Show A STORM IN A TEAPOT it is how every little incident and circumstance has ken advantage of b a gairing ana anus newspaper to ma eastern horizon appear do rac and c ri we do not wish to be as discrediting the main facts in le majority of the dispatches but a reat apal of twisting and turning has been done t meet the required ends there has without doubt been more excitement over the near prospects of war in south TE eastern leuropa than would baem to be called lorby the actual situs tien of af arg leaving out of consideration tho tho season ia not favorable lonh elx fruide of a campaign hayg an exchange here reamona walh of a ne 4 convict ah fia condition of herl which appear to bo in a bad detate the revenues for the year have falle fl bila the in acme a chilo x ahoy tead ncy to anem the result that the finance minister will have to face a considerable deficit another reason which should cause hesitation on the part of russia is the existence of tha central european alliance with which she would have to reckon in the event of such a war as she is thought to contemplate in france the feeling is not so warlike as it was when boulanger was minister of war and even if it were her entrance into the conflict as an ally of russia would probably be followed by alie accession of england to the side of germany austria and itally it should not be forgotten of course that all calculations may be upset by the action of an autocratic ruler such as the czar of russia is |