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Show riPRiNG-LiKE WEATHER drops ii m zioh Gentle Rain Falls, Which May Soon Turn Into "the Bcauliful." s,' ' TUESDAY'S TEMPERATURES. ' Minimum 3S dogreos Maximum 50 degrees -i J Mcnn 4-5 degroos ! j- Above normal 10 degrees y 4- Forecast: Wednesday, rain or 4-i- snow and much colder. The spring-like weather which has continued con-tinued over thfs vicinity for the past week has como to an end and the weather man says Salt Liakers will now have the pleasure of experiencing a littlo more reol (winter. The storm which struck Zlon iTuesday in the form of rain was-more or ilesn general all over the entire country, Ihut la many places was In the form of now. The weather man declared Tucs-ay Tucs-ay ths.t the Etonn would no doubt turn 111 'to enow In tills vicinity before it was through- f The weather man also says It tvIII bo : "much colder." At Helena. Mont., Tuesday Tues-day the temperature dropped to 26 de-. de-. grees below zero and Zionltes need not . J be ourprised to also feel some zero 3A "weather very soon. A general fall in "l the temperature Is accompanying the tft ctorm all over the country, 'jlf- Tuesday an area of high barometric ",$11 pressure, attended by a severe cold wave, If .extended from the British northwest ter- ritory southeastward over Montana, the 41 1 Dakotas, Minnesota and Nebraska. Tlie it Canadian portion of this area reported 'ai jtemperatures of 30 degrees or more below "smi' zero IJW pressure prevalled-over nearly ' Pl 'r.U other portions of the country, and pre-fu,cipltatlon pre-fu,cipltatlon was general over all states ex-v ex-v itijicept Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado. i'lBl Oklahoma and Missouri. I Ml Ab tnQ northwestern high pressure area '"lr advances southeastward It will cause ' mucli colder weather, accompanied by C'M raln or snow In this locality Wednesday. 'Vn Tuesday's meteorological record at the oc-a' station of the weather bureau for ymjltthe twenty-four hours ending at C p. m. '.Jftfig vras as follows: -al) Temperature at 6 p. m., 4S; maximum 1M temperature, 50; minimum tcmpcniturc, '3fU ZS; mean temperature, -14, which is 16 dc-JJQ dc-JJQ grees above normnl. Total excess of temperature since the "tP flr8t of tno month, 5S. -:4I Total precipitation, .31 inch. Total pre-2(f pre-2(f cipllatlon since the first of the month, W4m '.15 inch, which is .15 Inch above normal. TteIatlve humidity at 6 p. m., 57 per cent. -f- ( Temperatures Elsewhere. TS ' Mln. Mln. TMTm Atlanta 52iNTew York 4-1 Boise v. SSlNorfolk 56 'UTffl Hoston -lOmaha 2 'mm Charleston 42iPitlsburg 52 l v Phlcago 32PocatelIo 36 apinclnnatl 52Portland, Ore. ... 2S fcl'li ' 'Denver 34 St. Louis 30 11 1. Oulnth 14St. Paul 12 -5jr'r Galveston iW San Francisco ... 50 -i Grand Junction . 22 Spokane 4 tAMJ Kansas City 'Washington 48 nf Little Rock f0, Wlnnenmcca 3S ,r$4&ti- Los Angeles 50 Winnipeg 32 .-"fit New Orleans 51' -BK Impure blood runs you down makes -SI you an easy victim for organic dlsensos. rlSS-'Burdock Blood Bitters purifies the blood ,B rures the cause builds you up. - " "Doan's Ointment cured me of eczema - that had annoyed me for a long time, The i euro -waa permanent.." Hon.-S W. Mat- Tai thews, Commissioner Labor Statistics, ' 1 Augusta, Me. Regulates the bowels, promotes easy, itl -natural movements, cutcb constipation Doan'B Begulets, Ask your druggist for - I s them. 25 cents a box. Baby won't surfer Ave minutes with k't croup if you apply Dr. Thomas Eclcctrlc .Oil at once. It acts like magic. |