Show A the gates snow company largest sale mom in utah in may the now gates snow furniture company was first organized with a capital siok of of which is paid up J T gates and moroni snow purchased from the firm snow bros their entire stock and business renting a part of the lately occupied by the present firm before the year eighty nine had ended it became evident that to keep peace with tho metropolitan airs of the garden city it was necessary to increase not only the sales room capacity but also the capital stock of the business last july the present company of pros pushing business men met in convention the insult of which was the incorporation of the new gates rinow furniture company with J FG ates pi evident moroni snow aice president V L hal biday secretary and treasurer L S K thurman T L robison Robi aon W F gates directors and moroni snow manager in august after the incorporation the krand new building now completed was begun it is just opposite opo osite the court house on the north side of alie street where its elegant and imposing froat graces the temple of justice and all business houses of this city the building is 45 feet wide with the largest gaab front in town its length i seventy five feet and is three high three suits of occupying the front part of the second floor the entire building except the officer is occupied by the company the first floor for a sales room alie second for upholstered goods exclusively and the third floor for warehouse and storage booro by the way alie sales room is the largest one completed in utah the business attraction of the front is second to none south of salt lake city for the besson resson that no basement has been excavated to necessitate a rail or banister bani sier in the front thus free access without obstruction in the rear is the chair factory and used excle ively for that business the firm will soon commence a wholesale business and carry a stok of over 30 the building has cost and carries a full insurance their object is to establish a lively trade in the part of the territory and having laid in an immense stock from the east they will compete successfully with all other firms their moa uette velvet brussels tapestry and ingrain carpels are worth onea lime to see their line in carpets is complete instead of handing music and dividing their interest they propose disposing of a fw cottage organs they have on hand and pay exclusive attention to the straight furniture business A stroll around in the large sales room reveals some pleasing sights especially their elegant antique suits the entire building will ba lighted with electric lights tc night and although the business has been comparatively shaded she will now shin |