Show it is a common practice 10 give for a christmas gift a book which is also very for studious children in selecting such presents how evar parents should use the utmost care and discretion too frequently a book is selected from appearance ar on account of the bright cover and tine pictures parents should be even as careful of the of books they allow their children to read a the company which they are ted to keep bad literature like evil communications from the lips of man corrupt the soul this is an age of bad literature as it is also an age of good but so many follow the art of these days that more inferior reading mat cpr is placed on the market than good cur bookseller load their shelves all sorts of romances and dime novels and in many instances children are allowed to do their own selecting while parents are too busy to inquire into what kind of books they buy if a boy is studious and will remain home at nights it is considered that bis morals will not ba corrupted in some instances a bad mistake is made for a lad at home by the fireside may be contaminated by the evil influences of a bad book as much as through running on the street in selecting christmas books therefore parents cannot be too careful avoid all dime novel trash and records of bloody deeds done do not select too much religions matter either as those subjects unless very skillfully treated become stale reading for young heads select something that will teach a moral lesson and yet arouse the attention books of atrayel commonly make interesting subjects for childhood reading aa do also easy lessons ju natural science B careful not to select topics beyond capacity of the childs understanding and in all instances be governed by the nature of the child for whom you purchase the book |