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Show - , 1 h & m m n -t stents 15luidBrac, U W) M pj:,4 i p 'iSlil For Infants and Children. ,i llplill-iiilii fathers Know That j piilllllt Gsoufe Castena ; r, ' ALGOIlOL-3 PERCENT a ' Y i AVcgetaWcft'pva'nonforAs 1 AiWS,T3 ff ft NifiM A$ - B fw3 Signature J H9W i pSf .1 r Cheerfulness andEcstCanains O ' (A?.r h: nclllierOpidfn,Morphlnenor. ? to At ; Hneral.XoTXAU(30Tic 0i Vf ! t'C i ' !" Pmtpkin SaJ i V . I fck ; fef' f ft jMr ill km Ss-J J i yl - ii -C: AhelpfolRemcdyfcr 1 II O 6 ! kSf ConstipaUonandDiarrtoea, W M Vhu i y-Hh' i and Feverishnessand 9 W pl Wtofeissij JI For ItH --! Thirty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper. BMTAUB iw or citv. III I mmmmmy ) 11 toiii ii i 'ii I -s : a,;, m-smy ssm GEO. OLSON & SON , Dealers Salt Lake City, Utah g m 1 A pPifsni f?T:f l TO MY PATRONS I h I WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27, WILL BE SET ASIDE AT THE p 1 AMERICAN AND STRAND THEATERS AS p I ixz LkM iks , W eij d Da Egy lhj Lh j r I THE ENTIRE PROCEEDS WILL BE GIVEN TO THE RED f CROSS SOCIETY I j The programmes will be unusually attractive. : pj ADMISSION WILL BE $1.00. I I W. H. SWANS ON, President Swanson Theater Circuit. New Show Today. ; THE VICTORIA GIRLS. j A LYRIC SINGING LUXURY. zeno and Pal, The "Wonder" Dog, Blair and Crystal, at the Tennis Court: Gihson and Ranney, Cowboy's Cow-boy's Courtship, and Greta Van Eer. gen, World's Greatest Physical Culture Cul-ture Exponent. Three shows dally, 2:15, 7:30 and 9:00. 10 AND 20 CENTS. l ALL-COMEDY DAY "HIS PICTURE," with Violet Mersereau and Wm. Garwood. j fOMlvnX In "THE ROMAN COWBOY" Fox Film Comedy, Bud Fisher Cartoon "MUTT AND JEFF IN THE B OA R DNGHO U SEJ "LONESOME LUKE" Famous Pathe Comedian. j Tomorrow "THE MAYOR'S DECISION." , Worms LLiko Children FrotftU. 1 Children snf lerin c f rorn worms are ! dull nnd irritable, rainy and weak, often trriml their teeth and cry ont in slecn, i bfiro' a con'tsnt s.o'wr r,f worrv to their , jijireuts. Kickai'oo Worm Kiiler is a! mild laxative, remedy in eanay tablet form that children like to take. Prompt- - rffc'ive, it kills s:id removes tlio ' orm trom the fytm. Irrenilnr appetite appe-tite and l-i'wel movement, lack of inter- ! .e.t in piav are Mire s'r.s of eorms. K'-- ' lieve vor.r rhihi of tiiis burden. At all I drnir-ts. 2-"c ( Ad vert'.-ement . ) , IT von "r.n lost or found a ry thin q j pet i'l'.c eves of The Tribune ; Lost and Found Columns at work. I ji ' . r it. H I IE Ebbm ' 1 (0 IJ I! :'h !!! It! . .t, ,,,,,, , Jj 1 . Ij II 411 Vr ; : j 4n, ! l!i L1- " ' ii ! ACTUAL HEAD-ON COLLISION. i f: Daylight Fireworks, Auto and Motorcycle h Races and Other Big Attractions u Under Direction of W. H. Swanson. ! i STATE FMR GROUNDS 1 TTTT- ,' II The world's largest and most progressive picture theater. "The coolest spot in Salt Lake during summer months" - j TODAY AND TOMORROW I m THE TWO BI& FAVORITES & I CHAS. RAY CHARLIE CHAPLIN I f Tho man who always registers The man who has made miUions L!j fi big' iu scream, in 1 The'S'p-S'that "THE IJIMICRANT" g 6 you will enjoy. "his is his latest success. I AMERICAN PICTORIAL REVIEW. h fj Professor J. J. McClellan in Pfpe Organ Solo, 7:20 and 9:20 p. m. P f; Red Cross Benefit Basehall Game as Played at Bonneville Park k gi June 15. , Coming WILLIAM DESMOND in "TIIE PAWS OF THE BEAR" ti fV Note American-Strand "P. O. P." Concerts (25 musicians) Every f, Friday Night at 8:15 and Sunday Afternoon at 3:30. y I Paramount-Empress I "Where the Family Goes to See Good Shows." k . i I TODAY AND TOMORROW - -i Return Showing of the Seven-Reel Fairy Story de'Liixe j . Imisgueiite cliekI.; IN I ') "SNOW WHITES" s t-'i Good Music All the Time. Continuous. 12:30 to 11 p. m. ' Prices, 10c, 15c; Loges, 25c. l- j i Walter Poulton, Manager. TODAY ALL THIS WEEK j n The Premier of All Patriotic Pictures i "WOMANHOOD" I 'A Added Attraction ARIEL QUARTETTE. t. GENERAL ADMISSION 25 CENTS. S ;4 Coming "WITHIN THE LAW." 'j H Note "Womanhood" will be shown it Orphuum theater, Osdcn, Yi June 21, 20 and 26. f 1 SCOTTISH Mi f 1 V, At p. Wednesday, June 20 j Everybody Welcome. i' j LAST 3 TIMES TODAY H jg A hig eight-feature lnugh'est, fj 3 headed by tlie comedian of all rl I BILLY IvI'DERT.TOTT ;! gj Thn Tramp v.'ilh the original j S jokes. Dont. mi:s 'his bill it's II g v the treat of your life. i f. Three Shows Daily. jj ly Priccr, luc, 20c, Uoc. i The Tribune Gives Your Vant Ads tho Largest Circulation |