Show A ceremony the infant daughter of the emperor and d empress was arrayed with surpass pass ing magnificence on the oc occasion casil of her christening she wore wora a annn mantle ue of the richest riches Lt pure velvet profusely trimmed with ermine under which was a christening robe of white whit satin and lace iwo embroidered broi dered with gold crowns during the service the princ princess was placed upon silver cushion with deep silver fringe the vessels were a superbly chased b basin and ana a jug of solid gold which were wera manufactured on the occasion of the christening of the emperor frederick the tha ceremony took place placa in the jasper gallery of the palace ri a splendid saloon with walls of marble marabl a and jasper and numerous in gold frames the temporary altar was v covered with go gold and the various ornaments ants were wera an all of pure j gold A picture by raphael which usually hangs hanga in th the 0 gallery at S san souci had been brought to hang over T er the altar the empress espreu was waa dressed 2 in n white satin hugo huge sleeves cleeves and a ia laca ca cap but n ni a jewels bor lin letter |