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Show & V 4 vkTvW I ' ; 1 I PARENTS I 8 . f who love to gratify j!' !'! children's desire for 111 !l the same articles of ; l food and drink that 'ij i grown-Cps use, find ,ij ! Instant !j POSTUM just the thing. j!;! "There's a Reason" ij'! j' l3!aS!!i!iIS;ii!i i iff ( "tv'ftttipf" I I I -r- .11 IIINm i Try a" '"lgarette that is altogether different jtP I l in flavor t )m any that you know. ' ! IYou cai .'t question this, because Lucky Strike is an , t ' ' - &b ' absolutely new creation the only big advance in twenty mm0 ? i 1 for - j years in cigarette making. M ' 10c I HOW? And Why? If yonr Jl J0.3 nt carry 1 " tLem. scad $1 for a carlon of R ttii iri..i,' 9 pcligo8 to Tke Antricna S Because the iiurley tobacco used lor the Lucky Strike loUcco Co., New York City m cigarette is toasted. It is the first toasted cigarette an Jg entirely new principle in cigarette manufacture. H And how you will enjoy this new flavor. Remem- Ss ' 1 ber: Burley tobacco, which is all flavor; and this flavor I heightened by toasting and sealed in forever by toasting. yTj y! j 0 Toasted tobacco! Think of hot buttered toast; 7 'M mm I ; think of all sorts of delicious things that get their flavor 'W.'o. S from being toasted, (or cooked or broiled). I I II Join the Lucky Strike Smoke Circle now. Get a ilp i ! j I new flavor in smoking with Lucky Strike thereal 1 &"k Sk &&fnj!u? spilJ into your pocket. It's n a b( iS ' tii0 easy.to.doaad worth doing, j Is 11 SP I f) Ouarantesd by mf jC'Jma ztr I. n e o a 9-jo a a t c o mmm " jiSV Oopyrlsht byTho Araerlcan Tooacco Co., Inc.. I9IV j If you are unacquainted with the i efficiency of Tribune Want Ads, try J them and" see what they will do for you. y ffiyvffip I PATRIOTIC DUTY j ' j I Our army, navy. civiliHiis mid nllies require footl. j The supply of foodstuffs should be increased to j I f tin? utmost capacity. ! : A patriotic duty of every farmer is intensive ; j h cultivation and larger production. ! i '- For a Safe Depositary and excellent service, SI t hnnk with us. I j I Consul us about your requirements. ; I THE NATIONAL BANKottheREPUBIIC JM SvLT LAKE CITY, UTAH M NAPITAL $ 500,000.00 SUR PLUSOOOs' ! til CI L Snf !es I DIVERSE ROUTES VIA RAIL AND STEAMER, ' INCLUDING I SAN' FRANCISCO . 1 Proportionately low rates for tickets including San Diego, Portland, f 1 Seattle on sale daily, June 15th to Sept. SOth. Final return limit j J October 31st, 1917. fj STOPOVERS AT ALL POINTS EN ROUTE, INCLUDING i 1 ZIOM CAMYON M Utah's New Wonderland. fi A delightful auto side trip from Lund. . b $ (WYLIE WAY) I 1 : $ Writs for booklet and full information. $ i City Ticket Office, 10 East Third South Street. rv'.'fH U .. $ Phone Wasatch 3502. Wm. Wamor, A. O. P. A. ViHx |