Show tuesday january 3 1888 windy thawing happy new year how do you like us another storm brewing let us hope this will be a prosperous year for utah mr withers the payson harness maker is in town the merry tinkling of aleigh bells is bieard on every hand new years day was not observed H general in prove as christinas the reduced passenger rates on the utah central and D 11 U went antii effect sunday the ogden herald died the alu year and phoenix like iho 1 rises from its arties members of the provo silver band will not forget the meeting to at east schoolhouse at 7 so far as provo is concerned the advent of the new year wag not ushered in by any matter of importance boys should be stopped skating on the sidewalks it is fun for alie boys but death to fat men and old ladies two dollars and a girl are among the necessary ingredients for a sleigh ride in provo we dont know how it is else chere A well written and interesting communication muni cation from our correspondent has been unavoidably crowded cut of this issue not aa much business was done in provo by the stores the week prior to new years as there was tha same time before christmas president joseph smith of the josephite church arrived in salt lake saturday he is expected to remain for a week or two th home dramatic company have not completed arrangements yet for their northern trip the dates will appear in fridays issue promptness Prompt nesa ia a good motto it is hard to find anything more prompt than st patricks pills they are a pleasant cathartic and a good medicine A tribune editorial of the alt makes the funny statement that manti temple was dedicated eleven years ago oh I 1 the lies that trib cau tell 1 ON our second page to day will be foaud a striking itri king and instructive illustration of the comparative worth of the various kinds of bakics powders now in the market athe tri beckly stage haa ceased running eureka and santaquin San there will however be one stage every sunday leaving eureka and santaquin San until court sits next month elder isaac Bullock who lina completed hit term of imprisonment auf unlawful cohabitation preached a good discount sunday afternoon in the meet anghouse he ia well and hearty croup may ba prevented by giving chamberlains cough remedy as soon as the child shows the first symptom of the disease can always be done if the remedy is kept at hand hoarseness is the first symptom of croup stake choir benefit ball on friday evening in the theatre was as we expected a success over one li undred were sold and a great number of interested spectators were in attendance watching the dance the most severe cold will soon yield to chamberlains cough remedy it does not suppress a cold but loosens and it no one afflicted with a throat or lung trouble can without benefit price 50 cents per bottle chamberlains pain balm is one of the most remarkable medicines of modern times ita properties for quickly renewing painful wilmenta ail menta and chronic lameness is tin medicine referred to i chamberlains pain balm 9 fi merchants ya lipped and fell on the icy sidewalk in front of the provo book stationery store saturday bight and although very badly hurt jumped up hastily and proceeded without assistance he had presence of mind enough to refuse help from by who he thought waa a reporter for thu personal observation column the mrs marks cassover case over the eureka row was concluded last saturday night norell no rell decided to hold sullivan howe douglas lynett and ferguson in the eum of brodi W II 11 culmer john fallon D S dana and henry robbing becoming their the other defendants and Hansen were discharged t the theatre at spanish fork was crowded last night at the performance given by the provo home diamatis Dia matic company every inch of standing room was used and scores had to go biome disappointed at not being able to gain the performance as heartily applauded and doubtless would leave been more appreciated biad there bocen belter stage it as the intention to publish in this issue an article ing the business transaction fr of during the last far and the prospects for with in account of our industries resources buildings etc on account of hocco hoc cr and our not haing been able to letsome get some necessary dau in time we are compelled to deter it till friday ue the nane certificates have been filed with the county clerk joseph M duke and jane nion ni on er george P catharine Cath prine S gatherum wm J sargent and mary E karr isaac H preston and H bishop john A robinson and mary 0 williams paul and my cri george W gillsepie Gille epie and eugene dennis wm bacon and emily the poor ot the several wards in this city ci ty have been generously remembered during the holidays by mr james A bean the third ward acknowledges from him a donation of ronnda of beef the oilier wards have been nimi barly we understand that about christmas time for some years past brother james has been in the of performing such deeds of it la only recently that alie diaper men leardi 1 l of the fact some denver and salt lake men have filed articles incorporating th eio grande pacific railway company with capital stock placed at the line of railroad to be constructed by this company commences on the eastern boundary bound arv of this territory the coun anea tigh which the line will pasa r indah wasatch Waa atch summit utah ake davis and weber and the ath of the road is miles so may soon be bleser with the advent of another railroad let us hope BO Is canted by lactic in alie lood which hood and urna wr california cat the only guaranteed cure for catarrh cold in the head bay fever rose cold cata reaal deafness and sora ayea restores the sense of taste and unpleasant breath resulting from catarrh easy and pleasant to use follow directions and a cure Is warranted by all druggists send for circular to MEDICAL COMPANY oroville Or oTille cal six months treatment for 1 sent by mail for sale by all druggists look here we have just received the finest and most complete stock of the studebaker wagons carriages and buggies that na ever salt lake city call and examine before buying elsewhere provo L M B co provo city W R H bupt supt an absolute cure vhf ORIGINAL adieme OINTMENT is aly put up in large two aunce cunce boxes and ii an absolute cure ajr old sores burns wounds chapped hands and all skin eruptions will positively cur all kinds of kilei ask for the OINTMENT sold byall at 25 centt per box by mail 80 cents assaying A course of instruction in practical assaying will begin in the B Y academy immediately after the holidays january 9 all who desire to take the same who are not otherwise of the academy should caama early application to atie in tractor prof jame galmaga of this city st tn FAVORITE HOME 5 B C rr anted not 10 chatam a single JL tide of par mercury or any injurious tub stance but purely vegetable it will cure all diseases cassea toy derangement of the liver kidneys and stomach if yoi r liver is bojt of order ahn your whole is deranged the blood is impure the breath ou have headache head acne eel languid dispirited and nervous to prevent a more serious condition talce at once simmons T REGULATOR if you lead a M FK sedentary life or suffer with jua V kidney avoid stimulants and ule liver regulator sere to relieve if ou have eaten hard of digestion or f el beav after meals or sleepless at feht talc a dose and will fed relieved aej sleep pleasantly if you are a miserable sufferer biti constipation dyspepsia and seel relief at once la simmons lier it docs not continual doin and costs but a trine it u ill cure on if you wake up in the morning with a bitter bad taste in our mouth II 11 fi simmons liver regulator it cor fl gt I 1 the bilious stomach JL the breath and cleanses the furred tongue children often need some safe cathartic and tonic to avert approaching sickness simmons liver lator w ill relieve colic headache ald stomach indigestion dysentery flad the complaints incident to childhood at any time you fei your system needs cleansing clean sinz toning regulating w without violent purging or stimulating without intoxicating PREPARED BY PRICE io health the public are hereby reminded that all cases of communicable diseases dangerous to the public health within the quarantine limits of provo city must be promptly reported to the health officer MILTON H hardy 11 D PO box 66 I 1 velvet and astrakhan trimmin pa furs and muff all the style at COOP CO OP gifts to tempt a mother in law at SNOW the highest price paid for fat hog weighing pounds and over at the WEST coor co or bargains coated with satisfaction at A carload of wire jat received and gelling at salt lake prices at EAST or we are special agents for santa clans alto THEES re bams yams assorted colors at EAST coor co or alf things that brighten home at SNOW the east coop co op in paying the highest prica for beed i oar prices take the chill off SNOW call and see cheap goods and notions 3 doab debt f the bank at TH bonss a lady wants at W 0 beesley is selling hia fine etoni of pure candies at 20 and 25 heart vc in every comer of our stort SKOW magnificent line of haigins campb new at th east coop co op clas recaption every day at SNOW cash paid for fat calves by W cox batcher provo Pres nt which carry a charm at prescriptions carefully DYKES centre streets prokp H C ail klear ts oai stir la int C lode ci w waa att A h abw laye T ft f aak ad good ala bot ec s A As s cartwright boelt TEETH EXTRACTED BY A NEW PROCESS we make a specialty of faoa etc etc office and residence 41 W sec nd roith st opp opera salt lake city one doctors will visit fol lowine places lehl first monday aud tuesday lc january at childs house american fork the fol lowin wednesday and thursday at provo the following friday and saturday at the roberts houe bartl S new will please cau the first day cash WATCHES CLOCKS JEWELRY AND ane io SOUTH OP SALT LAKE AT JENSEN TAYLORS g next door to taylor bros furn icare store provo CRIERS restaurant THIS most popular of batin houses is fitted up in excellent shape meals and good beds if you want comfort combined with economy this is the place to et your meals at opposite the tabernacle block centre street GRIEK prop W T C W I 1 WELL DIGGERS may find it t their interest to correspond with THOMAS H LES AXIAL COLORADO WYOMING from one to five wells to dig according to success DEW DROP restaurant ot acuto E H MEALS AT ALL HOURS FINE assortment OF Elat CAN U anu confectionery constantly ON HAND fv 1 blocks west of bank comer BROVO JOHN prop WELLS WELLS cy I 1 am prepared to sink and Q finish artesian wells in the beat manner cheap and on hort notice have a full bet of tools for my new steam power machine and I 1 can ink aw el SS CHEAPER THAM fany OHE ELSE PROVO P HOMEMADE HOME MADE COFFINS CASKETS manufactured of the beat and most durably material and of ROSEWOOD ANO FRENCH BURL agency for abs E taylors homemade coffins T S to anit orders by mail telegraph or telephone promptly attended to OK BERC one block north of depot provo ft R I 1 E f P EOPLE 5 at our nw store rooms will be found as complete a stock of pa it I 1 11 and at as as prevail at auy establishment south of salt lake aid boots and sto A SPECIALTY fair dealing and satisfaction guaranteed KILNS STEAM SAV MILL at mill fork and M M jones mickal mill fork il celap posts wool hay la oar Ms send orders to S S JONES PROVO TO CO importers of and wholesale and retail dealers in all lands of As fine a stock of goods G as any drug house in attah we carry a full and complete line of the following goods lure drugs patent comba boilet dyes orM hirai K afancy articles Art ioles truss t T apone e faint la int s oil JL raca etc prescriptions AND RECIPES CAREFULLY AT ALL HOURS we make our purchases from the largest and most reliable drug houses in america and can lr eiore bell as low as aej house in utah thanking the public for their liberal patronage hi the past and by fair and courteous treatment in rae future we hops to merit a continuance of the same SMOOT RICHARDS 0 smoot block cent street broto tl 1011 rn ar 3 and everything else aa cheap best assortment of stationery in town centre street the only place in and adjoining territories that is prepared to fill orders for CROCKE by all orders by mail will receive prompt attention P 0 box llOYO CITY E 0 g two or three skilled potters wanted coma and that va carry the LARGEST CHEAPEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF WE SOUT i F salt LAKE CITY TO SELECT BEAUTIFUL upholstered LOUNGES FOR magnificent BROCADED PLUSH TRIMMED WITH FOR LIVELY i FROM 1500 UP I 1 11 32 CENTS PER YARD AND UPWARD mint m int CHAIRS FOR 70 CENTS w H HUSH sons TEay aon csiky TJ 1 J MAIBEN painters and paper 1 I A Hange ata raX |