Show city and county jottings cottings Jot tings SKELT SKELTON co are exclusive gents agents for the famous luxembourg pens for utah stati territory ask for samples I 1 BUILDINGS will wil be dut cut up on easy easy terms by G W V mickel call and sei see him t five per cent paid quarterly on sav in inas s deposits depo aita at provo commercial savings IRA vinas bank SHAWLS I 1 shawls I 1 shawls I 1 just juat COMO come ind nd ret get a bargain in one at B S S JONES co t prom paoa 1 up received 0 on savings do I 1 t J R cashier MOSSY to loan by thurman wil bono eon f Krau krauser Kr auses seri capsules Cal sules warranted t ABSTRACTS of G title promptly burnish ed by the county recorder for all city coun county ty and mining property situated n utah county APPLY to G W mickel for informs in forma tion if you you desire to make cash loans BEE keepers keeper swill will do well to consult geo W Ali cizel provo before purchasing their supplies liea for 1893 HAVE you any old oid school books on hand it HO 0 take them to the provo book A stationery co pay the ex change price find and get new books remember after feb no old books taken t f IF yon von want to save money call at the book stationery co ca with your old E school choo books and exchange them for new ones no books exchanged after feb 1st ast i THE provo book stationery co wil wila 1 I 1 exchange sebr school ol books every day untie I 1 feb ast 1st after which no old od boons bolis wil be taken in ex exchange chanze t f houe made lard at Spec karta karts cash marks market 9 K robis desires his hia customers to know that he has authorized no one to sell coal oil or gasoline on his cards ile he makes his own calls t Gi GENUINE iuva pork sausages at the cash market the best suring medi cint is a dose of two of st patricks Fa tricks pills they not only physic but cleanse the whole system find and purify the blood for sale by pyne maiben Druz vicE at the tha baptist sunday morning at it 11 sunday school at 10 a in there will be no services in the evening on an account of tie union christain tain endeavor moo li W at the proctor coif adif invitation js is pax to oi n tees nea services I 1 avise alvis tl vis bought out tha business bu einess of C A conkling 1 I will move from my old quarters to the bo boi th a build ing and hereafter occupy the wall known photograph gallery the pace nix mix studio on and after feb an and 2nd d next ad anderson anderaon photographer 1 iw bervi vicea cenat at the congregational church tomorrow at the proctor academy at 11 am theme the limitations of life at p in the cho closing session of the utah county christain endeavor convention will be ba held all are welcome S rose pastor IRE board of directors of ex 1111 co met yesterday and elected the tha follow following ng officers president john E booth vice president john henry smith secretary and treasurer J ai jensen the news came yesterday odthe of the deatti of er secretary i were wera raised at half mast on the court house and the firemans foremans Fi remans hall this is ia the first occasion on which a flag hasteen has been unfurled from fram the Fir filemena Fi remena emens hall mast tux tax finest invitation carda ever printed in provo we done at THE ENQUIRER iob department for the rebekah lodge no 6 efthia of thia city who give a grand bill ball at the new I 1 L 0 0 F hall ball in the reed smoot block next friday evening SAMUEL A Ste elethe veteran chicago drummer has his wife and daughter with him on this trip They Thoy are registered at the roberts WORD has been received of the drown lug ine of six bix horses by breaking through the ice in crossing utah lake the horses were in abara a of mart Bol bollons tons son eon and another young man A woe wee philadelphia girl there lives in phil philadelphia ad elphia a tiny little girl named batio campbell bryan she was a year old last week and though perfectly well and as pretty as the prettiest french doll you ever saw she weighs a little less than eleven pounds when ten days old she wei weighed hod only a pound and three quarters and the clothes which were selected for her to wear were soine that belonged to her sisters tiny wax was doll even now she is not as big as a good sized F rench french doll and though she rho can ape speak alrand and say eay distinctly two or three words and walk so BO fast that you yon would have trouble to catch her if she should run away she could easily bo carried on oneff one of your hands bands her feet aro are only two inches long no longer than your longest finger and her hands are very very tiny she has a few teeth which are very cunning and pretty md and all her toys toya as you may inia giue have to le be mado made especially for her canada city ity times |