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Show f OQC BEST TIOTMEET 4 FOR" CATARRH, j J) (fikjv ' S. is the best treatment for Catarrh because it is a perfect blood lraWn'fier. If is the only medicine that is able to jjet down into the circula- , V li!W;n at3c eutirely remove the catarrhal matter and impurities which produce j tSi trouble. As long as the mucous membranes and tissues are kept inflamed pvJJld irritated by this impure and infected condition of the blood Catarrh will i Xgfyaiu. Its disagreeable and dangerous symptoms, o ringing noises in the L WLl' mucu9 dropping back into the throat, headaches, watery eyes, difficult ' vUr f&'Vfclt'tlu a"d even stomach disorders and weakened health, cannot be perma- MP Utly reiieve(i U"til the blood is purified. Nothing equals S. S. S. for this vrl tii jPHJose. It goes down to the very root of the trouble, and removes every taSF' fi iparticleof the catarrhal matter frdm the blood and enriches this vital fluid so ZfeZT bt tnatall the mucous surfaces are supplied with nutritive, healthful qualities, in- pc' tead of being constantly irritated and inflamed by impurities in the circula-J circula-J ,j lion. Then the symptoms begin to pass away and when S. S. S. has entirely 1 purified the blood, Catarrh is permanently cured and the general health hildTefl' li ICTcatly built up. I3ook on Catarrh aud an' medical advice desired sent free . . j THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. OF - j AT 322 SOUTH MAIN STREET ' l Tills Sale Is Under Entirely Mew MMapiBeM-I I 1 Entire stock of Men's, Boys' and Children's Clothing, I I 1 Furnishings and Hats, Shoes for the whole family, has 1 I I been marked down and arranged for a quick clearance-1 I I Never has there been such a slaughtering in prices known. All former efforts are outdone in this RECORD-1 I BREAKING CLEARANCE SALE. Everything must be sold nothing held back. The following items are just I 1 a fev of the many bargains awaiting you at THE GREATEST SALE EVER HELD IN THE WEST : i 1 1 Gfiir for men's $1.75 heavy t&6H jfr fft ftotiTk tCktfk I 28 for hoys' $2.50 raits, with I OOIL corduroy or worsted vanls. I jants nicliCrbockcr I 1 "8 77 jrr ,ncn,s 3-00 corduroy y0r Men's or Youths' $S.OO Suits Q-ffl 7 for boys' overcoats'in all j I or ,1rc,s panto. and Ovewoats. a Rood selccliou to For Mens highest grade H 1 $97 for inon s $3.50 and $4.00 " auc Ovei'COats, rCfflllar ' , . - ffl m piOS Pc Top pants in cordu- 189 r as Ort nn ,.nlr. 9! 17 for bo's sulls ant'1 over' H A ro3r and cashmeres. Hk 5p20.00 VallieS. 34.JL coats. Size -1 to 1G. Value S 69 QQfor men's extra heavy $5.00 rf jm m SS "" "" H I $&OiJ ana $(3.oo cordurovs, u-ith For Men's or Youths' $11.00 Suits a? "11 JP El fiQ for o5' 7-50 suits an m R or without leather eufl's. and Overcouts in all tho novrcst gj hfliCu V"'"" overcoats. H 1 pntterns aud styles. " "olLA9$ M& ' ' B t Xlh ScT men's all worsted ' " q,m nr for hoj's' $9.50 sui.th -n-ith 1 j dress pants inall the nev.-- . JP"9 jPJ For Men's of Youths Suits a pair of pants. 5 n ost shades; .o0 value. a . , r in " ' pflsI Suits and Overcoats; all 38c for bovs' 75c knee pants. 1 B $4,79 irL1!!!,50.!; r Yomiw' suits and this season's latest cuts 1 I uPcdtoTio.ooPJnLl "Ith rrrp'icu0:, 10 $1G-; a11 aud patterns, value $25.00. 68c for boya $1,25 knee Pant9. I I 1-r men ' 10c R for men's 15c Sox, 4 for 25c wool sox, Oi for 10c collar but- -fl f01" men's .55c f) - H S fC Sf?; b,uc' rcd or 7c " llca, asss Jc ' ItCissurzLs?- && - w m I Of) For Men's $-1.00 to $6.00 Stnokin- ! CFJ Drawers, colors pink, blue and brown. mm 'or Men 's all I wool $1.50 Shirts or Draw- 1 i $1.88Jockcl.lnri"33.3J.35ana30. 37CFor ribbwl SWa aud 7C ffilo M "ra also Coo'er 3 1D 1 14 A Q For highest grade mercer- m Tor Men 's $2.00 wool Tribbed ft Q For Men's 75c Golf Ncclisco &4 ?JocLtsithA M 1 J W.LuddDra 5)7CSctsnC Union SuilB. WoA Shirts, in all colors and J 1.0 1 Bre& i I fir For Men's $2.00 hich crade Dress Shirts, coat o Q Buys any Children 's or Mifscs' Coat. in tho Suit CaSeS at Half jH ySCb6S63'. stiff or soft b0S0Uls' c;old aud silvcr $1.00 $S: notlliuK rcscrvcd; 1 yT pick Price and Less I -jlQFor Men's -10o flJy, For 7c .Silk 20n pairs of Ladies' $3.50 Dress Shoes, A-P Q9 ,r . r lSfCwooI Golf MCwixrd nlf to close out. vour choice for &Oft 1 1' Mp 5 L $ I H Gloves, black, crav and Olwog. y--6 m rjd- f Fnr ';,. TooU m For Men 's $2 25 and $2.50 Uats, in all H 4wwM OQ For BOe pure silk 19 C or 4 ji.KandP 150 pairs of Babies' 45c Shoes, all Q 31.1' the latest styles and shades. H ZZhL.1 c Foi. ton.3 50i: colors; your pick for J ftC " ' "T" 1 nn Suspenders. loC Suspenders! preV X fi-J ft for Men's $3.00 and $3 50 Hats, a H I C For Bovs' 15c jdcDtBtvlcs included. 1 tyJL0 larCo assortment to pick from. 38c s;as,7rn ife 37c s ss 12 68 Xi' AT. t 2 17 w bcst M' tk up 10 1 m rartoons. pendorp. fcJoUU so.OQ. , J.4c 29c 47c 19c 47c 11c 19c 4c I t For Aren's or , Ien s , -Sr For Men's $1.00 For Boys' 50c For Boys heaw por Bovs hcavj- For Bovs ' stiff bo- For 10c Canva3 i 3 Bovs 35c Cans 8 JoyR 500 aufl 6oc nd $1.25 Caps. heaw Hccced Ln- goo cod Union 25c Hose. som Shirts. Gloves. U "tij v-i'a- j ( npS, v dorshirtg. Suits. ! i Be Sire and Gel Yonr Share of Hese Remarkable Values I I I MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. I I Sam G-laser, Manager. CllltSl Edil.11. Right BelW Walker's I Geo! T wish 1 hnd a girl. Crescent I theater. H CORN. I OATS. P ROLLED BARLEY. I 8 WHOLESALE. INTERMOUNTAIN MILL- j fj ING CO. j ?-' . Carstensen 8l Aoson Co , Temple f Mysac LOCATED 75-77 W. 2nd So. ! I li X A STEP FORWARD. Our greatest advancement In laun- dcrhiK of late hna been tho SOFT WATER PROCESS. It saves the i fabric, and tho work Is unexcelled. TEOY LAUNDRY, "THE LAUNDRY OF QUALITY." I Both Phonos 192. 1CB Main St. 1 1 EI Faraiss l Castile Soap ! 'j Imported j; i $j And Guaranti'ctl Pure 40c, 30c, 75t; ami $1.00 The ' ! GODBE-PITTS 1, DRUG CO. I j I Cliilcl-"Vnllc Floral Co. with Ibid yon notice the riddle In thSa space Sunday? Tho ' R j jrucsscr ot 25 fine Flor do Baltimore Cigars. .There .will H JA bo auother one nest Sunday. You try maybo you cio 1 d eet u box of Flor de Ealtimorea, I ,H Scoff's Sanlal-Pspsin Capsules 4fjVA POSITIVE CORE gfe. i ForlDtlammatlonoreatnrrh 5fIS':V of the Dladdor nnd Diseased S$?4Ba t. tt. Sldnojs. No euro no pay Rt'TtSiP B) Cures quickly aud Perms- lav )a noutly tho worst cases or vB'fs tJ Gonorrhoeu aud Glcot, no twflfwG, V mi'l(''" how long stand- V.'vT&JSr Irur. Absolutory liannles. S,Sa rv? k 00,11 by drugplsts Prlco jftfty V $1.00. or b.r ninll. portpald. WSfcl THE SAHTAl-PEPSIH CD 'OttS' OILLCPOMTAIiiE, OHIO. F. J. Hill Drug Co- Salt Lake City SAX.T LAKE TURF EXCHANGE 18 E. Second South, California and Eastern Eaccs. Direct Di-rect Wiro for all Syortiurj Events. OHICHESTER'S PILLS '3'tt-.v T1IK DIAMOND HRANU. a fv IBillraf All: j our Ilruualst for j ' ii4 Clil-c jrA.trr'fl JUamomT Jl-on l&i I'lllo In Ilr J nl :ol. mcrlllcVV loa. (ulcil with llluc Kll.bon. y l Vi-fl TnUo no othrr. liny of rnnr v ft? UrveclU AikforCin.OrrtlH.TCmfi lY DIAMOND IHLVND I'XU.a, for aot K ytr Vnwrn 13 Hat. C.feit. Al..tt Relliblo r SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE TRIBUNE i WANT ADS GIVE i RESULTS 1 ' THI I Wmm) curious W -0- I Curious Compound Capsules combiuo fMrnM tho virtues of Big G, Pabst O. K., San- MUtM tal Pepsin, and sell for SI. 25 a bos. ' Mail or'lers promptly attended to. Doull 1 Drue Co., Distributors, 3SS Mais St., l Salt Lake City. I None genuine vrltliout the trade marls ' tho Curious D. I fra discharges ALL DKUGGloTsJ ' H S EPIi Thono piirTerlnrr from vrcctit. ilH X - acF nusises wlui:li sap the rleayiires Il U all ra of life, should Inke Juven PlUn. VMMM -- -r Ono box will tell a story oi ll ninrvelona results. This medicine hns moro rejuvenutiiiL- vitn'.iiin forco than hns over MtmU bcroro been ottered. Sunt post-paid In plnln pnckncf only on receipt, of this mlv. and $1. jH Mado by its nriirlnators C. I. Hood Co., pre- IH nrioto;s liorxl'a t.vriapurilla. Lowell. rMvf. jH |