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Show SAYS LABOR LEADERS ARE "YELLOW US" Emma Goldman, Anarchist, Denounces Repudiators of the MacNamaras. ''I would rather stand side by irlf witli the McNaniaraa in San Qjicntiu prison than to affiliate with the yellow curs among the labor leaders who repudiated re-pudiated them. Tlii;- vellow, miaeranle. cowardice ia to be found foh arootil the labor leaders And not ariiong ibe Uonest workinginen. ' 1 These were the strongest words used by Kiias Emma Qoldman in hor lecture at the Socialist hall in the Moose building yesterday afternoon, Miss Groldman contended throughout her afternoon af-ternoon address that all advocates of industrial and social reform, and all proponents of free speech, no matter ni what political belief or affiliation, were unconsciously exhibiting the spirit spir-it of anarchism In the evening Miss Goldman spol;e on the subject, -'Sex, the Ureat Kle ment of Creative Work.'' ami announced an-nounced that at and 8 0 'chick 1u-morrow 1u-morrow afternoon and evemug she would r-pcak on Rostand " '' haute i eler" and the book on "Maternity! by,Brieux, r "Sbail the poor Have Mam Children." At both meetings Miss Goldman bad attentive audiences, the hall at ni--ht being crowded to capacity. Upon closing clos-ing ber evening talk- Miss Goldman de clared thai she was going a Elan Diego t.o pav her respects to the city officials there relative tu their recent a-t which she regarded as being in sup-pi sup-pi i - non of free speech. |