Show f the la layers lawyers fatal eloquence A peculiar case of a client cleser deserting ang an attorney at the last moment oo 00 jarred in ia judg judge a Cornis hs c ourt court and the 4 case so had to io be dismissed ed after the jury was otto L haese was vas the attorney for the ibe plaintiff and alter after a jury had been selected he began his opening a address bertha balai was wag the complainant and w ahila hile her a attorney tto ru e y w was as making mald ng his 0 opening speech he painted the character of the tha defendant in such vivid colors and set forth the tha wrongs of his client so strikingly that the girl left the court room in tears and could not be induced to return and give her bar testimony the girl was a domestic in the home of theodore ael H durgin dorgin and demanded dam damages gee from him st paul globe |