Show I 1 will sot prevail IT the educational article DOW on irrigation discussed salaries aaen th chie of the constitutional wai prohibition it had long been si open secret among the delegates aba the committee to whom was referred the numerous peti tlona on that proposition or majority were opposed to separate submission and in their they recommended that tho matter bo left to the legislature opposed to this was a lenort fram a adall minority of the committee who are anxious to baa tha question go to the pomplo when tbt constitution ia voted upon pierce and adams chairman of the committee on public lands and echuca tion and school lands respectively a report which was adopted to the effect that the committees named bad decided that committee report on the respective them the majority report of the committee on schedule and future was presented recommending recommend ine abac the question of prohibition be ifft to the legislature thie report was signed by ricks chairman roberts adams J J williams francis maeder hail and green the minority signed by miller holladay and J E robinson recommended that an article be separately from the constitution to the totera for acceptance or rejection aba article being identically the asme aa tha one offered with the numerous petitions peti tiona and requiring the legislature to enact lawa foi bidding the manufacture anil sale of intoxicating liquors in the as a bovera gt atao matter was referred to the com cittee of aba whole the committe a othar tasa municipal submitted their article which was alao referred to the acm of tha whole ordering the committee v account and expenses to at ones investigate vesti gate the question of dispensing frith the of come of the corn clerks and all incidental expenses was adopted the article on public debt was teben ua and a forbidding forbid dine the contracting of debts for pubic expenditures the er astion of public buildings and for the payment ol 01 all indebted in at any one time of toe substitute was carried section 3 which provide that the people may contract debts for specific by tota was oat moed that counties be limited to 2 per cent and cities towns and school districts to 4 per cent for beneral purposes and on motion oj evana of utah 4 par benc WAS fixed aa aba limit for special water aaker and lighting purposes ins of 5 per cent as reported by the committee the article finally passed in the afternoon tha resolution ini the committal commit tae oa and to curtail clerk lire etc wai reported on adversely and the boror arai rrai adopted the majority and minority reports on water rights irrigation and agriculture considered in committee of the ahle A substitute was offered re the legislature to provide buch enlea and regulations under which rights may ba acquired to any of toe baten ol 01 ahm state lor any useful pur coee and to provide for the protection of all rights acquired or to bo acquired for any useful purpose the substitute wa temporarily withdrawn cerans of lehi again of himself in connection with the deairas babary grab he wanted the remt ining abaied amone the delee atea as lone as was a dollar left he tancy the idea ol 01 the money left being exclusively for clerk hire and printing several dele expressed themselves aa humiliated over the to appropriate the balance left in the to any other par than those the convention bad already agreed on bention 1 of the irrigation article in minority report aa follows all existing rights to tha use of any of the waters of this state for any USA fal purpose shall be recognized and coo firmed for article 1 in aba majority report iba three remaining sections of the injury article providing for a ws ner and a board of control and atiat priority of appropriation should ive the better right that no appropriation should ba denied except in the public interest and extending the right of eminent domain to land and water rights were aut BO a to leave the subjects to the tha the article on forestry was then taken up and adopted as followay fol lowa the legislature shall anast laws to prevent the destruction of and to pre beora the forests on the lands of the state and upon any part of the public damain the control of which may be conferred by congress upon tha aba article on education was next considered 7 mr M s er renewed the inch controversy by moving to emend the article iv oh 1 tha words de daring text high schools ahall be free he aid be had been charged to bia face abat ha ww opposed to high schools he denied the accusation and claimed that he was simply acting in the interest of aba common schoola echo ola which he contended needed all the school funds the motion of maeser was carri edby yote of 47 to 34 several provisor provisos pro were proposed for adding to the section and mr richards moved that further action on the question be deferred until thia morning and the motion carried the clause fixing the school age at from 6 to 21 was amended on motion of mr bowdls so aa to leave the age to be fixed by the slature mr moved to amend the flee tion confirming the of taft university of utah so aa to also confirm the establishment of tha agricultural college this brought the con bention to the beginning begin nine of the fight for the consolidation of the two institutions in making his motion ricks said that the union would impair the 0 the college and be therefore thought anat convention should provide for their permanent mr ivine eaid he hoped the motion of would not prevail aa he had an amendment to offer to the next relative to the location of the sit and college thac ha believed would offer solution of the problem this statement aroused ane curiosity of the and lateral called upon mr read hla proposed amendment responding be stated that it provided for tha location of the university and agricultural college at logan until july 1 1898 and that after that date the consolidated in be located at bait lake city mr eaid that the most important section of the article bad now been reached and that the delegated dele gatea were too utter the days cession to engage ia the contest that was in sight he therefore moved that the ripa the motion was carried ia to 30 the vote showing that about thirty weary deleza teg had ali ready left the hall the convention then |