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Show ' YfilE P085IBILI1S 1 FOR NATURAL GAS i Practical Demonstration Is Given on Land 15 Miles I From Salt Lake. For ihe purpose of showing the possibilities possi-bilities that lie in the jras and oil hold-inc hold-inc of the Salt Liilic Oil & Gns company in the 1500 acres of lan which it con- j i trots, within fifteen miles of the center nf Salt Lake City and huRKinK the shore j 1 lines of the Groat Salt lake, a practical 1 demonstration was tven in the. fields yes- tcrday. Tlio dcmonstrntlnc party consisted of II. A. LanKt'orri, president of the company; com-pany; K. l'i Rich, a director, and L. Boas, fnratasraphio greoloist. One of the tests was the setting of fire to one of the hlowonts where nature has made a vent for qas to escape. Mr. Boas explained ex-plained that K.-is made Its way through the argillaceous cap which holds it down like a lid on a mighty "oil tank. The gas blazed up for fully five minutes before doing out. Thero are at least 100 of these blowouts from which natural gas issues. Mr. Boas stated that he believed sas can be found on the property of the Salt Jiko Oil & Gas company at a depth of from 800 to 1000 feet, and that a high t jr ade of oil lies at a depth varying be-'Mveen be-'Mveen 2200 and 2500 feet. According to Mr. Boas, millions of feet of gas are es-I es-I caplng daily. |