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Show piiT li IN FIGHT ilTHJFICERS Ao, the World-Fa-mLa$ Anarchist, and lonnot, the "Demon lauffeur," Trailed to iSftnall Garage by M. iLpine and Force of detectives and Police. Snamite used Sto wreck lair jf. Desperadoes Sur-re Sur-re the Explosion and Ke Shot Down After iptying Their Re-vers; Re-vers; Battle Wit-Led Wit-Led by 10,000 or I pre Excited Parisians. fiuM t- The Tnbun US, Apr): 2'.. -After Kb an wTecked Vt- two terrlfl Hnarres of dynamite, t i,.-Hnllce, i,.-Hnllce, detectives and gendarmes Btrancing under oover "f arttllen 'faUtd to dlxlnopB them Dubois ,Bwld famous anarchist, snd Pnnnol. .VaStemon chauffeur" of the "phantom Tear" of tho automobile bandits, lUfWSTe tenoriaK pjiris i'-.r Uvo years. Steal? rfhot dead In .-. hand-to-hand i jgjgMsr fa "mall garage at Oholsy jgjHLca th outskirts of Paj-is. kiS bettK whlcn wru tii- ivosl cnn.'i-tllfllNr cnn.'i-tllfllNr fought In '.Trip between po-iKjsflp po-iKjsflp hen ted CrlmlnBlx, was M nc NS" d tllBOVd of nior tV.au lO.nfi'i persons. pjfBnth city liH'l hr-tn thrown fltor of eicttemcnt ihe con- UlAwu Instantly i he ad- police aftrr he hfid raised hi:n-fethe hi:n-fethe automobile tnnncan wl Ich ''hiding, ami fire-i his Inst four PJH Bonnm was rr.orally wound-r,fc wound-r,fc railed himself In fir po mattresses in which he ul P-'' from the Jynamlt the detectives pari Hat Were seriously wounded. rff'j'Wt, within the past -.onth".. edtaflkme one of tho --.. r.,i rmn in the criminal bHor robberies. tlr,n of hBg whir.-; p.r.iona iftitfBfrere planned by Ron not. The IglR ef'aprxl in n taxloab and mW4JBotinot who piloted the machine ItilfV Clutches 0f r)K !flU, J,5 to Lair. ftfi-my 11 kecam known that Ib.m-t- lWnil! r'f hli km;k were lurking J'"Ar ' Kol. a township southeast dNfBrid not far from Ivtt Finger 7 Bonnot or. an automobile f eBu ' W' rir'-, melees, enabled K!Lt0 connrm lhl" Information, to today six automobile. laden tetlve, led by M orpine, prefect JR" an1 detective undr Olilf BJ1 fJulrhard, ruKhexi to the jjIflfK5 H J:' i.-'d.x! n nmal1 ..... ndtts hiiJ ben ei to jty tbii morn luff. The rarag: iIfiBlr thflj) A rnnall shed. flJpii3amjf.s wore caller out and flfl "Jrhborliij: dwelllnira werp ordnr-T5' ordnr-T5' At 10 o'clock wlien tho W ,tJ" their prc- raUonfc, a crowd of 500 per-." per-." thered. Fire linen wera tbe throng outside th I cgfin hundred InbaWtanl of E1 1th Khr,t81Jtli, volunteered 'tell tlKM Dd' W'r accePt1 br M. Ki 10 M t;'" flr,it adviirp vnH iy Kaatte and the attacKlna: , 4JrfT,mnt lat4r hastened bnck to & T1Lln ot l!-tK ftrexl from i jjyioy tho front of ; U,at th bandlte w0T mak-.Wjlaat mak-.Wjlaat atad police opera-tlone J(Bl,3ed "nU1 Ucr- from Vln-ifllWB1 Vln-ifllWB1 h r''nulRitiontcl and a corps jKjDil,6trs hoiitened to the Mene. jTT atlv-nce was made on the. ijWT K,ngbr1(1 ln f'-' meantime, but UT1e T':,",lt T'": lP'Ifa10M fc'ntly I'l'PPed with an unllm-JT unllm-JT of "munition end the way af fc0UrlT1S rM attack '711,7 f,rst or dynamlto ,5f -BTn'ith "ar f th" parage, trf1 U'e ftt"lon of the XJ !K " Uin 8hcrt fron. the R Penlm?hr;'SpHbnt ""f," nnued on pg6 Two.) Paris Police Prefect, Who Led Battle With Bandits j M. LEPINE. PARIS BANDITS ARE KILLED POLICE (Continued from Page One.) fumes blew away debris fell In all directions di-rections Windows In nearby buildings were shattered and the crowd, which now numbered at least 10,000. for a moment was panic-stricken. The police swarmed into the wreckage. No sign of life was noticeable until a form arose from the tonneau of a partly demolished automobile, and a man. subsequently sub-sequently Identified as Dubois grazed the head.s of the Invaders with four bullets A volley of shots followed and he fell dead with a piercing shriek. Two large mattresses lying on the floor, one on top of the other were seen to move slightly and the police .stood by with polntod revolvers. Suddenly throwing the top mattress Bonnot raised his gun to fire, but was shot down before he could pull the trigger He was rushed to the Hotel rje Dleu alive but died a few minutes later before he could be placed on the operating table. Two hundred detectives had been searching for the desperadoes ever since their most startling crime the robbery of the bank of the Societc Generate at Chantllly on March 2.", In which they killed two men and wounded several others oth-ers M. Sutchard, chief nf the detective service, has been in command of his best men and their work has been going on day and night. They were spurred on bv the open defiance of the bandits, whose leaders sent in to police headquarters their finger prints, accompanied by a sneering note to "come get u' " On each occasion when the police got dose to the robbers It was at the. cost of a killing or wounding. The most thrilling thril-ling Incident of this sort was on April 23, when the leaders, Bonnot and CJarnler, were cornered In a house at Petit Ivry, a suburb of Parts. Assistant Pollt e Superintendent Super-intendent Jouin and Chief Inspector Col-mar Col-mar went In after them. A hand to hand battle followed. In which the desperadoes killed Jouin and severely wounded Col-ma Col-ma r. After that 8 spirit of vengeance gave added force to the work of the police. They vowed they would avenge their comrades com-rades and they did Statement of Bonnot On Bonnot wis found a f-iatement consisting con-sisting for tho most part of an anarchistic anarchis-tic confession of faith and concluding with the words, believed to have been feverishly scribbled at the ia6t moment. "I die. Jules Bonnot"' j He wa-s armed with four revolvers and a carbine. It Is estimated that 200,ono persons visited vis-ited the scene during the day. They saw only the ruins of the garage. The medical examination showed that Bonnot's loft arm had been shattered by a bullet. It was an old wound, however, and he undoubtedly shot himself accldentaly when he murdered Jouin. This explains why his arm wa.s in a sling Gamier, Bonnot's CO-chief, Is tlll at large but the police say they arc on his track, atuj e.-I e.-I per t to capture him I The Paris newspapers ive prominence to the fart that the garitge retreat of. the bandits from which thev c-ondiictod' the series of automobile crimes was owned b. Alfred Frotnentln. known as "the millionaire anarchist." Fromentln eras a friend of Francisco Ferrer founder r.f I he modern school in Spain, whom he frequently visited at Barcelona. In 1 ror after the execution of Ferrer, he published a pamphlet entitled, 'The Truth on the Work of Ferr r " Fromentln founded at Cholsy-le-Rot a number of small villas, which he called "The Red Nest." They were occupied almost al-most exclusively hy persons of anarchlsth belief. Fromentln's friends Insist that he s the enemy of violence and that If his property prop-erty was the headquarters of the bandits ' It must have been without his knowledge. knowl-edge. Bonnot was about 30 vears old He formerly ser'-ed In the engineers corps of the army. He was an expert chauffeur the real brains of the band and always was at th- steering wheel of the nir when the bandits were operating. About thirty members of the hand DOW have been arrested or are out of the way Evidence In the possession of the police shows they pursued their career bv marvelous s;. stem, having agents In all parts Of Europe.. |