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Show HARROWING TALES OF THE REFUGEES By International News Service. PAN FRANCISCO, April The constant con-stant stream of refugees flowing through tliis port from Mexico was ndded to tcda,y when the steamer Newport docked and fifty-Six men, women and children hastened hast-ened ashore, expressing great t hank f nine;,.- to he or.ee more in a country where tluir live? were not In constant danger. dan-ger. e The tales of outlawry, death and dan-told dan-told Were so numerous that t detailed account of the terrible atrocities wlt-j wlt-j nessed or recounted bj 'he different pass- lengers is impossible. The storicn of butchery witnessed by j over a score or the women refugees as they were making their escape from the Interior to thi coast were so revolting that in the recital the frail woman broke down and wept. On no less than six occasions oc-casions were the trains hearing the refugees refu-gees to safety held up by the revolution-lists revolution-lists or bandits and before the eyes of tin women and children the en'ire guard of government troops on board butchered. After terrifying the passengers with this : grewsome sight the ictors looted the train and robbed every person on board. Bo terrified Were the women lest they hi- quoted and this react against, her husbands hus-bands still in ftfextfio, that many of them refused to loll of their experiences. One woman whose hushnnd is holding the exe-joutK-e position for one of the large.st I corporations In Mexico, explained that the situation of tin men was so precarious that they dared not tell of all the terrible terri-ble things thej Knew, "We dare not talk " she said. "'Most of are in the same position. My husband hus-band as well as hundred! and possibly thousands of ' gringo es' as they are called by the natives, are far away from any possible succor in ca.se matters be pre-clpitatf-d In Mexico and tills countrv in tervenes. The native, declare that if t'n- ie 6am steps in they win kin every srinKo m the country. This would he especially es-pecially true if Intervention was not attended at-tended with the dispatching of a considerable consid-erable army into many different states simultaneously. ' Carpenter Is Safe. Bv International News Service TUSCON, Ariz.. April 25 -Oeorge B-Carpenter, B-Carpenter, an American engineer from I. os Angeles, who has not been heard from since his camp of irrigation engineers en-gineers near Topolobiimpo. Slnaloa.. was raided bv a band of rebels some weeks ago, has been located. He is at Bamoa, Slnaloa, and was In the office of tho railroad rail-road station agent there as late a6 Saturday. Sat-urday. Ciirperiier Is engineer in charge of the Behelama Irrigation project, a large foreign for-eign concession with an engineering force of about twenty men. The state, department depart-ment at Washington was asked to aid I in locating him. and orders were Issued j to the transport Buford, now enroute 1 from San Francisco to tho west coast seaportH, to have a searching party endeavor en-deavor to locate the missing engineer. American Murdered. PAN FRAN' is. o, April 28 The steamer Newport arrived here last night bringing flfty-een passengers from ports In western Mexico and details of the brutal murder of an American named I White by a band of Mexican outlaws. White the owner of a plantation about 100 miles from Aeapulco. was supposed to have considerable money. Passing bandits raided the plantation and White was tak.n prisoner. When he refused to reveal the whereabouts of his money his captors trussed him up to a tree, the tips of his toes barely touching the grouno The prisoner, however continued contin-ued to defy his tormentors and they drew him up higher, fastening his arms and legs about the tree, and pricking : him with knives. White became uncon- selous. whereupon the Mexicans plunged ! their knives Into his body until he was dead. About one-half of the Newport's paa-I paa-I sengers were women Moet of them rame from Manzanlllc. ! Tell of Brutal Deeds, j LOS ANGKLKS Cat. April 2. Bringing Bring-ing twenty American refugees from Ma-Zrttlan. Ma-Zrttlan. Mextco the Comos liner Abyssinia Abys-sinia arrived here last night. The refugee refu-gee brought tales of crueTtv and outrage on the part of bandits Who committed tr.elr depredations under the anise of being revolutionists. It was reported that the Abyssinia had , on board a large eonslgnment ef sllvr OOtn sent Into safety bv the TUnfc of ; Masatlan |