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Show II Fin RELIEF G0ESSTEAD1LY ON Noble Efforts of Americans in Relief of Italy's Refugees Officially Shown. NEARLY HALF MILLION DOLLARS NOW CONTRIBUTED List of Americans. Concerning Whom Information Is Yet Wanted, Given Out. ' WASHINGTON, Jan. 5. Tn order to inform the public exactly what Americans Ameri-cans havo thus far dono through tho Red Cross society, Miss Mabel Board-man, Board-man, the secretary, today issued an official of-ficial .statement announcing that the total amount of subscriptions for Italian Ital-ian relief so far credited and received through tho American National Rod Cross, is over .$-100,000. This includes today's contributions of $130,779. Tho statement adds: "On tho Illst day of December the remittance by tho American Red Cross to that of Italy, through tho department depart-ment of stato nnd the American embassador em-bassador in Rome, was $70,000. On the 12ml of .lanuary $100,000 additional was telegraphed, and on the 3rd of January Janu-ary $1"0,000 addilonal was remitted. "The expense incurred in tho chartering, char-tering, freighting and uso of a largo steamship contracted for by tho American Ameri-can embassador has boon assumed by the American Red Cross and further remittances re-mittances have been made to cover tho expense thereof. Fund Well Handled. "Bayard Cutting, Jr.. one of tho consular officers of tho United States in Italy and who is personally fnmilinr with the devastated region, is acting for and the agent of the American Red Cross. He is supplied with tho necessary neces-sary funds, so that personal assistnnco may be extended at his discretion to Americans who have been overwhelmed by tho disaster. " ( 'onlribul ions are still coming in rapidly, and it seems to bo evident that the collcevioiis through the Rod Cross will reach half a million dollars." Postmaster-General and .Mrs. Meyer today contributed $1000 to tho earth-miako earth-miako sufferers through the Red Cross, Tho (Mirislian Herald contributed fifty thousand dollars. Stato Subscriptions. Subscriptions by htates received by the American Rod Cross to date for the relief includo tho following: California. $Sn,170; Illinois, $20,870; Missouri. .f'Jo.OW; Washington. $1450; Nebraska, $1000; Indiana, '$liot: Montana, Mon-tana, $17:"); Colorado, $100; Kansas, $.100; Texas, $fil; Iowa, $5; Utah, $5; South Dakota, $1. This does not iucludo tho funds raised by tho various states and handled han-dled through other channels, as Utah has already contributed several thousand thou-sand dollars.! Among the Americana of whom iu- Continucd on Pago-"Twc . WORK FOR RELIEF I GOES STEADILY OX Continued from Page One. format ion is still wanted are the following; fol-lowing; .lames M. Coekins of Los Angeles; Herman James and wife. San Fran' Cisco; Y,. K Rogers, wife and two daughters, Chicago. The 6t;itc depurtmcul today received a. dispatch from Consul Galo nt alalia showing tho following Americans lo bo ArlfV'"d- we1'i: 3Lii,,ian ,,n Elisabeth n T? 'tV1' ir?nrjen Sladleman. dobu B. bright and wife, Br. Herbert Nor-ns Nor-ns and wife, Mary II. DeHart, May Sherman, Margaret Mendoll. Mrs. Mar-tha Mar-tha IvtttrpdgG and two daughters. Ethel and Clarissa; Mrs. Aired Harris nnd daughter. Hosellp: J. A. Kain'a and i Ihomas Tiobmson-s familice. Kathern D.rnp, Mr. and. Mrs. Edmund M. Gar-JS'S Gar-JS'S JuuaTr Barrett Mr. and Mra. Charles H. Ifapgood, Miss Mary Mo, Francis M. and Elizabeth G. Bockimj ST'&ood Faa-n' Elcan" " |