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Show Owls to Celebrate Bpeelal to Th Tribune. tifiUnV, April 2. Thn Owl lodgn of llila city has planned a rnlnhrarlon of Ito rn.-nnt nembsnjhlp eampalarn In On form of n banQUet and danes to he held Friday nvnninR, Ha 3 'Inly mcmbnrs of thn oraranU.itlon and lady oa-eorta oa-eorta will bn Invltnd. The mombernhlp eam-imiRn eam-imiRn haa heeii vory . aca aSmful, mora fhon onn hundmd new nietnhfia linvlnf; linen aarurnd during dur-ing 'tic paat thrac week. Including thn new rn am bars, the lo.l lod:n haa n mnmbnrahlp toll 0( morn than thran hundmd |