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Show II Lama Shoulder. This is a common form of muscular rheumatism. No internal treatment is needed. Apply Chamberlain's Liniment Lini-ment freely twice a day and a quick euro is certain. This linimGnt has proven especial' valuable for muscular and chronic rheumatism, and is sure to givo quick relief. Chamberlain's Liniment is also most excellent for sprains and bruises. Price, 25 cents; largo size 50 cents. For sale by all druggists. FUNERAL DIRECTORS j ' EElTwTlAlrTi: gtfoT ombalmer, 225 S. West Temple; phonos prH 1013' v!92 OUT PLOWERS .er., Tliui'TuTwliiT tyZZ and deslgnu. Under Nat'l Bank of Rep. MONUMENTS AND TOMBSTONES jfs7 LARGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM ft. 'j&'oZ McKcnslo. Display yards 422 S. State. lIor WANTED HELP MALE pO " STUOCKJr EMpToYINAGNCY Co-Hotel, Co-Hotel, restaurant and household help. 'Zcr Headquarters for laborcrn. -3 i, 4 E. 2nd South. I'honcn 464. c74I gu WANTED GOOD CARRIERS WITH Z VP. horses, at Tribune. Apply Circulation 'ipn,s, Dcp;. pj" , bus CLEARING HOUSE FOR HIGH CLASS men. "I'm going to r.cc Northrup & Town- ?nnT send, who supply high class men." 217-1S lf,,nir Atlas. Phone Ind. 658. klGOl .f" f. . WANTED EXPERIENCED ADVER- js'AN tlslnsr solicitor with local reference. Ad- fonfur dress L-35 TtJbuno. k56l yjnd INCREASE YOUR SALARY CHECK; start that course with tho Utah Busl- fl'G-A- ness college. kl323 tfcora, EXPERIENCED SOLICITORS; COM- ferjl mission on verification of contract; jfl , nothing to kcII. Apply 9 to 12 o'clock, P.J suite 57. Metropole hotel. kl583 eWn WAITERS WANTED AT CHEQUAME- tmy c gon cafe. Butte. Mont.; $21 per week, 'jittanc eight hours. k2393 AN EXPERIENCED AND RELIABLE Vc automobllo man with 51000 to buy ono- fsy-th half Interest In established automobllo trjavlf business. Address N-51. Tribune. k3027 ABOUT FIFTEEN EXPERIENCED metal millers, development work. points In Idaho and Nevada. No agen- faENT cles; state cxperlenco fully. Address 0-4 w.phor. Tribune. k3091 &- '.0 13. FIRST CLASS PATTERNMAKER. SIL- fc. ver Bros.' Iron Works Co., 510 West ?ien 0r 7th So. mlS rty, 1 SIXTEEN HANDY MEN. SILVER BROS.' U Iron Works, 540 W. 7th So. ml" nU5 WANTED, 200 WHITE MEN ON SEW- Iy' er work. Provo. Utah. Davis &. Hen- h-'"" ser, Contractors. J. B. Roodhouse, T. K. r SrroT AN Al LIFE INSURANCE MAN. 217 j sk?f Atlas block. Phone Ind. 658. m2S .j, e ; JtfTEDffiL WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL liousework: small family; good wagon. ffT-CLA 230 So. 6th East. h420 fe;; tcr s buslnc IT WILL PAY YOU TO TAKE BOOK- Add koeplng. shorthand and typewriting, i English and penmanship at tho UTAH ISG BUSINESS COLLEGE. Main and 1st So. ij'of rt hl904 tolling iK-I5, EVERY LADY TO HAVE SKIRT, e waist or coat pattern cut to order, by fclEAC your measure; guaranteed to fit. Mme. (lome Phillips, Cannon house, 206 West South mas. Temple. Phono 4398-Z. kl361 P UE A' WOMAN FOR HOUSEWORK. 45S W. j.u ho 2nd South. k2352 espe: WANTED, A COOK. 5G4 E. 1ST SO. r" A k27S7 DSTEN festlon Ir WANTED GIRL to CLEAN CIGAR ngecs. store mornings. Apply 263 South State 'a street. - k2901 &'G U . at5 pcral GOOD WAITRESS. OLYMPIA COFFEE rjiibuiif houset Murray. Good wages. k29l7 : NEAT, COMPETENT WOMAN OR S?,P girl; must understand cooking; ona -rE. . child: nice, warm room; references pre- P ferred. 135 6th E. Phono 2054. 1:295 1 V YOUNG LADY AS HOUSEKEEPER. GOS-ESJIAKJ East 2nd South. k2991 IE. 2nd GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- 3s Ct work; references required; no washing, rt guan 140 So. 2nd East. Ic3041 r; . EE OR GIRL OR MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN FOR and housework, at once; small family; no jril. 372j washing; good home. 1076 1st avenue. I r, k3022' JApa: Mr. iva AT ONCE. GOOD GIRL FOR HOUSE- JJ&rk. work; must be good cook. 58 4th East. I felli GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK ;Lr. cut small family. 743 E. 2nd South. k3041f,J3t of A GOOD WOMAN COOK. APPLY 50ft Brlgham. k3028S-r'AGI A WOMAN TO DO SCRUBBING. 1SS E.faw 9th South. koOPSlfntLplj GIRL TO WORK IN PHOTOGRAPHING 1 gallery. 115 So. Main. Prof. Eastman. habits Ic309:jenogr GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK.ttrr -955 E. 2nd South. k30PtlCHAMB Je- 60 E GOOD COOK; TWO IN FAMILY; GOOD! wages; close to town. No. 3 Stauffcrrp apartments, 1C1 E. S. Temple. k3099' KOREA 'i Jo." ELDERLY LADY FOR CHAMBER! Box S35 work. Room 44 Eagle block. k3111i : Detent GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK! man on-SS on-SS I stroet. k310fti:j. Xc GIRLS WANTED. PALACE LAUNfTT dry, 758 E. 4th South. kSlQANT GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSED. Tr. work. 75 P street. k311$ our sprl ?Eoods. et GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORKS?. Profit no laundry. Apply 67 B st. m2fua Voole GOOD WOMAN FOR GENERAIrrr housowork: also woman for day. Appljl; 70 P st. Phono Ind. 1579. mkC WANTED. EXPERIENCED GARMENftfej. fitters for our alteration dopartmontlgj Apply Saturday morning. Conn's drjfift. act goods store, 222-224 So. Main street, "trrr- |