Show arn home evidence io other preparation has won success at atme equal to hoods sarsaparilla in lowell mass where it Is made it Is now as it for years the leading medicine f r the blood and toning and the system this good name t boine is a tower ot strength abroad it would require 1 volume people to print all lowell people have said in favor of of sarsaparilla sir albert g 0 j estes living at 28 east ime street lowell tor 13 cars employed as boss carpenter by J W bennett ot the erio telephone company had a large running sore come on his leg velch troubled him a year when lie began to take boods sarsaparilla the sore soon grew lehs in size and in a short time disappeared jos cen street lowell had P ra I 1 S 0 and lumps j on hu face and neck n s which hoods sar sapa sarsaparilla cured sirs C W marriott wife of the first assistant fire engineer ol 01 lowell says that for 15 years alic was troubled with stomach disorder diso ider and sick headache which nothing relieved the attacks came on every fortnight when she was obliged to take her bed and was unable to any noise she took hoods and after a time alic attacks ceased entirely many more might be given had we room on the recommendation of people of lew ell who know us wo ask you to try hoods sarsaparilla sold by all druggist by C I 1 nood CO apothecaries lowell sian 00 one dollar WALTER R PI EMD PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON PROVO arnob AT RESIDENCE 2 blocks north of depot J B GREEH PHYSICIAN aau SURi jEUN PARSON UTAH DB C E from london BOTANICAL caires saint vitus dance epileptic fis all nervous weakness and impotency by ibe london treatment agent for uterine supporter R ATTORN EY AT LA W court house CITY UTAH BW jr ATTORNEY AT LAW collection AGENCY ROOM 9 bank building provo city ulah all icinda adone at the lowest 1 eh gold and platina filling a specialty all work warranted to floethe fl orthe money will ba refunded the lowest figure fc dental work ever riven anywhere J over kon centre DR JOIN RIGGS amui rhe treatment 0 on rosEs an chronic diseases in which he nas had upwards of 40 years sue experience esperi ence a specialty PROVO UTAH EXCELSIOR BEAN t THURMAN PROP RS BEEF PORK el C frestedt FRES HEdT AND THE cubic ysl in town delivered at the houses of our patron promptly OPPOSITE THE COURT HOUSE T ac Mant WAITER OOS AT THE Is doine a large family trade and continues to keep on hand the choicest BEEF matron AND FORK shop on block opposite meeting house free delivery rn any part of provo IN THE LEAD always on hand the BEST AND MEATS OF EVERY loava or bend your orders and we will promptly nit them every day we have irish Pork Sausage the in abo market COOK SCOTT CO 4 doors west of post office EXCELS hatel miia hirist nm cur comfortable I 1 im location between the court house centre tit and the depot hakea it particularly ticul arly convenient to visitors CLASS TABLE AND BOOM accommodations the excelsior hotel is renowned renown sd for lla and charges arrangements can be made for board either BY THE DAY or WEEK S D broor ROBERTS HOUSE two blocks south of first national bank PROVO CITY UTAH NOW COMPLETED i newly furnished throughout and supplied with including elarge sample booms etc al BATES oka connecting with every train p f rheumatism Is undoubtedly caused by acid in the blood this acid attacks the fibrous and causes the pains and aches in the back EBon Iders knees ankles hips and wrists of people have found in hoods sarsaparilla a positive anro for rheumatism this medicine by it purifying action neutralizes tra lizes tho acidity of blood and also up and strengthens the whole body T v 0 c that are fretful fret fal peevish gyps op troubled with windy colic teething pains or stomach disorders can be relieved at ones by using ackers baby soother it contains no opium or morphine hence safe price 25 cents sold by provo cu op thousands suffering from asthma consumption coughs etc did yon ever try ackors english remedy it is the best preparation known for all long troubles bold on positive guarantee at loc coc sold br brovo cn op 1 1 fk ro r o mood elixir is tho only guaranteed 1 is for ulcers eruptions or syphilitic poisoning ahola and banishes all and neuralgic Keur pains wo guarantee it sold br to oi S evv of tho good of this lifo aro Borrow folly let alone on account of dyspepsia dyspepsia tablets will curo dyspepsia indigestion and constipation sold on a positive guarantee at 25 and 50 cents by arrovo coop co op ct vo the children they are as lower specially ally liable to sudden colds coughs croup whooping cough etc wo arkers remedy a positive cure it saves haars hoars of anxious watch la bold by provo co p at any time can bg from 0 o seconda ward provo PEOPLES OPERATIVE cooperative CO LEHI CO IM general merchandise agricultural istas TAe oi axim ber doors windows ETC T B CUTLER bupt supt PEOPLE who have been east over the great wabash route express them salves as pleased with its decant equipment and fast time but more particular ay iy with the low rates procured through C M HAMPSON commercial agent no 10 block denver write to him DR BOTANIC BITTERS the er aratt att health restorer nd life in A DR VEGETABLE COMPOUND A certain cure var CHOLERA FLUX AND DIARRHEA DR SHOE BRIDGES mm mm mm A specific for OS ravel aud A all kidney and female complaints OFFICE E B Shoe bridges drag store centre st provo JAMES jr OK STOCKING YARNS JEANS and FLANNELS IN general merchandise PAID FOR W 0 0 LS PETERSON undertaker SPANISH FORK CITY UTAH U AS ON HAND A FULL STOCK n of undertakers goods coffins and caskets of all sizes of superior qu clity and finish in walnut rosewood and french burl alo home made coffins on band and naadi to order on short notice all at price that defy competition ON ALL STYLES we have the finest best and cheap eel furniture in southern utah and keep constantly on hand an elegant line of organs and other musical good a TAYLOR BROS arvo odmor than hundred Thon Bind applications for la tha united aad countries tha of the continue totcy as solicitor for trade copy etc for the united beatea and to obtain in canada englund erineo nd other their anea 1 and their an humr aimed Dr and filed in tha patent office on bort altice term terr or dri winf by bail tr inthe SCH Samino n the luken nd to to anost lanti kiad la the world the of inch notice CTT thin arc tl WEEKLY att beir tb b aba but capr to oi enc intentions InTent iona crork and abr of pub in my coant rf it contain tha nune 0 all nd till 0 otery invention patented pt tented ch week try it tour konur for on collir bolint I 1 you bv a to pant writ att monn co of amarita Ama riua ml se iyott about T A DVM fsr M fa nib kt aatlo p ca PORTRAIT LANDSCAPE photographer AT apri ta VIL POR THE 11 etc of the church of jesus christ of latter day saints THE KEEPS AN AMPLE AND OF ready mixed paint PAINT BRUSHES OILS diamond wall finish etc ALSO A FULL LINE OF GROCERIES AND proprietor etoi LOOK HERE OF have always on hand M 0 N T S MARBLE and SANDSTONE GRAVE stoned flome AND EE US WE ARE our stock m fir C cit mid WP want the tc be hy it all work guaranteed TANT NEW ARRIVALS IN MENS CLOTHING HATS BOOTS AND SHOES new styles ATI lajcin ladies will find there splendid lines of COSTS NEW MARKETS JACKETS all classes of woolen goods suitable for the winter season AT and main street salt lake aw ao undertakers carry a full line of undertakers boods WHOLESALE AND RETAIL solid walnut rosewood and burl casket and of all sizes the metal caskets ordera by mail or dispatch promptly at tended to liberal discount giami two doore north of hank peoro ty BOOTH CO MARLIN REPEATING feiste RIFLE worldly aa mado ta all aisea for foess OS sma gagae dd treet kifle hed fr aniu co bew oona 0 DEALER IN 0 SHOE FINDINGS GUA GUAs s ammunition FISHING TACKLE all kinds of aia 11 CASH PRICES PAID for furs CENTRE STREET south side prove bocar y OP BRASS IRON CASTINGS castings for store fronts MILL WORK jm ork for ails bridges buildings bic manufacturers of rutih iron mf g gos the largest establishment of the kind donth sonth of salt lake ibe very best work guaranteed JOHN bupt supt cor L 9 streets form erly known as buffs duffs hail SPANISH stork C 0 operative institution DEALERS IN FLOUR GRAIN AND OT and iines X A y A y A v ALWAYS ON KAD i merchandise hlo jr or grair FILLED ON SHORT NOTICE johar JONES bupt supt aass scratches contracted actea sprains straits eruptions borasi stitches hoof ail scales screw stings backache borras Wor ras bitel galls sores saddle ballf Eim ions spavin hies bonu THIS coad OLD STANDBY STAND BY for everybody exactly what Is oue of the reasons lor the mustang 1 ls un ars applicability n medicine tta tie erman incase or accident needs it for general bamily anahis mn it always on bis work 1 alne e amli 1 caw of emergency emere ency dutli it baat net along with i io ahls stable nl t s in the needs boatman i li in I 1 liber 1 l or tuppie afi and ashore ao horac needs it it Is his best friend and latest reliance the needs it it aul wul sata him of orid of the railroad nian needs it and will need it so lone aa als life te a 13 accidents and dangers the needs it there is noth it as an antidote or tha to ur comfort atea the boneer i needs it about ids store among his employees accidents trill happen and when these acme tha busting liniment Is wanted at once eee n bottle lathea als the bet ot f 1 acsa la casa ot pain and loss ot wages keep a bottle always ia the stable for hie when mantea wan tea is ALL ITS FINET ARCET RIFLES MADE AH KINDS OF laUN MADE IK ANY apt NOT MS RIFLES PISTOLS I 1 AND butr OP A LL KINDS idt STOCK keav datoy DOCKS loading tool powder and abella loaded km and hoi guns for R lid hire for hun ins gariea Par iea tt RMon able Ra al on c ax a X tek close and hard a or hooi centre street PROVO arah te BROWNS COUCH BAL aih tar troches are invaluable in abre throat ad consumption every family r for coughs B 1 BROWNS ARNICA SALVE boy warranted for cuts burns bruinies old sores no cure no pay ke a box house only 25 cents y should 9 bagu equal stands alone as the i iila elal abid curator rheumatism no PURI T r r T A now andar and Dr forella eon each bottle k for JAR vs UM ao t T and frarie klarks 0 and all patent business conducted for moderate jb acs our is I 1 S la larnt tnt office we have EO sab all buEin cEa direct hence can transact latent business in acsa time and at less coat than those remote from washington send model drawing or floto with description we alvis if or cot free ot charge our csc not due till latent is A bool bow to obtain patents with refer cecca to actual cicuto in your state county ox town sent free address GA A opposite patent office I 1 C PEOPLE USE RS tj 2 i f dijt tl y S sra admitted to be tha y W argest largest l ivris tho wona Q dari FT SEED annual for 1883 PREE TO ala ia binl to last acason Ec ason out oberie it all erbey person came iq C C r calai OSt lUO t altres D rl FERRY alio ni TYERS laarel sept and fradl year 3 jagt axll 0 aliola GIVES direct to consumers on nil goods or personal or family anso tells how ta order and gives exact cost of every 1 yon nse eat drink wear or haac fan with these BOOKS from the marlc ets loftlin ir orld ivo trill gnall a copy pil ISE to any ad dresa upon receipt of 10 acts to defeat of mahau BS exear troia yon montgomery WARD CO SST cumo m |