Show rob botick no 1635 united states land office salt ahe city utah november IS HEREBY GIVEN THAI rss rust whose residence and lost l ost office address is silver city juab robuty lor a united liah l iah has made application vitan or the phoenix m icing mining jua cl sn county v consisting of alln ee odthe de and bunace ground oy r i tt v and d in the flerl notes ani plat 0 ahe urvey on hie in tills office with variation ats df diec ec au east as follows he discovery point of the claim an running thence north along the course f the vein 10 a point on the end line claim thence olih de bamin westwic to pogi yo 1 hie aine beai s identical fost no 2 of south mammoth lit 0 o 3 and from which U rt l 11 ko 1 bearg north 1 de 30 inin east liiv elect lect dl stunt thence anin fost no 24 leei lo 10 biot 2 irence north 75 dee 3 mm eat blua ftc l to asi NO 3 e nur h 8 deg H nn n n arsi 61 i lei l ei to 0 o 4 atit 4 i pt to rosi no 5 thence south TO de 21 wf feel to iosi no 1 the place 01 tie containing an iaea ft acres elpie asly e cebu K nii rom the si nn cai il rofas is in conflict wilh of li i bainn 0 ocies area claimed iiii tor patents asked acres tin MII xiii claim being of record in itie ot sid minin t artl silver city in guib amity Um ity rati llie known locations locutions locut ions belbie ibo 1 li artl norih lot ta 1 ri rl ii akl 11 ce be in tha uit newspaper nearest the baij mining claim ol 01 sixty days D WEBB b L r atty for applicant t |