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Show SENATOR KING IS PRESIDENT'S GUEST Attends Dinner in White House in Honor of Visiting Belgian Commissioners. Special to The Tribune. WASHINGTON, June IS. Senators King of Utah and Warren of Wyoming were among the members of the senate who attended the dinner given at the While house this evening by President Wilson in honor of the visiting Belgian commission. Senator King has written to a number of Ins constituents in order to learn Hie sentiment in Utah regarding the amendment amend-ment lo the 640-acre homestead law opening all lands in Utah and other western west-ern states for filing under this law without with-out further classification. The amendment amend-ment was adopted in the senate and is pending in the house. After action is taken by the house, the question may again come before the senate. When the amendment was acted upon in the senate sen-ate Senator King was absent, attending the funeral of the late Senator Lane. Senator King presided In the senate today to-day when the amendment to the federal reserve act was adopted and for the areater portion of the session during consideration con-sideration of the food-control bill. Senator King was today assigned to a place on the senate committee on military mili-tary affairs. Senator Brady was made chairman of the committee on disposition of useless papers in the executive department |