Show th taco sor 1 1 0 auw A d sorrows have accumulated upon chii itil ministration to an extent greater perhaps peri than any other in the history of the I 1 c country th A he little son eon of president pierce wy killed id lied in a railway accident ca a the from new hampshire ELp shire to the inauguration mr lincoln lost a eon while lien he n is president and was assassinated at the beginning of his second term and the same fate befell president garriell Gar fiell A number of distinguished people including one ona or more cabine officers were killed gilded by an explosion of a cannon OP of lioard board a ship on an the poto potomac mac during daring mr tylers eylers administration no administration however has had so luany ny r red ra A surroundings surrounding a as the tha arese prese present ni pue one it will vill be recalled that the h hous 0 TIM of secretary tracy was destroyed by firc and his wife anil and daughter were burned to death in the gulmi after a long ill nem the wife of mr halford the tha pred lent a private secretary died while mr air was Bec secretary of p fate hil favorite son ron walker was stricken down and never recovered and am abon 1 after lih hit retirement from the cabin cabinet e t within a ir week eek or two another son ern mons maine died almost without a moment warning his daughter mrs coppinger Copp ingeri also alao died while he was a member of thi cabinet and one of his hia sisters secreta Sec windom bindom yin dom of the treasury department while in new york to make a speech at al a banquet died at the table the chiel usher at the executive mansion mr dinamore has died within a year in the presidents own household sorrows come thick k in and d fast A sister ol 01 his hia wife has died within the part year ot 01 two mrs harrison after patient suffering buffering breathed her last in the whit house and was waa followed a few dayl dayi after by her venerable rather father washington cor montgomery Moni gomery advertiser |