Show THE ENQUIRER SATURDAY JANUAR y 28 1893 m john 0 graham manazer manager entered at the at provo as aa second class matter TERMS OF OF subscription zy BY MAIL HAIL POSTAGE PREPAID daily edition one year Parla Part of byear per month SO 80 week lyone advance TO CITY subscribers daily delivered sanday ei excepted ted BO 80 cents cants per month address mac ENQUIRER co provo city utah where deli delivery verv its ia irregular please make complaint at the office or through gli telephone no 27 THIS palermo PAP ERMo r t k it ver ven ising agency 64 maud aud 65 ex Fr alCISCO CAI forie wh re e can c contracts tracts can be mada mad or 11 tim THE has a circulation that every week exceeds exceed Fi that of all the other i in central find and southern utah combined in th IT ah 1 1 duality it a 1 4 cil cai dilation that s tt of 1 elal other par irr V iund iun d K HEADACHE E unlike many remedies are perfectly harmless they contain no in injurious ju reous aub substances substance stance i and will L top atop a any ny kind dof of headache will prevent caused by over in fulgence dul gence in food or drink late at night price erica twenty fi five vecenta cants for sale eale by smoot anz co A NEW CAUSE CAUS E thousands Thon sanda flock to its standard when a new causs causa is ir presented to the it always exciter excite 3 attention A prominent physician phy sican has baa taid said that lagrippe during daring the last three years has baa done more to weaken the hearts of if the world than any other cause that lias has eals es ed those thos e who hive have had this mi malady and aub dy found themselves subject to palpitation tion short breath irregular pulse wind in stomachs pun prin in side aide or shoulders emol hering spelle pelle fa fain intine linz dropsy etc may mav feel fed assured they have heart dia biaas as i a which unless 83 checked at once mav result fatal I 1 v dr Mi miles lesNew new heart cure is the bojil only Y remely remedy that can be relia i noon arion to of et feet a cure sold by bv pyne maiben on a ask aek f fo 0 the Dc D teri now book free 2 pronounced lio hopeless ats ived from a letter written by slip mt aija ads E of ireton S D we ne i rt waa taken with a had bad coad h on ray boug boet in or end a finally it in can four doctora gl rave ave gnp me up N say flavine ing I 1 could livo but a short ort time lime I 1 nave gave my im nf J up to my savior determined if ayi I 1 could not stay with my orientis fri entIs on earth absent ones above to get et dr DC fy discovery ve f 0 r C congha ou agha and colds colda rt il anve if ft a trial took it all eight bottles bott lep it has baa cure d me and thank god I 1 am now a well wel and hearty bearty woman trial lj atles free at pyne maidens Mai bens druz store regular size eize auld and 4 M U ma I 1 I 1 ill 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 0 I 1 ta 44 I 1 t A 1 11 I 1 t I 1 I 1 aizo I 1 I 1 for 51 3 and children castoria is za sa wen adapted to children that colic constipation t recommend atas superior ruperio to tiny any prescription prescript ion sour stomach S diarrhoea D irhe mown mon to me me ILA H JL IL D I 1 awa gest wonna wf loc gives ve deep esp cale and t ill bo oxford st brooklyn K N Y r without on urlo medi medication the use usa 0 castoria U universal so I 1 fed for several years I 1 have hare omna rec ila menta so well weil known that it seems a TOUT castoria alq and shall always continua of supererogation o to endorse it t yew few aretos do 0 so asit as it hafl toi fut llly produced beneal benefit 4 1 intelligent alte 7 0 f who do not t tee lee Cast Ca offiS results resu ltV h within patre adwir F V F IL D duym n D D new york city tho no winthro y edth street and ath are tata late pastor bloo I Rel reformed ormed Chur church cL new york aitt TRE tas 77 yotte I 1 1 c M M 11 BOW M MEX WENLY WEXT iltz 1 NAVE YOU TRIED DRUGS AND FAILED TO 70 I A CURE I 1 1 eff 0 ji I 1 r EC 11 m ni ly 2 it 11 VIM 1 lp i 1 14 it r B V e I 1 I 1 1441 I 1 iida i 1 AND D I 1 I 1 fiFI ORf I 1 4 I 1 r lain 1 MET I L 11 1 EN ir ii h I 1 1 L A VHO HO ARE E debilitated AND I 1 k FRO I 1 NERVOUS us DEBiLl IT Tt ME IMPOTENCY CY an OR J 11 LOST MANHOOD RH rheumatism man s M az lafe E 4 I 1 t ii ali I 1 I 1 11 60 T TROUBLES 1 I 1 ESE GENERAL ILI ILL HEALTH TH W I 1 I 1 MA the g directs cj ecta of bessea worry wont anil ex for such bach we wa I 1 have bave a relief and add cure in our marvelous marve loua invention zinc w which fir require aires but a trial to coti cobi vince the most sk in your ignorance it norance of effects aby or by excesses e or 0 r exposure 6 3 U r 0 1 may i i ad drained r a n ed jorj conr system yare moin of nerve force and vitality ity which h fe t la electricity r r ea and S i thus cuard 1 conr weakness k or lack lof of form force U you replace into your system the the eler e I 1 z i P identa ahna dral nod which ara required for djaz vigorous ya strength tren reply b will remove the causa r S va 1 and health and albor r will follow at once and in the Ollor natural d way this thi M in our ur p plan n asta and treatment and we guarantee eua rantee a cure or money funded j ur ba book k three classes 0 of LA men careo ile it should 0 be read by overy 7 0 eed d and oll old man gent aut sealed mee free hb r sa 0 ww 0 1 electric belt la is no experiment as we have restored thousands thousand 1 t hai d MM vigor after f r all I 1 11 other treatments a t t failed as can be shown y r hundreds of cases case throughout lath this bbate t t rw who h wo would gladly testify t y and df r m axy many vt u t w whom b om W wa 0 ba bacq v a letters bearing testimony to their recovery reco verv after using u 1 ir our ideis belt WE HAVE CURED THESE VIE VE CAN cak CURE en c i CENERA CE L DEBILITY CURED LAME BACK AND rheumatism au F mo cal A u aia d 1 nr arten r A TS Ten de D sir bif id d 7 M dr A T sanden portland dear sir oregon years sep ote f m air I 1 a trob ld I 1 h t 1 id w 0 r 1 alm 1 t t a pl si 1 th h hard wort work combined bd with I 1 the adrai booming lm th tired fa la eling beai achi acha t i 1 j of rl b 7 6 your belt 1 have h had J a new I 1 lease of if I li f 1 i alj y from which I 1 ff f for seven teara I 1 wa fo bail afif y that I 1 could d not t bi bend d bach M all doubled lita bet better than I 1 have for tea lh ta tj my as up utmost confide confidence in i conr treatment yean 11 apalit Y lowith ll rih with th it ll I bought one ot conr belts it helped m ash this so have hava others it ta laide do of f dy aph y and nd d I 1 continued to wear it for tour four fc me m arly yos yo enSt s S abo A all WEN 26 and Z I 1 turk st m month 0 u I 1 74 b being eu 9 g perfectly r f n c cored T df that was wag tm two fear yx and ism I 1 well j I 1 life ago ao am as we 1 t today to day as lew 1 ever 1 was in my X rheumatism AND ADIL LAMENESS API F N E ZIPH CURED R sera k know now your u r b belt well 11 aad d I 1 k know ima lotson lots of people i who I 1 Po za oregon april i IS leu h hate jave v M been cured cared d 1 by it 1 Ms many others the need aerl it U pit and it dr A T sanden D dear siri ir 1 jt bot t one 11 your belts they w would d try it they would find it the tha bame OJ ati I 1 did two wo v weeks k ago go for from which lour 1 suffered the best t remedy dy in the world I 1 am located her hf for Is yeara por for the past six ELX month I 1 had not ve penna aly and will wl 11 be clad to talk with am one ho N b bean able to work k your belt has placed paced mein me in almost wants to in u re abon t it 1 berf th herlth kh in the tha two week asi I 1 have ud u d it im lean 1 alq T engineer hotel Po iralli comfortably and bellik feel fel lik like a naw man 6 ral lr M fl V proprietor hotel clotel OST VITALITY AND ath t W j A im NERVOUS DEBILITY LOSS OF VIGOR vicor dr A T gand sanden D dear r 6 sir S klace waring tour ar aa ooma iw h october 24 ft ur belt I 1 have bate been greaby glatly benefited I 1 feel my old en drat sanden D dear 8 sir 1 h have b been n using your erey fast fart reta returning xiii ng and after a months um ose of the th rl electric ano bet belt forre for toree jie nervous debility and toda to dabbelt dav da my belt t I 1 find myself i twice as s us before my mr feel bettar than chate for five bearg V 1 13 r nearly terly vr perfect foj cad and each dayh day show in alaor daily and ronn am in at M f for tha tr att better I 1 ltd f fel duct stronger th than b before fo youra 7 CHAS AS using the belt Y 11 t mt heaby N fy y schultz THE 1 1 ELECTRIC BELT tsa la a complete anto battea battery 1 made ade into a belt so 11 as to be aas easily fl y worn diri darlne work k or ataw ans I 1 it fj eevea arlo prolonged gd c currents t which it are a instantly felt t throughout h t ail weak parts or we forfeit 5 it t has an fa improved proved electric the greatest boon adv ever gr given we e warrant it egure to cure any y of the above weaknesses and L 1 0 o enlarge sh shrunken ken limbs or parts part ml or D lioner ard 0 ded they ey are graded in strength to meet e t all of f weakness baku in yonna iddle men and d will cure care the worst cas cases in two or three mo ali address Z esa for tall information ora ion j 1 SANDEN SANDED ELECTRIC CO firnist Firs Fir PORTLAND OREGON cath cash capital 00 oo I 1 ZIONS SAVINGS BANK AND TRUST CO salt camarat 3 jale caty utah h WILFORD WOODRUFF jr GEORGE Q president Vre aident vice vica GEORGE at CANNON chier cashier wilford woodruff lT lorenzo snow and oldest george Q cannon francis al lyman bank in utah joseph F smith heber hber J 1 grant we desire anthau hou ir Lun dAngus M cannon your we W pay 5 per cent r T G deyber H B clawson Claw gon on deposits jane jaes jack george R enolds Esy nold I 1 write y for particulars partie sura lArs T G hardy rad had nui not slept for years mr A jackson an old resident of ef rusk texas and manager of the magnificent n ent new hotel at rusk informs us ns he had not slop al lep at night for years except in short naps owing to incessant cough ins r ile he was advised when very verv much ran down to try ballards ho horehound e bound syrup he ha was immediately relieved of his hi ls cough and his rest improved inin roved to such a degree that ho he could sleep soundly all night mr air jackson states 1 I regard ballards horehound syrup superior to any cough syrup on the marketa market and n d its freedom from 0 pion and Morphine leaves eaves no constipation after using it for this reason alone I 1 consider it the best cough syrup in the world for children my aly lungs are now stron stronger per than they have been for years this syrup syrna is very soothing to the hront ind and lungs sold by smoot 0 t drug co I 1 LAUNDRY I 1 I 1 on G street between ath and esth north of perys blacksmith shop prices within L living 4 r W ia washing arid and ironing from 40 acts to 60 ets per dozen save money by sending bending their washing to the home laundry GOODS CALL CALLED ED FOR AND AN DELI D LI E YE RED MRS MARS CRAM pr provo ovo american 11 agency for A 11 jp I 1 10 Is t I 1 V CAVEATS maks I 1 TRADE MARKS KS PATENTS COPY copyrights etc etca for information and free handbook write to MUNN A CO BROADWAY TORE OR 0 ti tor r tec crins ni in america me r taken e out b by u is 8 b brong z tit t bedor tho the dubuc bua by a nonce given elten free of clause lu in thi tha 9 benti f ir E 4 tran ar sst rj jatin of any selen tille papu paper in the thel worl I 1 no 1 nin man should be w without it il 1 I ter tz months month address al MUNN N A CO cal arar broadway vw iw york city BLUM un 11 hnyp send bead east tor for your four atif TREES R when you yon can get them here at nearly halt hall of accents prices and better stock guaranteed LAPP lall D GI UP DON after any plan also plans and estl esti mates mane and stock Furnis furnished bea a reasonable figures Fi eurea 1200 ever eter greens on hand of different sizes 1000 roses 47 kinds orders how ever small let me price them for yu you funeral designs of every description made on shor notice everything in the florist line call and eee ece west wed ad str street beet address P 0 eos box 39 provo city AM I 1 4 STORES I 1 main street sat salt lake city constantly arriving ar rivin WINTER h I 1 among which are blankets blacke ts from upwards mens mein suits S a i ts from 40 00 0 to 2000 2 mews mens overcoats from to 2000 mens M ons underwear bottom bricea I 1 rubbers felt boots shoes etc ladies plush coats from 12 00 to 20 00 L ladies adies New markets from 3 00 to 1000 ladies underwear from 25 ets to in THORS N PATENTS P A T E N r r 1071 lo LS 71 meats and betimes be ke times secured emde mirk a lat ered and al all other patent cabag in the k i lent office bad and befort beford the courts court i promptly pj CJ eare easefully fully prosecuted j apon on receipt of mod modeler eier or fib e tel q f in athol pj make carje ful W a ISO ise I 1 HS as athe tree free of th charice cliar arice xe with my directly across from the patent being io in personal per Bonal I 1 there here it la apparent that I 1 haye have superior ta for rit mating altIng prompt searches arches le tor for in ane anor vig orone and ana prosecution 0 for patent pa lent and tor for s tt finding to ed air nesa ectra tod to ray ni rare in the ioime FEI gawn to patent amt icse tass Inton revio land and pal special r a t on 1 IL B vertea awl and atlary tn in cow ansi b U 4 41 ut cc I 1 I 1 PROVO SHAMBLE q 11 I 1 TI TIM nii I 1 r 11 1 1 F TO FA BROS B tv z i wa s ff 1 I s A j y rr s1 sa ff ilij i z la 11 ka k ra S r r i 1 t I 1 t giors P AS I 1 OF FICE I 1 cash paid m ft C calves a avns t il rt 0 C S jd D R 0 LL B rk TY Ls e I 1 sr ovo vc icah U U 1 I A dealer riler Of in a levit asad mid iferd eed I 1 aali 11 lair l air FOR WHEAT cp avy r IN 3 0 jf r r mana manager er A HANDSOME OFFER A popular illustrated home and comans womans publication offered free to anz subscribers Subscribe re THE has perfected arrange ments menta by which we offer FREE to our readers reader sayears a years subscription to wo we MANKIND the popular ES ly journal published at springfield Spring fled ohio wo will GIVE a years subscription to WOMANKIND to each of our leaders paying paving a years subscription to 0 tzi THE EN EQui REE in advance and to all new subscribers paying in advance WOMANKIND will find a joyous welcome in every home it is bright sparkling and interesting its household hints and suggestions are invaluable and it also contains a large amount of news about women in general its fashion depart complete and profusely prof illustrated I 1 it has a bright and entertaining corps 0 of f contributors and the paver paper is edited with care caro and ability its childrens department makes WoMAN WOMANKIND a favorite with the young and iii ID fact it contains much which will interest every member of every h household busl hold in dinits sixteen large handsomely illustrated pages do not decarl in accepting this offer it will COST YOU NO THINS to get pt B R fill ears subscription to WOMANKIND samples can be seen at this office d daa a THE K institute institute P of I 1 salt lake city I 1 j I 1 1 at the gardo house H oise As a matter of at justice to ourselves and to the rc reputation of dr leslie E Kee leys wo world ald famed remedies Eem edies for liquor opium and ancl tobacco we warn the public that thai these remedies are need b by y no institution of ef any kind in the territory of atah utah excepting only the femley institute of salt I 1 lake city I 1 all others claiming claim iio inq to use dr Ke cleys remedies or formulae are frauds and imp impostors since january last we have made nearly SOO cures 1 and these men are anion among g ih the e people of utah today loda as living r evidences of the unspeakable imp eatable value of this treatment fowe we guarantee the genuine keeley treatment as adi administered ninis alered at this to be perfectly har harmless inless arrangements for tr treatment may bema be made dewith with our representative mr M r C A IVINS or with a af K ORRIS MORRIS M 1 I 1 1 it manager gardo do house |