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Show MRS. M A TR IKS TO TRAP A SE R V ANT " GIR I. WANT ADS DATE BACK TO ANTIQUE DAYS I'ifl lire of aboriginal eruption xvhioh enters inlo story of Salt Princess. Ma Sure Was Heap Mad Like Wild Buffalo on the Plains. The daily newspapers of Salt Lake havo made arrangements to publish a series of Indian tribal tales, which will be ppociilly written writ-ten for t!:em by Herbert S. Auer-bach Auer-bach and illustrated by Jack Held. Mr. Auerbach has for a long time been contributor to publications throughout the country, and Jack j Held is among America's foremost j artists arid his drawings are a regular reg-ular and noteworthy feature of many leading magazines and period peri-od i cols. The money received by Messrs. Auerbach and Hold for these Indian In-dian stories will be donated by them to the fund of the Salt Princess Festival. By HERBERT S. AUERBACH. IN T 11 E blossom time that followed the hungry winter, when tb.0 snow was four horses high, a Viiaw of Skookuni family, and br name Ma-Work-All-Time, was slowly working herself to death in the Pueblo of Dirty Tents, which, at that time, was located in Ihe Vai'cv of Xo-Xi-tfheo, the Salt Princess. site was so pood that een her own children loved her. and so it came to pass that one day she became tired, like the birds in the night, and told her bin. strong, handsome husband. ! Oid-Man-Let-Ma-Dn-H, that she wa in j grievous need of a servant cirl assistant, assist-ant, for she was slowly working her-! her-! "elf to death. OM Man Pa says: ''So ! long you work yourself slowly to death, i maybe not so bad, but don 't hurrv. j Ma." I Ma Was Some Angry. After which remark Old Man-Let-Ma-j Do-1 1 made a make-liyhtning-look-slow dive out of the bifr tent, followed olosc-j olosc-j ly by man v of Ma 's heaviest kitchen i utensils. M a sure was heap mad like i wild buffalo. I After the eruption had subsided, Old j Man Pa was fully convinced that Ma-i Ma-i Work-All-Time was really in need of a (helpful servant girl, so he forthwith proceeded to chisel a Female Help Wanted Want-ed Ad on the face of the smooth slate cliff where the seekers of work were wont to congregate and loaf. He also notified everybody in the Pueblo, as well as visiting Indians from neighboring neighbor-ing lodges that a good servant girl who could work like n horse during nice long ; hours and loved lots of little children : could find an. easy job and a good home at a salary of three square food-fillers a . day. ! Many Applicants. ! And during the days that followed it jcame to pass that many applied, but few ! were willing to work. At last a demure, de-mure, st ronglv-built Indian Maid of the Hupky-Lor-A " Tnbe. called by her mother Maybe-Stay-a-Day-or-Two, made application to indulge in menial labor, and after giving Old Man Pa the onceover once-over and after exhaustively catechising Ma-Work-All-Time, finally opined that she might eive the jo a trvout. Whereat Mrs. Ma was unduly elated iand whoonla'il Pa in great exhuberance and unmitigated joy, exclaiming with soiht in her voice: "At last 1 have a llelp-CIean-rp-the House. ' ' Old Man Let-Ma-!'o-lt looked at Ma in compassion com-passion and talked thiisly to himself: "Ltd Ma-Work-All-Time be happy dur-i dur-i ti tr few minutes while she can.' Prettv heap soon Mrs. Ma find Maybe-Stay Maybe-Stay -a -Day. or -Two make more work around the tent than all the pappooses, so Mrs. Ma was compelled to rise up earlier than sun and she couldn't get : rolled in sleeping blanket until long time a f ter moon came up over nioun-, nioun-, tai ns : besides Maid- Heap-Hard.-to-Get I showed Ma how she used to do in last pla--e and a!was tell nx bett'T n;n ! to do all tent-wurk. I Heap Well Satisfied. j Mr. Ma decided s.he do hern. lr- ! per-onal work l.cl'(,;c --lie hue iia:':- j ber-Maid-Servant. so she fin- Servant- i-irl-Hos- and do alt her own work wit)1 ! i'johoti- to bu.-s hi-r, and rvr since then j Mrs. Ma la-np well saf i-i'ied. i Oin e in a while ( lid Man Pa rrn:j k with smile: "Mr-;. Ma mdav I .e mav- j be I can ef gi.nd -eranl girl.'' 'pi t -o ' soon he say it ' Man 1'a ar.vay- make J heap fpiick dah like aiileIo,.e i'or open j air, and after few miniit's M Mi, come outside and pick i:p all her i.c-a v ' 1- itchen tools atid carrv tiicm i' k itito |