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Show JOHNSON'S LEAD INCREASING AS RETURNS COME IN SAN FRANCISCO. Au?. 30. Af re- turns from outlying iisiri'ts from yester-y yester-y day s primary election straie i in tort' to-rt' n:?nt, th lead of Governor Hiram W. Jo .in son o'-'er Willis H. Booth nf Ixb An-f?:es An-f?:es for the Reptiblican nomination for United States senator materially increased. in-creased. Tabulation of the vote of 4f" precincts out of a total of 5 43 in the state gave the governor a majority of The Progressive vote for Johnson, who was running al-o on that pariy's ticket, j 204,'. Hi? name was written In on Democrat if ballots by 12!"5 voters. ! The makeup of the Republican state t convention, which will meet In Sacramento Sacra-mento in mid-September, engrossed the thousrrs of practical politicians here today to-day after they had asreed that Governor Hiram YV. Johnson bad won his contest for Hit iu'iniMii'iui st-u.iorial mnntRlion oer Willis 11. Uooth of Us Angles. 'Piie .irious parly ftaio convt'iu ions tn California io made up i.iroly of fndi-d(es fndi-d(es for o.':W. Ml a.smt'ly utul s.-na-tonrtl noininc.'s and n .!oU'i;.uo fiom ouch of the senatorial lu";.uer oiMrtois m.iKo up (ho oonvrntlou of caoll p;rtv. Tins convention writrs tlio party platform, hut its main ob.ioot Is to name tlu party state .-entral conniiitiee for tbe not two years, and th.at Is w !iv politicians were lnteresus! in It today. The RoiHiNuan s;.to central committee, commit-tee, as now .otis'.itiite 1. b.nti not in any way favoraMe to vlv ci nor Johnson or his supporters, eft'oris w ill 1'e put fort h to elect one tii.it is. How the nominees ilne up on this ij-s'io was a matter oi speculation ton:shtly nil hands. |