ere are no leather calves or leather buckets tn dry out aej decay and I 1 bequir at am pounds to the inch equal fotioo feet atad ad all to grages and any already bro unlit to or made in attali lor cip acly durability and breedom giroua derange SIZES size A ly single price 50 t ob provo size B au duplex urlce 00 oo size C 1 duplex price we have a few 1894 pumps which w will close out at sa each SILVER IRO center at E st utah P 0 box L AND ALL KINDS OE AND SEWING ghines tuning and repairing done on the shortest notice leave orders at taylor bros furniture store ANDREW SWARD zions savings bank and trust company sail lake chiy utah pays five per cent interest per annum on any deposits you mace write for particulars M CANNON prest cashier PROVO CITY LUMBER GO W J ROSS manager WHOLESALE DEALERS III NO 1 RED CEDAR SHINGLES LUMBER LATH SASH and DOORS PLASTER LIME HAIR AND ALL KINDS OF BUILDING MATERIAL square dealings our motto combination FENCE wood for sale all orders delivered by team to Spring villo spanish fork and lake shore when required telephone no 31 P 0 box provo city DOCTOR GI SHORES PRICE 2 A BOX positively guaranteed to cure every car of nasal catarrh catarrhal Catir rhal disease require both local anil constitutional treatment directions for using dr G W shores finious Curt lve remedies n all catarrhs chronic disease if your have catarrh asthma bronchitis hay tear or any complicated affection of the nose throat bronchial tubes or lungs us dr G W shores ca cure cough aure and tonic and blood purifier to cure the catarrh stop the cough cleanse and purify the blood improve the appetite and digestion it complicated with kidney liver or bladder trouble use dr G W snores kidney and ller cure and in all cases take one of dr G W shores pills at bedtime if your trouble Is chronic and deep seated write dr G W shobei tor tit new symptom list and have your case alj and c et expert advice fcc dr 0 W shores tonic kid blood purifier clauss cla oss and purifies the blood gives strength and algur cures dyspepsia and all nervous diseases price 1 per bottle dr 0 W shores kidney and liver cur cures all diseases of the kidneys liver and bladder price 1 per bottle dr 0 W shores cough cure cures all chuh colds and bronchial affections one dose alil atop croup keep a bottle in the house lare bottle dr G W shores mountain sage oil stops thi worst pain in one minute for headache toothache cramps or colic use it and internally ter nally prevents and cures diphtheria it used la time keep a bottle handy price a bottle dr 0 W shores pepsin destroys intestinal worms aad removes the little round nest when they hatch and breed it never fails price a batte dr 0 W shores salve cure aa diseases of skin removes red spots and black pimples from the ace hails old sores in 3 to 5 days price 25 a box dr 0 W shores anti PHI cures chronic constipation sick headache and bahous attacks price a bottie thies famous remedies are prepared only by doctor G W shorts eions medical institute salt lake city utah for aada by smart co druggists provo utah j caveats iad trademarks trade marks obtained atad all pa i at conducted for ite FEES oua OFFICE 13 caa secure patent lal cUme thea i remote from washington abud model or we if or not free s diange ourore not aaa tilt lant is sec sired A PAMPHLET ilow 3 patania Patr nia 0 ia the U aad sent ree 4 if afa C s if y ss s s 4 2 0 F at 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