Show amx DAILY JOHN 0 Ma manages fizz telephone number is IB 27 local mention in this thin col column 30 cen centa s per line each insert insertion iono advertisements and changes must b be e sent to TOR office not later ihan 10 a m to secure inser on same day SATURDAY january 28 1893 1993 broto mall mail bervice MAILS LEAVE U P salt lake closed cloard pouch I 1 la 15 a m U P doing soul bouth 9 la 15 a 11 m r fa 0 af goinz east t 0 a in ilg W going cortti sze a am U OP P going north nonfa P in balna ina and 0 en bast aalst 11 1020 P ni in sal balana I 1 no and ad oslen den west 11 j pm MAILS ARRIVE U P eprom irom salt lake o 9 in is a W the west a m it JW aw the east 8 11 a in len from west 1011 rn R a n salina and U uden den from eail 8 3 20 p in troied team from sait sail lake 6 30 p v in C U P mau mail irom from south fluom P M OFFICE the general beneral delivery deli stamp and registry windows open at 8 a m and close tt at P pm the morley money order window opens at 9 M mi and closes at 4 p in on sunday the general delivery and stamp windows are open from fratia 12 in t to 0 I 1 p in postmaster 0 9 R P WIN dacuk to S 1 1 it la a 12 a I 1 i 0 As a oft 0 V amk me akil 4 oak I 1 g I 1 ri 1 owden to theouley the only pure pare cream of tartar powder no ammonia no 4 alum used ju in millions of homes 40 40 years the standard zei I 1 1 SHOULD BE ARRESTED the popular demand wh w what wha t should he be arrested A excessive nervousness dyspepsia head ache nervous debility dullness of mind nervous prostration etc they should bo be arrested or stopped before they develops into a condition that can but bat result fatally for this purpose no remedy equals dr miles restorative nervi n e tue discovery of the renounce ned t whose remedies are the won wonter wonder ter of the civilized world is sold by vyine maiben on a guarantee ask aak for his benok free 2 the festival it is expected that the in hi ting tin avara will all bo be ready to warm the tabernacle for or the choat t tily if ty fee uval about the aih of fehr u the chorus and t thi orchestra rh tra stra are holding hol Jin special rollers is ie ni iiii id tho the ia 18 P whisp rina p ani q t be one those antt r K antini fail dei debit att it ful ail tivi mn icil events a fe nt antia ia 0 0 mix by b th ti pubic the rho I 1 r this nive nave b bp n arreater and ilia ha will no ibe oe lu in th thi same aanie degree lt gree greater A sprained ankle this ir ip a common coin nion oc currance and am one obe thit will wil I 1 lav people up ordinarily 6 to S weeks vet we will guarantee ballards Bal larde snow sno v liniment to curo curn any case of sprain sprained ankle in 1 to 3 days if applied at once end nd to immediately relieve all pain snow liniment will cure any old sore eore on oil man or bawit it will lial leal li al all wounds and burss sprains burns scalds bruised Bru isea sore ahr throat 0 at sore chest lame back corns corna bunions for rheumatism lombaro neuralgia Neur aipia Contra contracted cled muscles it hns has no equal D do not aliw any other white liniments Lini menta to be alt oiron you vou for snow liniment Liui ment there is ia no other like for ballards Bol lards snow liniment Lwi ment sold by smoot dingco I 1 1 lar children cr cry y for pitchers castoria when eaby baby was rack we gave her Ca castoria storla when she was a child she cried for castori when she became mas illis she abo clung to Ca cassorla Car toria storla when she had children she eh gave them I 1 1 m m 2 highest of all in leavening power powei latest U S goat Rep report I 1 h in B a W 0 in I 1 i C 4 ar 7 N D M isono mw V 1 r de A I 1 AA PUA a czi 1 6 THIS IS ir THE TIME OF YEAR WHIM illen men and women chilled by cold weakened by the weather and run down generally fow few people understand why this is 0 o or what part of the body the inclement ment wrather and winds attack first let us tell you yon it is the kid hid noya neya li ter iter or urinary organs thee are the first parts that the weather affects that 1 attacks the kidneys take lake cold tho tha urea is not noi thrown off but is forced back upon the lungs and pneumonia results but etwas Caus caused edbY by weakness ot the kidneys there is only one way known to medicine or men for promptly checking kida ney nay troubles and restoring these great organs to health and strength and that is by the use of warners warnera safe cure it has stood the test at time ilme it has bag saved sad thousands of lives it h has s restored millions of sufferers to health it basdon has done e what was never done sever never attempted before athas it baa mad men a stronger and healthier it has made women bright and happier IL ii standi alono alone in all thes abess qualities do 0 you not think it would be wise for you to use it and thus avoid avid the dangers of tbt season insist upon having it pain euln self inflicted ii i BurpO teil toba lobe au abage aae ol of enlighten yet the half civilized persistence persis stene tente with which hosts of it people keep keel dosin themselves on ama tl occasion argues a blind credulity teof the dark ages aee tion has a of urged which in n a leous close merely evacuate the lowell alil vp ration belne preceded by ain aud followed olo wt by weakness the latter an aft CL I 1 r their violen pody liln loab aloes cambage embodied amb emb idled in I 1 h he e foran lt lians 11 18 bluem calum el these are a mn aikins r if aliu h u violent lor for which should uld b be lurve air stets stomach bitters the a alce i n linit 1 geniac nt arl imin tive roani never j aill r le I 1 14 dennl 1 ff n 1 4 I 1 in n I 1 s can hoffrt n f r I 1 in hr I pw t I 1 aur dt d aliis alst nak 11 L 1 limit unit th ue is ids Hs lift ants 11 te to fallt rt a lh li tit rath to 10 ib 11 ty tatem tem ruais GIZ eliou pe derivet rivet and es tile au ud bladder asi Not COS advertisements n this column 1 cent per word each day bythe month per line except marriage notices birth notices 50 60 cents cent death announcements free obituary comments 10 cents per er line no advertisement taken for foi less less than 25 cents miscellaneous MEETINGS he patriotic order sons ol 01 america ameet the meet every thursday night those desiring to join the order please onaka application to any member of the orde C E past pant president now is your timeo time the amelia ainslie lumber company must sell bell their entire provo stock block of lumber and other building material within the tha next sixty days without regard to pr prices ces now is your opportunity to get the best barg bargains aids in lumber ever obtained in ia provo W B KING receiver 11 H BEAN BEAM local agent aaeng gnevo oct 22 issa lost or stolen large black thoroughbred newfoundland dog koewers ko to the name of clovis wears en an extra heavy collar with padlock the owner john al wilson will handsomely r reward vard any one returning the dog or gi giving ing i ifor ma mation ion to his whereabouts t wanted WANTED to ex haage a modern resi i dence end and corner lot in salt palt lake city for provo property apply at office 4 dark clark will vil loan you at 10 per rent cent per annum or of will tornish you an abstract of title to your farm or home on shortest notice office in first national bank building provo utah for sale 4 acres city property situated between first and second streets pt repts county road with one four roomed and one 2 zoomed roomed houses will sell for cath or exchange for good farming land south apply to J B love provo city d B s w A yon a T itle to your rome home so se RA U wi eure hn HH abstract from mp glare without delay for or dele deles s are daun rons and learn th cona con 1601 of your tide office first natio national lal bank 13 ide provo utah dam HERE IT IS the popular route east via rio gr gaarde ae western and colorado midland a s ticket office no main treet salt lake only two nights ou oa for sale cheap for casl cash sva live acres of very good od land in bulk or in lots lota located in the e east t fieldsa fields under union ditch A g good 0 od I 1 chance tor working work iniz meri men to get a b blomn o I 1 no at bed rock prices for further particulars enquire of E M dugdale 0 R J D ig isdale jale provo city am m for exchange will exchange a residence in salt lake city new house bouse modern improve rients first class in every respect for provo city property H H U SMITH offices doors north first national lank hank some remarks again ladies and gentlemen Julias jensene jewelry w iry stor st orria ia the place to get your tour te christmas h rl atmas presents my goods for themselves I 1 an am i here to s toy stay whether silver is ia high or low it cut no 0 figure with me no 0 one c can a undersell me let them offer anu you e ver ever so BO much per cent off I 1 have got to live and so GO cave bave others bet if I 1 have to sell at cost I 1 will do it and succeed from me you yon can buy diamond rings they are handsome bau han deome and perfect and a big stock to from I 1 dont need to howl to sell my goods people know they are reliable and not cheap but sold bold JULIUS lost A vair of opera glasses at the opera house or between there and residence op opp pasita sits to silas afreda first Fir stward ward the finder will be rewarded by leaving leafing hem at J W deals 1 t Z 5 1 a I 1 1 i m I 1 it al 11 14 5 elowe J na 9 0 0 vare d sa Q 10 1 ei C I 1 whole wholesale sale F and nd retain beai L I 1 I 1 grocers AGENTS FOR azil r in utah kjall county send in ill your orders for the best beat coal oil in atall C V A IR AL co I 1 I 1 lump 91 t cc stove az 75 i cc nut 0 0 P V lump 0 i anthracite 10 1050 1030 30 50 cents per ton extra for drayage Dray i leave orders at or by telephone lione to J T provo col commercial li mercial i savings savin 9 s jank bank satisfaction guaranteed spafford stubbs agents k 1 1 fire insurance life 14 I 1 DUSE dusenberry KNOWLDEN EN accident 11 4 plate glass t GENERAL AGENTS live stock cc to tc stamps 9 and nd seals collections Collect iona made PROVO UTAH NOTICE I 1 1 notice is hereby given that the tha busi ness in fa m erly known aa a a the colorado lumber company will be continued under the conary firm Is name of amelia ainslie lumber company conci pany with H H sean bean as aa manager WILLIAM B KINO if f receiver ff U aa M bus A N L U 0 headquarters FOB jewel jewelan watches 5 ROW I 1 p 0 I 1 I 1 t I 1 I 1 ia 0 mi pork t I 1 the largest larg est and best stoc kin diamonds set and loose to select from repairing in all its Bran brandies clies first class julius jensen THE JEWELER 4 1 i CENTER ST BT PROVO OPENING of our fall and winter stock of w S wis hii its I 1 q all of which will he be sold fold cheap tor lor cash we ca raty rv the largest and mos moat complete stock of goods to select from call early and make your yon selections remember en jember the alae lar corner of eth 11 II Str per MRS alm H W DAVIS AVS 1 div I 1 it iby u ia I 1 diw alfh N P I 1 4 I 1 i I 1 v 1 AV 11 11 11 II I 1 3 b i I 1 6 A I 1 S RI POW 1 1 VO UTAH paid in capi capital ta 1 W N 11 S ir plue I 1 DIRECTORS A ak fuegi I 1 Sir BE basir ir S ii ri j ONES JONES V ICE PRE it IL 11 CLUFF JOHN 0 GRAHAM AV R J P R JOHNSON GEORGE TAYLOR W H dusenberry DUSEN BERKY fafe safe deposit vaults absolutely fire proof rents renta sa 3 to 15 per year receives deposits payable on demand C Collect 10 iona gent bent us ua receive profit attention and remitted at lowest rates correspondents new york national park bant bank san francisco pacific bank balt Salt lake lale city I 1 deseret national bank i IS STUDENTS GUIDIE GUIDE TO BOOK KEEP ING REN penmanship SPECIMENS 01 a ELGAL BLANKS I 1 SKELTON CO provo prove city U butali tall you laugh ca to see money go for our FALL AND WINTER BARGAINS we sell such good goods aud and sell them thein so cheap that BUYING BECOMES A PLEASURE SEE 0 OUR UR NEW LINE OF ng ani punishing hiag I 1 ur sh shoe 0 0 department is doing an im immense melise business our dress goods and trimmings delight all our full aud and elegant za line of wraps is a condei our line fino 1 I h di i i vs s I 1 F F r d ir jabi A aik ak cotton and wool bool is i success sucu N en I 1 j ti s i za kizah it 0 V 0 ak ki ai U alib y J V 4 GO TO THE A I 1 TP A W a 0 6 I 1 ff 0 0 I 1 M it I 1 M jig a I 1 I 1 01 5 M E IN 0 L I 1 U 0 5 11 41 OF A w gay 9 where LIQUOR OP 1 UX 3 TOBACCO and ca are 1 permanently cured by tb new improved and mom la X w a roo ddn I 1 advantages perfect restoration over any other to health treatment as assured Aured the remedy y being entirely vegetable it possesses del decked d ed the institute is LL b branch ran ch of the american demeay with co aj i i e tt a recently incorporated company a capital stock of feed smoot president W 11 1 1 dusenberry V aice ice president 0 Gr graham allair secretary joh jobu 1 s Tv elvea treasurer dr F B simmons L U ring king and L Hinc Dinc tors I 1 zooms I 1 12 i 2 3 ad d 4 1 EXCELSIOR 2 BLOCK ij du PROVO CITY UTAH I 1 1 DRW DR W D bio director I 1 af 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